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06-07-10, 06:19 PM
Hello peeps

Need a bit of advice with regards to my golf for sale and what to do.

Ive got it up for sale for £4800, and i have had an offer of straight swaps with a 2000 plate WRX Impreza. (Import)
Few mods on it 300bhp+ etc.

Thing is, he had it for sale for £6.5k origionally and it hasnt budged.
Now down to £5k after almost 2 months for sale.

Ive also had not alot of interest in mine either.

Im in two minds whether to keep trying to punt mine out, break it and sell it standard or swap it.

Any advices please guys??

06-07-10, 06:21 PM
thats a bit much for an import buddy.
its only worth about 3500

06-07-10, 06:21 PM
Personally keep holding out for the price you want for the Golf, probably more sort after than the Impreza this time of year, also the Impreza sounds expensive to me.

06-07-10, 06:22 PM
Impreza & £1500 cash your way?

06-07-10, 06:23 PM
ask yourself the following.

1. do you see yourself driving a imprezza?
2. do you actually want one?
3. WHY are you selling the golf in the first place.

obviously stu the 3rd is the most important. there has to be a reason for why you are selling it.

keep to the game plan. no point in taking on anyone else's issue's trying to sell. plus atleast you have some knowledge of the golf and how it drives etc.

06-07-10, 06:26 PM
I think the mileage/condition etc reflects the price

Ive always wanted an impreza and could maybe see myself driving one
(read; loved them, never thought about owning one)

Im selling the golf as i ahve the R26 as well and one has to go

If i swap, its only to sell it on again!

06-07-10, 06:28 PM
love scoobys buddy, but thats still a bit expensive for the age.

06-07-10, 06:28 PM
you've answered it yourself then.

plus aint the golf a convertable. should really be able to sell it in this weather.