View Full Version : Are you smarter then a 10year old

General Baxter
02-07-10, 05:03 PM
just been watching this on sky 3,

**** me, i cant even get the age 6 questions right

when i was age 6 i was told, theres some big rocks in scotland, not what are the rocks are made out of, and who put them there lol

02-07-10, 05:04 PM
nick, and you tell me to get out of the office more........... have you really fixed all of britains taillifts??????

General Baxter
02-07-10, 05:08 PM
id like to see a 10year old look at the wiring diagrams i have to use lol

02-07-10, 05:13 PM
they would probably do better than most 25year olds.... cos they haven't had a secondary education to bore them stupid.......

02-07-10, 10:07 PM
You learn more out of school than you do in school, I thought that was bull**** til I did my BARB test when I was 17 and got a better grade in that than I did in my GCSE's.

02-07-10, 10:36 PM
I was going to post a topic about this! i thought it was just me being retarded!

A science question came up, age 8-9?? i thought i'll get this, i was good at science, since it was the only subject i could blow things up in without being told off.

"what colour does Blue litmus paper turn to when dipped in a neutral acid?"

I have no idea what school they go to, but the only litmus paper i used was yellow, and that was when i was 12-13 years old!!

02-07-10, 10:43 PM
the yellow paper is PH paper.

Litmus paper is to detect acid/alkali bit not determine how strong it is.

iirc red/pink litmus was for Acid (eg you out acid on there and it dosent change colour)

General Baxter
02-07-10, 11:01 PM
what is the lowest possable fraction of 55%


WTF lol

that was an 8 year old question

02-07-10, 11:01 PM
nick you lie, i thought you got taught grinder skills at 6, and advanced grinder skills at 11?

02-07-10, 11:35 PM
the yellow paper is PH paper.

Litmus paper is to detect acid/alkali bit not determine how strong it is.

iirc red/pink litmus was for Acid (eg you out acid on there and it dosent change colour)

well i guess we never used litmus paper!

General Baxter
02-07-10, 11:36 PM
i only got 33% attendance at school anyway lol

02-07-10, 11:36 PM
i only got 33% attendance at school anyway lol

Was that your highest mark? lol

General Baxter
02-07-10, 11:37 PM
B+ so ner lol

my gcse RE paper made it into the local news, i ended up having an argument with my self over 8 pages wether jesus was real, and in the end a tank come and ran everything over lol

02-07-10, 11:41 PM
B+ so ner lol

A* was my best, for wood work.

02-07-10, 11:45 PM
A* was my best, for wood work.


02-07-10, 11:48 PM
B+ so ner lol

my gcse RE paper made it into the local news, i ended up having an argument with my self over 8 pages wether jesus was real, and in the end a tank come and ran everything over lol

legendary. pics of paper?

03-07-10, 09:16 AM
B+ so ner lol

my gcse RE paper made it into the local news, i ended up having an argument with my self over 8 pages wether jesus was real, and in the end a tank come and ran everything over lol

fpmsl, now that would make for some interesting reading

iirc i only did half of my RE exam, then went to sleep and still got an E

General Baxter
03-07-10, 09:49 AM
i got an F lol

03-07-10, 09:59 AM
pmsl baxter, i bet the examiner had a good giggle at that!!!

03-07-10, 10:03 AM
i got an F lol

Overall i got

A* x1
C x2
D x3
E x2
F x1

03-07-10, 10:19 AM
overall i got 2 C's, 5 D's and 2E's

not bad for saying i did zero hours revision and was predicted all C's lol

03-07-10, 10:22 AM
most of my 'revision' was sat in my bedroom watching the lethal weapon movies over and over lol i still came out with 3 A's, 5 B's and 2 C's

03-07-10, 10:55 AM
I watch it sometimes, but I'd like them to pick schools near by to me where lessons consist of 'how to disarm a 12 year old boy with a knife' or 'Dodging drive by's 101'

They seem to pick children from fairly affluant areas from from the few shows I've watched.

Problem is that some of us probably knew those answers but many years of working in the real word dealing with other shizzle has pushed that knowledge aside.

I got 10 A - C grades at GCSE and did 4 A2's and 1 AS level at College but I don't rememeber all of it lol

03-07-10, 10:57 AM
I got an A* in English unsurprisingly.

03-07-10, 10:58 AM
i wasnt allowed to do exams

03-07-10, 10:59 AM
I got an A* in English unsurprisingly.

Me failed English? That's unpossible!

03-07-10, 11:10 AM
/\ lol

03-07-10, 11:36 AM
I got

2 a's in science
2 B's. maths and RE

And the rest C's

Ohh, and an "E" in welsh lol

03-07-10, 11:36 AM
B+ so ner lol

my gcse RE paper made it into the local news, i ended up having an argument with my self over 8 pages wether jesus was real, and in the end a tank come and ran everything over lol

FPMSL lol i bet that's something you tell everyone and are so proud of it, i would be!

Hardly the same but my mate in his RE gcse exam described everybody as a nigger in every sentence :wtf:

Lessons and exams sucked. I went to a school full of straight A gayboys and i was the only one in my year not to go onto a sixth form and instead went to the local college lol I had the brains but if i didnt like the subject i wouldnt learn it, simple really. Results were A and Bs or Es Lol.

03-07-10, 11:42 AM
i was given a d- for most of my social studies work, i would have political arguments with the teacher....... in those days, if you were crap, they got you to do gcse, if you were good, you did O levels... so when all my coursework was assessed, the mark came back grade1, (the highest) with a note asking why had it been marked so low by the teacher.............

i got a b+ o level electronics, my revision was 3 pints of lager for lunch... i finished the exam 1hr early cos i was in dire need of a slash

03-07-10, 03:21 PM
i wasnt allowed to do exams

lol dare i ask why?!

03-07-10, 06:19 PM
i fell asleep in my eng lit exam (too much ale and fanny the night before), and i never revised... and i accidentaly told my french teacher in my speaking exam how hot her daughter was. in french....

real results were
1 c in electronics, d's in everything else.

03-07-10, 06:33 PM
lol dare i ask why?!
Just cos i never went to school/and or was always suspended.Said i had missed too much work to be worth the cost of the exam paper which i thought was harsh.I only sat Maths-E and science-F because they were Mondays lessons in a morning so was in school then but gone after dinner

03-07-10, 06:35 PM
Just cos i never went to school/and or was always suspended.Said i had missed too much work to be worth the cost of the exam paper which i thought was harsh.I only sat Maths-E and science-F because they were Mondays lessons in a morning so was in school then but gone after dinner

What job do you do now andy?

Just wondering, cz some people with crap qualifications, get some tidy jobs:thumb:

03-07-10, 06:37 PM
What job do you do now andy?

Just wondering, cz some people with crap qualifications, get some tidy jobs:thumb:
Im a window cleaner at the moment,but by trade im a window fitter which is/was a tidy salary when self employed:(
Btw,im far from thick,at aged 11 i had A level spelling ability and was in top sets for maths.Just didnt want to learn and got easily distracted.
"could do better" is the story of my school life

03-07-10, 06:38 PM
Im a window cleaner at the moment,but by trade im a window fitter which is/was a tidy salary when self employed:(

Fair enough.

At least you have the cleaning to fall back on in harder times

Seems odd though, as for 90% of degree students, theyll earn less than us grafters:wtf:

03-07-10, 06:39 PM
Loads of our lasses mates have degrees and A levels,yet theyre still working at Morrisons..........

03-07-10, 06:42 PM
nowadays a degree counts for ****, and instantly gives you the "overqualified" tag. see it at work all the time

03-07-10, 06:43 PM
nowadays a degree counts for ****, and instantly gives you the "overqualified" tag. see it at work all the time

Dead funny, my mates a teacher, and he cant even get a job in tescoslol

03-07-10, 06:45 PM
I went for a packing job via an agency,i wasnt suitable as i didnt have the required experience.
Biggest rofl of my life.So its hard to put stuff in a box now and you require qualifications? Go take your face for a sh1t!!!!!

03-07-10, 06:49 PM
the newly graduated students are funniest, "oh i have my degree i can save the world" and walk in like the jobcentre is for peasants. 6 months later they may get a job at lidl. makes me laugh my cock off.

03-07-10, 06:52 PM
Err why are you epic red rep anyway??

03-07-10, 10:48 PM
lol andy, you're 'required experience' would mean that you need to be polish or latvian lol

03-07-10, 11:22 PM
I reckon a average 10 year old would struggle on the show too tbh.

The game's decent on the DS lol

03-07-10, 11:22 PM
the newly graduated students are funniest, "oh i have my degree i can save the world" and walk in like the jobcentre is for peasants. 6 months later they may get a job at lidl. makes me laugh my cock off.


04-07-10, 12:52 PM
andy, the reason you have an A level spelling ability is that A levels don't actually mark for spelling, its what the student is saying, however badly spelt, that is marked..........

in leicestershire, we still have middle schools, and at age 14, these poor little, polite, clever, hardworking kids get sent to the big school... it is like junior jekkyl & hyde..... one day they are good kids & the next, they are ignorant little shytes.... then they annoy me, a lot.