View Full Version : so its official, powerstations & aircraft are ok then

30-06-10, 03:44 PM
http://s0.2mdn.net/viewad/2634650/160x600_cowbanner.jpg (http://ad.uk.doubleclick.net/click;h=v8/39c9/0/0/%2a/u;222241443;3-0;0;45074721;2321-160/600;35424698/35442516/1;;~sscs=%3fhttp://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climatechange)

30-06-10, 03:47 PM
Sounds like what we need is a huge nation wide Beef only BBQ day. That should cut down on dangerous climate changing gasses.

30-06-10, 04:02 PM
i agree, VEGGIES PAY ATTENTION...... eat a cow, save the planet!!!!!!!

30-06-10, 04:04 PM
lol Quorn products with added Beef?

30-06-10, 04:08 PM
plus eating vegetables is bad as you are killing oxygen generating products

Although I shall be doing my bit for the environment soon by having astroturf laid in the garden lol

30-06-10, 05:52 PM
My old GCSE science teacher used to blame global warming on sheep farting and cows burping.

Anyway, I'm all for global warming as a 10m sea level rise would be enough to wipe Bridgwater off the map; 14m and I'd have a beach on my doorstep :d

30-06-10, 05:56 PM
Are you really having astroturf? Wow! I love that stuff :) How comes?

People say we should all be vegetarians because then there would be nowhere near as much cattle so therefor less stinky emmissions. My Nova passed it's emmissions text today with flying colours (specifically bluey grey colours out the rear end :p)

30-06-10, 05:58 PM
People say we should all be vegetarians because then there would be nowhere near as much cattle so therefor less stinky emmissions.
I fart lots when I eat veg, and my ar$e could probably blow earth out of orbit given enough of the green stuff. So thats that theory out the window lol

30-06-10, 06:05 PM
The stentch that comes from the greasy-haired, filthy, tree hugging vegan tramps is enough to make a new hole in the ozone layer. Dirty ****ers.

craig green
30-06-10, 06:07 PM
Jack I couldnt agree more regarding Bridgwater going under if sea level rise, but I LOL at your idea of a beach at your gaff, where is the sand coming from? Oh & you'll suffer a major influx of minging homeless Bridgwater women settling near the 'beach'. Not so good!

30-06-10, 06:11 PM
Jack I couldnt agree more regarding Bridgwater going under if sea level rise, but I LOL at your idea of a beach at your gaff, where is the sand coming from? Oh & you'll suffer a major influx of minging homeless Bridgwater women settling near the 'beach'. Not so good!
I was going to say Burnham on Sea but there's no sand there lol

Good call on the Bridgy women though. Hmm. Might have to go invest in some barbed wire and shotguns, time to batten down the hatches lol

30-06-10, 06:12 PM
Are you really having astroturf? Wow! I love that stuff :) How comes?

People say we should all be vegetarians because then there would be nowhere near as much cattle so therefor less stinky emmissions. My Nova passed it's emmissions text today with flying colours (specifically bluey grey colours out the rear end :p)

we only have a small lawn, and no grass at the moment, so artificial lawn is a great move as it means no lawn mower, no time wasted mowing it, green year round and Amber can go play outside in winter without getting muddy :)

If we ate more cattle then they wouldnt get the chance to fart lol

30-06-10, 07:41 PM
but I LOL at your idea of a beach at your gaff, where is the sand coming from?

Jewsons :)

30-06-10, 09:51 PM
i thought burnham on sea was a new kind of funeral service....

30-06-10, 10:39 PM
Ought to be, its full of coffin dodgers

Angus Closier
30-06-10, 11:47 PM
Anyway, I'm all for global warming as a 10m sea level rise would be enough to wipe Bridgwater off the map:d

HAHAHAHHA lol +rep