View Full Version : What is the best thing to do.......

08-05-03, 10:30 AM
I got around 8 very abusive phone messages at around 1am the other night. They were from a now ex-friend of mine, telling me never to call or text his girlfriend ever again. Thing is, I haven't called or texted her since I dumped her around a month and a half ago, so I think he is completely paranoid.

In the messages, he sounded like some kind of deranged mental patient that thought he was a wrestler, a few examples of what he said were....

You are into a world of pain now!


the gloves are off

I'm going to smash all your windows and torch your parents house!

He also did a chicken impression(I think this was because everytime he phoned, he went through to answer phone, mainly because I was listening to his messages that he just left! I dont think he understands technology)

Anyway, the idea I have is to make some kind of flash animation and then post it on as many boards as I can, I figured this way he will be at work one day and receive an email mentioning a stressed out chicken wrestler ranting and raving down the phone and he will hear his voice and be humiliated the world over. I have already recorded the messages onto my PC and started cutting certain words out to make some kind of soundboard.

Is this the best idea, or should I just take my phone to the police and let them hear the abuse he gave me down the phone. Some people that have heard it already think that it would be best to get him arrested, but I am not sure, I think if the flash anim is done well, then it will be far better to make him a laughing stock around the world!!

let me know what you think.


08-05-03, 10:42 AM
if u really wanna get him bac go to police but it could spark off something bigger. probably trying to make you s**t yourself, obviously didn't work. just go and run him ova in ya nova,that was a joke if u hadn't already guessed!!!
or jus get with his gf and tell him after,that would get him bac good and proper!!(unles she aint all dat!!)

08-05-03, 11:15 AM
I work for a telecoms company and its now against the law to abuse a telephone service wither by verbal or written comms (texts).

If you still have these go to police and lodge a complaint - they will advise you to change yer number however if you push stating that you feel threatened, they will investigate further.

You can actually go to jail for it. Abuse of telecommuncations act or summut like that

DONT retaliate you'll make it worse - he's looking for a rise out of ya because your ex is bitching to him.


08-05-03, 11:30 AM
perhamps make a un-offici :twisted: al visit to is missus when hes out?? lmao

08-05-03, 11:49 AM
go to the police... and make the flash file aswell... including some police things in it too :D

if the police are unable to help, which i have no doubt they will be as the police are lazy in most cases, then yuo have the flash thing there ready and waiting to go :D

08-05-03, 11:51 AM
perhamps make a un-offici :twisted: al visit to is missus when hes out?? lmao

"for old times sake ;)"

08-05-03, 11:54 AM
lmfao@ unofficial visit!

I dont think I will be going anywhere near either of them ever again! it's funny how you can think someone is ok and then they turn out to be paranoid wierdos!! lol

I will be making some kind of animation with some of the messages etc. I dont think I will be going to the police though(although if he does it again, I do have all the messages saved and copies on my PC aswell.)

08-05-03, 12:27 PM
#1 is he bigger than u? lol

difficult m8, personaly id call and ask him to explain himself and ask y he thinks ur doing what he is acusing you of, if your not happy with the answers or abuse he might return go to the pigs.
if was me id plan a big revenge plan to phsychologicaly break them both down but its ur decision :twisted:

08-05-03, 01:04 PM
if i were you mate, having thought about this a bit more... i would go and talk to him face to face. He is more likely to becalm and see how STUPID he has been face to face where as on the phone its easy to be all "big bad wtrestler chicken man" sorta thing.

08-05-03, 01:30 PM
just tell him straight out he is a dick any more messages like the ones he already left and your sort him out or the the mature way ring him up and meet him down the pub buy him a drink and talk bout it at least if he does kick off your in a public place and prople will c him start

08-05-03, 01:30 PM
maybe not, going around to see somebody in this kinda situation is more like you saying im bigger and beter than you so watch what you say kinda thing.

08-05-03, 01:39 PM
go to the police

Nova Modder
08-05-03, 01:43 PM

08-05-03, 02:31 PM
this has obviously ahd a detrimental effect to your current psychological state.

therefore SUE HIM!!!!

if a bunch of welsh plane passengers (100% un injured) can sue a travel company because the plane they were on strayed off the runway. then you can sue for this.

and get him sent down lol.

well thats what i'd do. im even going to take a house mate (cant really call him a normal mate) to small claims court to get the money he owes me for bills lol

08-05-03, 04:19 PM
Wikkid cambridge! Do as the Americans! Litigation happy.

I agree with NovaModder.
You have been disrespected. You don't need to talk to the motherfucker, you have nothing to disprove. He should have his facts straight if he's gonna mouth off and make accusations and threats.


Take the phone to the police (they won't do anything, it's an isolated event and etc, but will make a record of it) - then if (when there are no witnesses) 'you get assaulted and successfully defend yourself' (DON'T use excessive force though), you can still sue HIM for it too, as well as showing you don't take shit.

THEN make the flash animation too.

08-05-03, 04:20 PM
edit the tapes so they sound worse, then take them to the police.
When hes in prision fuck his bird and make a web cast of it, then if you feel up to it do the animation thing.

im sure being raped in prision altto sort him out :lol:

08-05-03, 04:20 PM
Just wanted to add: violence is wrong and etc. Don't do it kids.

Do what's morally and legally right.

08-05-03, 04:36 PM
The last thing I want to do is speak to him, as far as I am concerned he is a twat and always will be!

I think he is feeling insecure as he is getting sloppy seconds from a bird I used to shag.

I would rather publicly humiliate him than get into a fight over it or go to the police(I've not had much luck with the police down here!!!) Just have to see what happens next.....

08-05-03, 07:00 PM
pm sent ;)

08-05-03, 07:06 PM
Go for it! make it as load and as humiliating as you can!! :twisted:

08-05-03, 07:08 PM
pm sent ;)

now you know when Ian wont say it in public its gotta be something pretty damn special :lol: Ian... email me with what you think his actions should be will ya :D