View Full Version : Samco Hoses

nova dosed
06-05-03, 10:45 PM
Duz any1 know the part or parts numbers for samco hoses for a nova 1990 1.4 sr?????

07-05-03, 10:18 AM
justed checked samcos website and the part numbers are:

Coolant TCS32/C
Ancillary TCS32/C-A

If you need to go on the site to double check the address is www.samcosport.com

nova dosed
07-05-03, 01:21 PM
ancillary which are them? Is that all ya calbles and stuff?

09-05-03, 10:49 AM
not too sure mate i should imaginen that the ancillaries are everything else other than the coolant hose like the breathers intake hose things like that.The best thing to do is email and find out exactly what you are getting with the kits.

09-05-03, 02:50 PM
coolant is 5 pipes
ancil. is 6 pipes
www.raldes.co.uk does them for
coolant - 84.59
ancil - 58.62 that's with the vat
think that's cheapest i've found

09-05-03, 07:41 PM
What difference do they acctually make?