View Full Version : major set up prob help weber

06-05-03, 05:13 PM
Hi guys,

Need major help!

Vauxhall recmon to set up my carb and timing its gonna cost a BOMB!


theres no timing cover so they cant line anything up (mk1 1400sr engine)

So - does anyone have a timing cover???

Also - can anyone give me abny pointers on setting up a weber carb - some timing help and anything else!

Gonna book it into a local tuning place - vauxhall v expensive at the mo

Charged me ?30 just to look at it!



06-05-03, 05:16 PM
what do u mean by a timing cover ade?

06-05-03, 05:22 PM
i've got my webber on just now. the car starts fine and revs pretty smoothly but just wont idle at all as soon as i let the revs down 1000 it just cuts out.

is that the similar to what u get ade?

06-05-03, 10:05 PM
get to a good rolling road theyll sort all ur problems mate

i dont have a rear cover, but what i do have is a rear plate of an early 1.2 engine that i got to time mine up when i didnt have covers, your welcome to that?

06-05-03, 10:58 PM
cheers mike - its ok - vauxhall can do a full cover kit for ?20 - not too bad (need all covers!)

The report from the garage says compression is ok (engine fine) but the carb wont settle and the emmisions are all over the place.

Timing is out and carb maybe sucking air...

Sure the gasket on the manifold has gone - also carb may need cleaning so gonna get some carb cleaner and give it a blast.

Its reving high (about 1500) then plummiting to less than 500 then recovers and goes high again - imaging it doing that all the time but at random short bursts and youve got my problem!


I'm off Thursday so if it dont work will look at a tunuing place by me or a rolling road if I can find one


07-05-03, 11:26 AM
unless you take the carb apart carb cleaner is a waste of time

save your ?4 if you were just intending to spray it externally

gaskets usually go on the adapter plate ,bolts come loose etc

07-05-03, 11:53 AM
sucking air as i said days ago.....
u will learn from experince.

took me like a month to get mine sorted, would be fine 1 min then feck up, everytime was bloody sucking air piece of crap lol
i ended up using red gasket seal and a new gasket then used a touch of locktite on 1 of the bolts

07-05-03, 01:20 PM
mine wont idle at all!

it gets to 1200 revs and cuts out. do the same solutions apply here?

07-05-03, 01:57 PM
well ye on mine i hadto keep my foot on thr peddle a bit and keep revs over 2k or it wud die instantly, wasa right b1tch at the lights lol

07-05-03, 02:30 PM
cheers Dicko.

See other post - looks like the carb manifold is off a 1600 engine (remember you asking whayt it was) - part number looks like 90091634 but vauxhall cant match it? The engine number starts with a "C" but the rests missing - replaced by weird numbers stamped in its place.

Vauxhall have it again for a couple of days. Got a new gasket - I did spray it with carb cleaner (before I zaw your post) and it seemed to run a little better however the revs went high and I could drive up hill with foot off accelerator in 4th just on the engine revs!

Kept turning engine off at lights coz it sounded painful

I'll wait and see wot they say. At the stage where I dont care how much it costs as long as it runs.


07-05-03, 02:36 PM
do you have the vaccum advance conected ade?

maybe its stuck open and advancing the timing maybe cuasing pre-ignition?

try taking it off if conected, or vice-versa

07-05-03, 02:41 PM
vacc advance it connected yeah.

Cars with vauxhall now - I'll update when i get it back/hear from them...

Why am I getting a sinking feeling in my stomach.

(ironically the entire left side of my rib cage and lower back are really sore at the moment - not related though)


07-05-03, 06:21 PM
vacumn advance should be operating at idle

if it pulls without any throttle sounds like it aint setup properly or the linkage is sticking