View Full Version : f16 gearbox trouble please help !!

19-06-10, 05:30 PM
Just fitted a xe engine and used the f16cr box now the car seems to select gears but doesnt drive??

Ive triple checked all the driveshafts etc it has a brand new clutch and release bearing these seem to be functioning fine but the driveshafts dont turn when running or lock up when a gear is selected when the car isnt running?

Any ideas?


19-06-10, 05:39 PM
did it happen all at once? stop driving i mean? diffs arent particularly good in them and also the end of the driveshaft (just after the circlip)can sheer off after a racing start :-s and result in no drive

19-06-10, 05:44 PM
havent run it mate yet, we have just put it in and this is were we are stuck now?

Was a guaranteed good box supposedly and its for someone who wanted to run the f16 instead of the f20?

Driveshafts are sound they came out of my of my f20 this morning

Nothing seems to t happening in the box once a gear is selected??

19-06-10, 06:19 PM
either box or clutch, seems like cluth is stuck in tho???

19-06-10, 06:40 PM
driveshafts in properly? sometimes the diff can spin and it drops the planetary gears into the gear sump instead of the end of your driveshafts.

19-06-10, 06:42 PM
^^^^ yep double check the shafts

19-06-10, 06:46 PM
checked the shafts there in fine ?

19-06-10, 06:49 PM
driveshafts in properly? sometimes the diff can spin and it drops the planetary gears into the gear sump instead of the end of your driveshafts.

If i take the plate of the bottom of the box would this enable me to see if this has happened?

I really dont want to take the box out of the car !

19-06-10, 06:49 PM
Thats what I thought until I put my fingers in there and found there was no splines, just fresh air where the planetary gears used to be before they ended up in the gear oil sump, gears definitely not spun?

edit: Yeah should do, that's how I put mine back in, it's an ass of a job though, took me a good hour to spin them round so they were sitting the right way.

19-06-10, 06:52 PM
fuks sake that what i will check tommorow am then, the drive shafts are going and clicking in so would they do this if the gears had dropped like you say?

19-06-10, 06:53 PM
they felt like they did on one side, but came out easier than normal, other side it was smashing into the gear, but only because of how it was sitting, it could be clear on both sides and not engaged just as easily.

19-06-10, 07:03 PM
thanks mate will let you know how i get on tomoz

19-06-10, 09:55 PM
Yea wip the diff cover off wardy prob find the diffs dropped the planet gears.

19-06-10, 10:00 PM
damo i dont really understand what you guys mean but im sure it will be obvious tomoz, is it a hard job? if i can take then engine out swap all the bits and get it back in and running in 6hrs im sure i can sort it lol

19-06-10, 10:14 PM

19-06-10, 10:16 PM
damo i dont really understand what you guys mean but im sure it will be obvious tomoz, is it a hard job? if i can take then engine out swap all the bits and get it back in and running in 6hrs im sure i can sort it lol

When the box has no shafts in the differential gears are supported so if the box is banged hard or the diff has spun the gears can fall down to the gearbox diff plate cover you will see once you get the cover off mate watch out they dont fall on the floor though as you may damage them.

Hope this clears it up for you mate.

20-06-10, 08:11 AM
well who knows what could of happened to the box before i got it,its becoming a ball ache tbh

20-06-10, 09:03 AM
Right ive got the cover off the box and all seems fine the shafts are sitting into the tapered cogs and when you turn either side they are all spinning as they should and seem in place fine?

Nothing has fallen out or appears to be loose?

20-06-10, 10:58 AM
Right ive got the cover off the box and all seems fine the shafts are sitting into the tapered cogs and when you turn either side they are all spinning as they should and seem in place fine?

Nothing has fallen out or appears to be loose?

Is clutch in right way mate seems odd you have no drive tbh.

20-06-10, 11:56 AM
does seem like clutch mate

20-06-10, 03:34 PM
Right guys sorted it, took the box off and noticed the main shaft on the gearbox looked short?

Pulled the shaft outwards and it was loose,so i took the outer inspection cover off and someone had removed the circlip so the shaft just pushed in when i slotted it into the clutch hence why we had no drive !

Pulled the shaft out and replaced the circlip and hay presto its back in and running !

Thanks for all the help