View Full Version : A bit of emotion

17-06-10, 10:52 PM
I'm a pretty sensitive guy as it is. But this definitely surprised me.
Animals are amazing things but this short clip shows how close to the animal world we are in our actions and how we can either deal with something or not...


hope you enjoy. T

17-06-10, 10:56 PM
:) Awesome!

It reminded me a little of the animal that was raised by a couple (human lol) and then released into a national park or similar. They came back years later and it bounded over and 'hugged' them. IIRC it was a lion.

Very rare to see that kind of thing, be it showing affection and remebering it's masters years later or different races looking out for one another.
Great stuff, I agree. :)

17-06-10, 10:57 PM
^It was a lion, seen that clip so many times its still kool

17-06-10, 10:57 PM
:) Awesome!

It reminded me a little of the animal that was raised by a couple (human lol) and then released into a national park or similar. They came back years later and it bounded over and 'hugged' them. IIRC it was a lion.

Very rare to see that kind of thing, be it showing affection and remebering it's masters years later or different races looking out for one another.
Great stuff, I agree. :)

Any Lynz effect gen?

17-06-10, 10:58 PM
Limp was that the lion from harrodds? Two men raised it then released it in africa? tWas amazing :)

17-06-10, 10:59 PM
It just blew me away fella. The humanity of the hippo doing that for no reason. It wasn't his creed colour or whatever it was just in need. Proves how much we have lost our "basic instinct" to look after all animals and each other through the years with wars etc. I suppose the biggest downfall of the human race is the inability to deal with somebody else's beliefs or race or even ideas. It's what causes all wars and hatred at the end of the day...

17-06-10, 11:03 PM
see the buffalo one before never the hippo one, moving stuff

17-06-10, 11:04 PM
see the buffalo one before never the hippo one, moving stuff

The bit at the end where the hippo even checked to see if it was ok and there noses met like that. Stunning cinematography.

17-06-10, 11:05 PM
Mike, animals FTW mate! BTW were you attempting to ring me last weekend? I have been informed you were. lol

bazil, sounds like it mate. Was sure it was a man and woman though. Meh.

Tom you nailed it mate. It's hard to believe many animals have anything but their own survival instinct to go on but it is nice to see them prove otherwise.

Human beings are stupid. [Harry, 3rd Rock from the sun] We make me sick! [/Harry, 3rd Rock from the sun] lol

17-06-10, 11:14 PM
It reminded me a little of the animal that was raised by a couple (human lol) and then released into a national park or similar. They came back years later and it bounded over and 'hugged' them. IIRC it was a lion.
Aye, a lion. I searched for that to show Hayley and ended up showing her a video of a lion eating some dude. Meh, close enough.

17-06-10, 11:16 PM
The programme I saw was about 2 friends that bought a lion cub in the 70's from harrods, back then exotic animals could be kept as pets. Anyway as the lion got bigger the guys knew they could not keep it in London so set about getting him free in africa, after his release the two men went back about a year later and found there pet lion was now a fully grown wild animal BUT upon seeing the two men the lion turned back into friendly kitten and the greeting was truly exceptional,

please watch this

17-06-10, 11:18 PM
the animals showed maternal & survival instincts, not humanity. humans have hijacked compassion & tried to claim it as the difference between us & the beasts... animals know stuff, they are ridiculously clever things, they are way more complex than mankind gives them credit for.

17-06-10, 11:30 PM
This video moved me to tears http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4vPkwPkldM

of laughter.

17-06-10, 11:31 PM
Aye, a lion. I searched for that to show Hayley and ended up showing her a video of a lion eating some dude. Meh, close enough.


17-06-10, 11:35 PM

monkey sex and lions eating folk?
You need help dude lol

18-06-10, 12:02 AM
monkey sex and lions eating folk?
You need help dude lol

Meh, seen worse. But I cant argue about the help bit lol

18-06-10, 12:05 AM
did that monkey just rape that frog!! thats just wrong..... the hippo one is good,the lion one that bazil was on about is better tho:)

18-06-10, 12:11 AM

18-06-10, 01:11 AM
Any Lynz effect gen?

what massive tits?

18-06-10, 11:00 PM
Aye, a lion. I searched for that to show Hayley and ended up showing her a video of a lion eating some dude. Meh, close enough.

I had bloody nightmares!!!! Horrid, just horrid.

19-06-10, 12:15 AM
I had bloody nightmares!!!! Horrid, just horrid.


19-06-10, 12:22 AM
BTW were you attempting to ring me last weekend? I have been informed you were. lol

Indeed, we also attempted to leave voicemail but apparently you don't have it, dunno about the times you need to get with the 90's on that one lol