View Full Version : White-Novas Having a sh*t day! Hahaha

06-05-03, 11:52 AM
Well as some may know went away racing this weekend.
The recipie for disaster:

Well to stat off with i drove 150 miles down to cheshire to remember i had forgot the tickets! dad left me at preston at a posh hotel with the bike as he flew back to get the tickets. ?3.85 for a pint and i was sat there in the middle of a wedding reception in my jeans etc!!

Finally got there at 1am in the morning p*ssing it down and blowing a gale so i slept in the car.

Went out for a practise on sunday morning for 10mins in the wind and rain. Went out for my first race and go a good start off the grid just for some tw*t to take out my front wheel and say goodnight!

Smashed engine, bars, screen exhaust etc etc. New leathers and gloves!! Passed out and stuff.

Packed up the tent we had just put up in the rain and set off back home with sore hands.

Still hurting sunday so i went to the hospital to find on my left hand i have broke my fingers and dislocated my thumb and on my right hand broke my wrist!!

Drove myself to the hospital but now cant drive for 3 months!!!

Make your day seem good white-nova??

06-05-03, 11:56 AM
fcuk me mark makes my day seem good!
think you win on this one any good bridesmades though? lol !

06-05-03, 11:59 AM
fcukin hell u alrite mate?

06-05-03, 12:07 PM
wrist is a bit sore but i am ok. Just a bitch that i have fcukd both hands makes everything soo hard. I will be off work for a while and haven't really got used to not driving for 3 months or racing etc etc. Gonna be a boaring summer!!

06-05-03, 12:12 PM
bummer innit. i remember when i broke my collar bone, that cained and it was so hard to do everything, even sleep, coz lying down hurt real bad.

06-05-03, 12:18 PM
fcuking hell matey > gutted!!!! is the bike gonna be ok?
your hands will heal by themselves... hows the bike???

look on the bright side... at least you're not our fearless leader Kev :lol:

06-05-03, 12:24 PM
the bike should be ok by the time i can race again. the frame forks are traight. the engine caseing is smashed but with a little bit of welding and a new crank case cove should run! Paintwrok is a bit smashed!! new bars pegs screen etc etc. i will not be buying a new fairing just getting the fiber glass out!!

What happened to Kev?

06-05-03, 12:38 PM
lmfao > he's just kev :lol:

06-05-03, 01:18 PM
glad ur alright though

06-05-03, 02:21 PM
yeah jokin aside mate, i'm glad you are ok... could have been worse!

06-05-03, 02:47 PM
i will get some pictures of the bike up soon. Just been to the fracture clinic and they think i will only have to have my plaster on for 5 weeks or so which is good news!

i couldn't be bothered walking so i have to admit i drove!! :roll:

06-05-03, 02:50 PM
i couldn't be bothered walking so i have to admit i drove!!
will p1ss you off even more if you do more damage to yourself while driving to the clinic, not worth the risk

06-05-03, 02:50 PM
LMFAO > endangering your own life and that of those around you on the roads mate... tut tut.

5 weeks... fookin hell... heaven... i had mine on for 4 months!!!

06-05-03, 03:23 PM
thats a bummer m8!

Hope you get better soon!

