View Full Version : BBC in dubious statistics shocker (again lol)

16-06-10, 12:06 PM

Based on new research by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), Sir Peter said that as many as 168 lives - about 7% of UK road deaths - could be saved by a reduced drink-drive limit in the first year.

This could rise to as many as 303 lives by the sixth year, he said.
Aside from the point that "National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence" should be "NIHCE" lol, how does a lowering of the limit translate to lower drink drive deaths?

Surely if someone is going to crash, they'll do it no matter what the limit is... The only way you can give a statistic like that is that if police pull over someone who is (for example) 65mg over the limit, let them go for still being legal, then they went on to crash and kill someone.

Gotta love out of the hat statistics :roll:

16-06-10, 12:21 PM
100% of png admin/mods are nazis, with that rising to 1000% by Q4 of the new millenium

16-06-10, 12:37 PM
i personally think you shouldnt drink alcoholic drinks if you are driving !!!!!!!!

16-06-10, 12:39 PM
how many times can you repeat the words could, view and may in a potential scenario? lol

Although personally i don't drink at all if i drive

16-06-10, 05:10 PM
Ditto. The issue is not getting in the car after a pint or during a night out drinking most folk know that's a problem, it's in the morning where people don't even give it a thought.

It takes around 1 hour to remove a unit of alcohol in an average man. Sleep for six hours before driving and you can have no more than 3 pints of strong lager (stella is around 2 units for example) the night before to ensure all of the alcohol has gone from your system. (yes, simplified as you won't have 3 pints immediately at midnight but you get the idea)

16-06-10, 05:18 PM
the point that all these prats miss is that in the vast majority of road deaths, the driver was sober & obeying the speed limit..

they lump the pedestrians who walk out in front of stuff, and the born again bikers in the same group as car drivers.

this country has a very good safety record in terms of deaths per 1000 driver, but the road deaths got down to 3000 & won't go any lower.

they also don't like to publish the full lists.

16-06-10, 09:59 PM
the point that all these prats miss is that in the vast majority of road deaths, the driver was sober & obeying the speed limit..

they lump the pedestrians who walk out in front of stuff, and the born again bikers in the same group as car drivers.

this country has a very good safety record in terms of deaths per 1000 driver, but the road deaths got down to 3000 & won't go any lower.

they also don't like to publish the full lists.

One of the '5 deaths on this road last year' signs made me laugh in newbury. One of those deaths was a bloke jumping off a bridge into the path of an artic! lol

16-06-10, 10:39 PM
if i lived in newbury, i'd jump off a bridge in front of a wagon.....i hate that place

16-06-10, 10:41 PM
if i lived in newbury, i'd jump off a bridge in front of a wagon.....i hate that place

I hear ya. i mean... I moved to fecking Bristol to get away from it!

16-06-10, 10:42 PM
i actually drove down the newbury bypass at 6 am on the day it opened, and i laughed like a maniac......i was so happy