View Full Version : what does this do

05-05-03, 02:46 PM
with probs earlier already mentioned i got car started popped bonnet to c iif i could c any thing i notice a little smoke behind carb turnes out to be a pipe that should be pluged into air box there is two a fat one and a thin one i know these should be pluged in so i did but was i loosing power or any thing without these connected also is it possible to tighten throttle cable as it is loose would it being loose cause my car to be slightly slow accelarating

05-05-03, 03:49 PM
isnt 1 of those pipes going 2 be a breather pipe and thats why it had little smoke comin out of it i know when u fit a bolt on kand n 2 a fezzy u have a breather pipe kickin about but not 2 sure on novas as ive always had 57i kits

05-05-03, 03:53 PM
well looked on the air box and there is a connection sort of thing for these two pipes

05-05-03, 04:32 PM
big pipe is air breather one - just aim it at the ground and tie back it down - dont block it though.

The little one - dunno - my old 1.2 carbbed nova didnt have one of these (mk2) - dont remember one anyway...

If throttle cables loose you can tighten it by adjusting a tensioner (I think) - if you tighten it too much it may make the engine rev a bit so you may need to get carb adjusted. I'd leave it unless its really slack.


05-05-03, 05:06 PM
i just been told by a mate who used to own the car that its connected to the air filter both of them

05-05-03, 05:53 PM
when putting on a k&n or other..... you block up the small thin pipe thats connected to the airbox

05-05-03, 08:34 PM
all handy replys but on the nderneath of the standerd air filter ther is connections for both the big and small pipe mine is a mk1 i have pluged them both in and drove the car and seem to have more power but will this damage any thing also the zorst sounds better

05-05-03, 09:54 PM
when i pluger me breathe pipe up it caused the pipe 2 piss oil every where

05-05-03, 09:54 PM
wouldnt have thought its a good idea to plug the big pipe. this is the crankcase breather.

05-05-03, 10:16 PM
so just leave it where it is hanging towards the road what bout the little one

05-05-03, 10:18 PM
plug the little 1.

you can buy mini breather filters. think mine was ?10.

although i wouldnt hav thought it was a to importent.

05-05-03, 10:24 PM
when u say plug the little one do you mean into the air filter ??

05-05-03, 11:53 PM

05-05-03, 11:57 PM
and big one is breather which is left facing the road hanging towrds road in other words

06-05-03, 09:08 AM
hrm no that aint a good idea

the old hole for the breather is post filter

meaning your leaving an inlet for un filtered air inot the airbox

either attach it where it should go or block up the hole on the AIRBOX and leve the breather pipe hanging off

06-05-03, 10:08 AM
big is the breather , just connect it up no real need to disconnect it

small pipes are for hot/cold air flap

if you disconnect this you need to block it off as its direct to inlet manifold and as such is an air leak if un connected

06-05-03, 03:49 PM
its all too confusing when so many people rply with diffrent things big pipe coming from somewhere in the engine and small pipe coming from somewhere in the engine air filter big and small atatchments for said pipes do i connect both pipes or one pipe

06-05-03, 09:53 PM
if u have original air filter


if you have a replacement e.g k&n etc, block the small one off, and point the big one at the floor

06-05-03, 11:15 PM
thats what i thought cause since it came off i smell fumes but pluged it in and the fumes go thank you for your help mates