View Full Version : Wedding lol

06-06-10, 11:26 AM
Went to a good mates wedding yesterday, brilliant affair, but the church service was the funniest I've ever been to. Never one to be taken seriously, when the priest did the "if anyone knows why these two should nt be wed" bit, he looked around with a look of desparation on his face, his new wife couldn't keep a straight face during the vows, but the biggest laugh came from the priest, with the words "can you turn to hymn 235, I would say can we raise the roof, but it's been stolen."

any other wedding lol's to share?

06-06-10, 11:43 AM
there was a family wedding in miami, her cousin is a yank, they have these 'wedding center's, where you choose the religion, they dress the ceremony room accordingly, then you go to the function room for the pissup......

so... the top table was up on staging, but it wasn't very big staging... so there was a 12" gap at the back.. the groom fell down it head first & got wedged.

then the photographer was an ar$ehole & set the camera up wrong, and as it was a mardi gras theme, the room was fairly dark, so rob, the groom, who is the blackest man i've ever met was invisible in the pics apart from his eyes, grin & vienetta shirt...

then i had to teach the locals how to do over a wedding car with pop cans on string & lipstick,

the bit that wasn't funny was that the whole wedding lasted 2 hrs & everyone went home sober, what was that all about????????

06-06-10, 11:50 AM
went to a wedding last week, the organist was that slow, the congregation sang the hymn, then waited for him to catch up lol

06-06-10, 12:19 PM
I was a bridesmaid at my mates wedding yesterday and one of the funniest bits was when she couldnt quite get the ring on her hubby's finger. her dad jut leant over and told her to spit on it! the priest gave him such evils!! lol

oh and Jack did not care for the fact that their was bunting up in the village hall at the reception. who would of known he was a snob. lol

06-06-10, 12:56 PM
i caused upset at my own wedding , i'd been given the job of the signs & buntings for the evening do, and our friends said, No, don't worry, we'll do it... i'd bought those cardboard letters you clip together for the sign, and after about an hour of struggling they worked out the sign....

DEB & MIKES WEDDING PISS UP..... in huge golden letters on the church hall, the church warden wasn't too pleased, and at 11pm, when he came round to shut the hall, my brother stuck a pint in his hand, £20 in his top pocket & told him they were planning to carry on till about 2am.. and asked which house door should they post the keys thru. it was apparently the greatest piss up ever, and me & the missus had left at 10pm for our honeymoon:(:( :(

06-06-10, 06:53 PM
I was a bridesmaid at my mates wedding yesterday and one of the funniest bits was when she couldnt quite get the ring on her hubby's finger. her dad jut leant over and told her to spit on it! the priest gave him such evils!! lol

oh and Jack did not care for the fact that their was bunting up in the village hall at the reception. who would of known he was a snob. lol
It was more the fact I was expecting some yokels to be playing banjos in the hall lol

06-06-10, 06:56 PM
Dingle wedding a Jack lol

06-06-10, 07:06 PM
got mine in 5 weeks........

06-06-10, 07:43 PM
got mine in 5 weeks........
It's your life! it's now or never! ♪♪

06-06-10, 09:26 PM
I went to a wedding once, ending up nailing one of the bridesmaids later that day :)

07-06-10, 12:25 AM
Best wedding I didn't go to was my own! I would have been married 17 months now! lol

07-06-10, 12:28 AM
Best wedding I didn't go to was my own! I would have been married 17 months now! lol

Say wut?

07-06-10, 12:32 AM
It's not a new thing...



07-06-10, 12:37 AM
lol I know that, I was "wuttin" as I was confused, if you didn't make it to your own wedding I assume it wasn't to Asa as I doubt he'd be happy with you lol

07-06-10, 12:41 AM
lol I know that, I was "wuttin" as I was confused, if you didn't make it to your own wedding I assume it wasn't to Asa as I doubt he'd be happy with you lol

God no! It was a "lifetime" ago (Jan 2008) lol
I bailed well before the day, Nothing like being pinned against a wall by your throat to tell you something isn't right.... lol

07-06-10, 12:44 AM
Nothing like being pinned against a wall by your throat to tell you something isn't right.... lol

And not by a hand either lol!!!!

07-06-10, 12:46 AM
And not by a hand either lol!!!!

No your right it was a rolling pin... :thumb:
(I joke I joke)

07-06-10, 07:46 AM
Nothing like being pinned against a wall by your throat to tell you something isn't right....
and all this time, thats how i thought you did it????:(

07-06-10, 08:44 AM
marrying a nazi ss member then tom? lol

07-06-10, 08:53 AM
I remember my Wedding, the shot gun went off accidently and killed the priest who we then ate. Such a great day!

07-06-10, 10:07 PM
i went to one and the priest turned round to the groom and said the secret to a sucessful marrage is 3 simple words, yes my love, but the vicar was a bit of a nutter

07-06-10, 10:41 PM
i got a registry office wedding... the registrar still has to do all the solemn talk before granting the licence.... she asked if i was aware of the penalty for bigamy, i said ' 2 mother-in-laws????' she was still crying as she signed the form.....

07-06-10, 11:50 PM
i got a registry office wedding... the registrar still has to do all the solemn talk before granting the licence.... she asked if i was aware of the penalty for bigamy, i said ' 2 mother-in-laws????' she was still crying as she signed the form.....

lol, ill have to remember that for the day i (possibly) get married

08-06-10, 12:31 PM
lol @ mike!

i was bridesmaid when i was 7 for a close family friend. the other bridesmaid was her temperamental headstrong (not ginger mowgli!) 5 year old daughter. after the ceremony, her daughter wanted to take her dress off and get in normal clothes, obviously her mum said no as we still had photos to do......her daughter promptly found a puddle of mud and rolled in it lol

08-06-10, 01:04 PM
my greatest wedding memory was the time at a friends brothers wedding we had to rescue the best man (my friend) from almost screwing the chief bridesmaid in a haystack because in the words of the bride 'she's 9 weeks pregnant & still trying to find a dad for it'