View Full Version : I got insrance problems

nova dosed
02-05-03, 07:36 PM
My insurance company wrote to me today saying that they are cancelling my insurance because they havent recieved my proof of no claims by a certain daye. (Which they failed to inform me of).
Basically they phoned my last insurance company and they wudnt send them my proof so i had to phone them and ask them to send it to me which i got on monday. I then forwareded it on tuesday. And i got this bloody letter 2day. I got a Manager phoning me 2moz apparantly (u know what there like) so i need to know where i stand oh and there not going to refund any of my money back even though the policy is only 2 months old. Im soooo pi**ed off i tried to ring the ombudsman but there bloody closed.

novajon@hotmail.com if u wanna talk

02-05-03, 08:57 PM
Get a letter from your old insurance company for your proof of no claims and if the new insurance company are stil fcukin you about then take your buisness else where. There are plenty of insurance companies out there.

Hope it all gets worked out for you mate

02-05-03, 10:08 PM
yeah but if hes lost that much money, that takes the pish!

nova dosed
03-05-03, 01:42 AM

03-05-03, 03:28 AM
You could take them to court, but if there was no timescale, it'd depend on what the judge on the day deemed to be reasonable.

I had a similar thing happen to me, except they didn't cancel the insurance, but increased the premium (by however much it was discounted by according to my ncb). My old insurance company wouldn't give it them, and when i got a copy sent to me on request, i sent them a copy which they claimed they didn't receive. I then sent them another, and they still claimed they didn't receive it.

Had to take them to court eventually. They then 'magically' 'found it' (in another department) and got back to me before the trial date, so i withdrew my legal action against them.

Also, i once got a letter stating that my insurance was due for renewal, and that if i was happy with the quote they were giving me, they would renew it automatically and i did not have to contact them (premiums would be taken out by direct debit, as before), unless i didn't want it, in which case i should contact them to cancel it.

Not actually legal, as there is no liability for silence i.e. you can't enter into a contract by not saying anything (there used to be a scam whereby they'd send you goods, and say that if you do not return them within a certain time frame, you'd be charged for them! This is now also illegal.).

Anyway, i just ended up leaving it as i was lazy, but never got round to getting any other quotes. But, because what they did was not legal, meant i could say 'i'm sorry, i want my money back or i'll sue' at any time, so i didn't bother.

Two months after my insurance needed renewing, i was stopped for speeding and even got two producers as well, all in a space of two weeks. The police took me to court as i could not produce a valid renewed certificate of insurance. I contacted the insurance company and, surprise, surprise, they made an error and didn't actually 'automatically renew' my insurance, as they stated they would in a letter (a copy of which i had).

So i took them to court over it, whilst i was being prosecuted for not having insurance. In the end, the insurance company admitted liability for their mistake, and i was in effect covered to drive my car for the two months that i actually had no insurance. I hadn't incurred any losses, but they would have paid any claims retrospectively and i in effect got two months free insurance. And the police lost their case against me, as i got the insurance company to testify saying they would have covered me for any losses/damage to third parties and etc. Which was nice.

I'll sue anyone and everyone me.

03-05-03, 10:14 AM
they try and take the piss wherever possible

nova dosed
03-05-03, 05:32 PM
bloody hell u seem to of had a right good time with insurance companies. By court action what do u mean? do u mean small claims that kinda thing? if so how much does that cost?