View Full Version : photo bucket

01-06-10, 05:39 PM
i have tried for the last 20mins to make a account with photobucket so i can show you lot what i have for sale but just keep on and on and on failing to do so keeps saying "We're sorry. Based on the information you have submitted to us, you are ineligible to register on Photobucket. "
is there a nother site i can use or can some one help me:thumb:

01-06-10, 05:40 PM

01-06-10, 05:41 PM
Try here IMAGESHACK (http://www.imageshack.us/)

Balls Andy lol Also FLICKR (http://www.flickr.com/) better for keeping the pictures at a higher resolution as photobucket takes a little definition away.

01-06-10, 05:43 PM

01-06-10, 07:10 PM
Balls Andy lol Also FLICKR (http://www.flickr.com/) better for keeping the pictures at a higher resolution as photobucket takes a little definition away.
Hmm... I uploaded the same pic to both flickr and pbucket (as I was under the impression flickr was better quality), both were exactly the same quality post-upload.

01-06-10, 07:15 PM
I was going on what Ste_L had mentioned due to every picture he tends to upload always seems to keep a better quality. Must be down to the type of camera then.

01-06-10, 07:17 PM
I think thats mainly down to pre-processing before uploading - I shonked all the ones from the national day through a few sharpening filters before uploading and they came out ok

01-06-10, 07:31 PM
What was the quality of the pictures like when you download them back to a computer if you've uploaded in high res, did the quality stay okay then?

01-06-10, 07:34 PM
Yep, pretty much the same between the original and those uploaded to both pbucket and flickr.

01-06-10, 07:38 PM

Saving the pics and zooming in shows both are almost exactly the same quality, inc jpeg compression, yet the pbucket one is 2kb smaller filesize.

01-06-10, 07:48 PM
Well in all fairness this is all good anyway as I only use photobucket so I think I'll keep using it, glad anyway because I didn't want to start shifting all my files over to another site and then relink everything again.