View Full Version : Bit of advice needed.

31-05-10, 09:23 PM
right, i havent had any contact with my painter for a month now, last time i text him he said he was far to busy with family stuff to get anything done. i replied saying its been 15 months, to which he said he couldnt give a ****, his family comes first. apparently he had breathing issues about 12 months ago, and they diagnosed him with pneumonia, now apparently his wife has cancer. i have compassion for the guy if this is true, but he told me he hasnt been at work since july 09, yet one of his ex work mates who i see sometimes has told me that the car is now at his house, and he has been at work all along. i have the v5 here in my name, and he hasnt told me where the car is or where he lives. i'd like some advice on what to do?

and dont take the piss please fellas.:thumb:

31-05-10, 09:26 PM
lets just clear this up buddy, you gave a car for him to spray 15months ago and you havent seen it since ???

31-05-10, 09:26 PM
You let him move the car from his premesis?

Seems abit stupid to me.

Why the funk dont you go to his house? and see if his mrs is like he says? if he has nothing etc?

31-05-10, 09:28 PM
lol, go to his house? go to his work?

whats his name and city?? pm me if you want.

31-05-10, 09:28 PM
At first i thought you meant your house lol ...

anyways serious note...

I would just call him and explain that you need the car back and painted to get on the road asap. if he cannot do that due to family issues then you need the car back and will get someone else to do the work.
if it is genuine family issues then he will understand you wanting the car back...

15 months is a fecking long time...

31-05-10, 09:30 PM
As with all these issues, you need to write officially to him stating the facts so far and giving him a date to contact and agree a way forward, trading standards won't do anything unless you do and you need proof just in case you later go to court.:thumb:

best of luck,

31-05-10, 09:31 PM
what Shaun says, explain you want your car back sprayed or not, i'd even put a bet on him hoping you'd ask for it

31-05-10, 09:32 PM
that is jeff, if its a genuine spray shop or just a 'mate' doing a job on the side?

trading standards wont do anything if joe bloggs is painting your car in his shed? corrrect me if im wrong?

edit - ok just re read his op lol

31-05-10, 09:34 PM
my fecking one was gone a year, it was a bloody nightmare, i had to get on public transport with ordinary people who didn't want to talk nova'slol

31-05-10, 09:34 PM
Dude you are one patient guy. My car was at the body shop for around 3 months and that bodyshop was 0.6 miles from my house. I was there almost everyday coz it's my car. I'm a patient guy but I was so eager to get my car back I had to go see it as much as poss.

If this person is telling the truth then it's understandable to a degree that he wants to be with famliy, but at the end of the day he is also running a business and should at least update you every so often or offer a solution/alternative because let's face it, it's your car and you'd like it done/back.

I'd go round to his place of business (out of the blue) just to check things out, if he's telling then truth the he won't be there. Ring him up and tell him you want your car back. The bottom line is, if he needs to be with family due to health problems and he doesn't know when he'll be able to finish your car off, take your car back, take pressure off him and take it somewhere else where you'll see your car done sooner.

It's the only way to get it sorted.

31-05-10, 09:35 PM
Give him 7 days to a) respond and as a bonus ball b.) return the vehicle to you.

tbh its your own fault its been so long.

31-05-10, 09:36 PM
my fecking one was gone a year, it was a bloody nightmare, i had to get on public transport with ordinary people who didn't want to talk nova'slol

that made me lol lol lol


31-05-10, 09:36 PM
its my ex boss, he was doing it at his business, now he's moved it off the premises. he just kept fobbing me off when i asked to see it before. the missus thinks i should call him telling him ive potentially sold it and need it back, and arrange a date to collect. the thing is i have a niggling thought that its long gone.....

let nova yhpm

31-05-10, 09:38 PM
Have you paid him lol

Not a laughing matter, but ****ing lol

31-05-10, 09:39 PM
Time to start chasing him up mate. Whether it's been 10 years, the car is yours, it was given to him to paint, simples (unless you've mised out any info). Him selling it, getting rid etc without your knowledge isn't exactly kosher in the eyes of the law.

31-05-10, 09:44 PM
Sh1t the bed why on earth are you even asking advice... take the dildo out of your ar5e, stand up and go see this bloke or get the car, its really quite simple. Anyone with half a brain cell can see that.

31-05-10, 09:45 PM
buy this


an just a little tip, when aprroching them with it, dont swing with it like they think your going t,o poke them straight in the face with it (****s them up everytime lol)

never cause me any problems :)

31-05-10, 09:46 PM
/\ he's a bit handy ;)

not paid him fully (100 for paint)

phonecall tomorrow i think...

Simon 1867
31-05-10, 09:47 PM
First thing in the morining get yourself down to the bodyshop with any paper work as proof of ownership and proof it was there for work to be carried out. Explain you have come to collect your car as your not happy with the progress of work. if its not there then you need to contact the police and explain you belive it has been stolen from the bodyshop where you left it for painting.

31-05-10, 09:47 PM
At least you haven't paint him ££££'s.

31-05-10, 09:47 PM
**** the phone call get down there !!!

31-05-10, 10:14 PM
i think this has all just gone to ****...



31-05-10, 10:16 PM
Oh dear!

Time to chase him up big time.

31-05-10, 10:17 PM
i think this has all just gone to ****...



Your ****ed mate.

No legal comeback.

The debt of the car was the companies, not his personal debt:thumb:

31-05-10, 10:18 PM
what car is it and why leave it so long :confused:

31-05-10, 10:19 PM
my cavalier. im now praying its at his house....

31-05-10, 10:19 PM
my fecking one was gone a year, it was a bloody nightmare, i had to get on public transport with ordinary people who didn't want to talk nova'slol

LOLOLOLOLOL lol lol lol lol

31-05-10, 10:21 PM
All you can hope for is that your cav is at his yard.

31-05-10, 10:22 PM
cheers lads. lets see what tomorrow brings.

31-05-10, 10:24 PM
fingers crossed mate

31-05-10, 10:27 PM
ta. i now feel like utter crap. time for a beer.

31-05-10, 10:35 PM
All you can hope for is that your cav is at his yard.

You what?

If it is, then its long gone lol

As anything found there, will have been sold by the liquidators;)

31-05-10, 10:37 PM
if its a customers they have no right to seize it, ive checked. only if its in his name.

31-05-10, 11:02 PM
that's probably true, but the question to ask is where would it be and how much to get it back?

31-05-10, 11:14 PM
if my car had been gone longer then a month or two i would of had it back then. sprayed or not. would be like f you im not waiting! good luck though. let us know. dont stand for any ****. just get in there and be like i want it back if he says it gone. then say how and why then just get medevil on his ****

31-05-10, 11:15 PM
if its a customers they have no right to seize it, ive checked. only if its in his name.


If it's in Rob's name then won't cost nowt to get it back (maybe just work upto now that he's done).

I wouldn't allow anyone to tell me I can't have my car back when it's clearly mine. Bring the feds round job done.

31-05-10, 11:42 PM
Your ****ed mate.

No legal comeback.

The debt of the car was the companies, not his personal debt:thumb:
What? If the company went under, the taxman/auditors would not take back customer property towards the value of his dues.

Simply go to the yard, if his business IS gone, then contact him and tell him you require the vehicle back now. If no joy, contact the police re: stolen vehicle and you believe you know its whereabouts.

31-05-10, 11:43 PM
perfect, that eases my mind a wee bit.

31-05-10, 11:48 PM
What? If the company went under, the taxman/auditors would not take back customer property towards the value of his dues.

Simply go to the yard, if his business IS gone, then contact him and tell him you require the vehicle back now. If no joy, contact the police re: stolen vehicle and you believe you know its whereabouts.

Precisely what I've been tryna say.

perfect, that eases my mind a wee bit.

Well when someone talks sence it would. Mind you, if Jack said 'Ooooh Eeeee Oooooh Ahhhh Ahhhh, Tinnggg Tannng Walllaaa Walla Bingg Banng' it would ease anyone's mind as he's always bang on :thumb: lol

nova danny1
01-06-10, 12:22 AM
what work was you having done on it anyway?

01-06-10, 12:57 AM
x2 chassi legs, floors, bulkheads, battery tray, floors, boot floor, seatbelt mounts, respray inside outside and underneath.

01-06-10, 02:12 AM
As has been said, try and chase him up and speak face to face and find out exactly where the car is, I wouldn't even bother making up any stories for why you want the car back, it is your car you shouldn't have to lie to get it back!

Even if he was/is having personal problems, he took the job on, if he couldn't do it then he should have just said a long time ago rather than feeding you bull****.

01-06-10, 08:47 AM
x2 chassi legs, floors, bulkheads, battery tray, floors, boot floor, seatbelt mounts, respray inside outside and underneath.

You should have got a good one :p

01-06-10, 09:35 AM
i did/\ it has 32k on it and 2 owners from new, both in hull. i have all its history, and mot's.... they rot for fun....

01-06-10, 09:44 AM
I would of been down there at the latest 11 months ago.

Stop f*cking about, go down there, if you can't see the car go round his house ffs.

01-06-10, 09:59 AM
ASW me thinks

01-06-10, 10:19 AM
i did/\ it has 32k on it and 2 owners from new, both in hull. i have all its history, and mot's.... they rot for fun....

32k and it needed all that work? They must've parked it in a river or something lol.

My dad's 180k+ early SRi (which was actually missing undersealant from areas) only needs 4 areas the size of a 10p piece to be sorted underneath and 2 rear arches.

Anywho, hope you get some answers and your car back fella. God luck :thumb:

01-06-10, 10:41 AM
my advice is ! get yer **** round there and get the fooking car back !!! i was moaning at a bodyshop once due to them having my car for about a month but 15 months hes taking the piss !!!!!

01-06-10, 11:31 AM
if i was in business, and i had suffered a family illness, i'd still be thinking of my customers... and if i had cars in being worked on, i'd either try to finish them or get someone else in the trade to do the work, and as a last resort, pass them on the customer with my apologies.

this bloke is suffering from chris astley syndrome.

01-06-10, 11:49 AM

just called his house, his missus answered, and said he was busy atm but will get him to call at 12:30, and he's just text me to ask whats up, so i've said i need to talk to him re: my car. lets see what happens.....

stu, you just want me to be a whore for you....:d :p

01-06-10, 12:20 PM
Well when someone talks sence it would. Mind you, if Jack said 'Ooooh Eeeee Oooooh Ahhhh Ahhhh, Tinnggg Tannng Walllaaa Walla Bingg Banng' it would ease anyone's mind as he's always bang on :thumb: lol
I just choked on my toast lol

01-06-10, 01:23 PM
Thought you'd like it lol

01-06-10, 01:25 PM
suprise suprise, no call back. gonna give it till 5pm and ring him myself. if i get no joy there im off to the feds tomorrow.

01-06-10, 01:26 PM
Do you know where he lives? Maybe it's worth talking to him there.

01-06-10, 01:31 PM
Why the f*ck are you pussy footing around ?

I would of phoned him at 12:31 ffs.

Do you know where he lives ?

If you do why are you not knocking on his door now ?

01-06-10, 01:31 PM
yawn, bored already. If you really cared about the piece of ferrous oxide you'd have got it back 14 months ago.

01-06-10, 01:37 PM
i dont, i know his old address, i could try there and see if there is a forwarding address.

01-06-10, 01:41 PM
or talk to the wife again, ask her if she really is ill, and ask for their address.

you'd make a crap investigator lol

01-06-10, 02:06 PM
considering i managed to find out the employers details of a bloke who we sacked for nicking, with only the info that he was working on the motorway in the southwest......... in about 30 mins via this very forum, and within the hour had the info on a police officers desk.... you are being a tad sloth like

01-06-10, 02:24 PM

01-06-10, 02:29 PM
i spent 3 hrs last night trying to find a current address for him, no luck. yeah i'd make a **** p.i but there really isnt much around on this guy.:(

just spoke to the police, the *******s are calling back......:roll:

01-06-10, 02:31 PM
its a car, if there isn't a valid insurance policy, then they won't give a toss..... if there is, they won't give a toss, but they will give a crime number

General Baxter
01-06-10, 02:44 PM
we stored my sisters old 1L loon at tolsens mill in fazley,

we forgot about it, went to collect it one day it was gone, got incontact with the police, gave us a crime number, 3 days later a phone call, tamworth council had it crushed, we got £750 compo of the council as they just took it, with out a letter lol

01-06-10, 02:55 PM
i bet you had a dozen more up there within the week

01-06-10, 08:39 PM
just called again and his phones off. the cops are coming round tomorrow night. had enough of him now. if i didnt value my job/family/freedom i'd go with a few mates....

the thing is all i want is my car back. :(

01-06-10, 08:46 PM
If hes from Hull give me his name.PM;)

01-06-10, 09:10 PM

just got a message with his address telling me to go round on fri nite. trying not to get my hopes up. :/

01-06-10, 09:12 PM
Where about is it Rob, might be able to go for a sneaky looksee if ya wants!

01-06-10, 09:12 PM
lol lol

01-06-10, 09:13 PM

Im removing it!! Not re-gassing it lol lol

Reply in wrong thread fail Mike :p

01-06-10, 09:13 PM

Im removing it!! Not re-gassing it lol lol
oooh heck mikelol

01-06-10, 09:14 PM
epic fail by mike, wrong thread. spud its near nottingham!!!!!!!!!!!

01-06-10, 09:14 PM
Reply in wrong thread fail Mike :p

I know I know lol lol

06-06-10, 12:41 AM
telling me to go round on fri nite


06-06-10, 08:32 AM
update. i waited for a call on fri and he never rang, so on sat morning i called him, and told him i what i wanted. he said he was too busy on friday to call (usual excuse). i told him he has 7 days to get everything in 1 place and ready for collection, which he has aggreed to. i have sorted a trailer to collect it with so fingers crossed. i also informed the police of the goings on, and they said if i get nothing from him in 7 days, to go back and they will call round, as they class it as theft. tbh its taking longer than expected but theres light at the end......

06-06-10, 09:22 AM
Am i the only one that would say "oh goody im on my way with a trailor right now" as soon as he agreed it could be collected?

06-06-10, 09:37 AM
Am i the only one that would say "oh goody im on my way with a trailor right now" as soon as he agreed it could be collected?

No your not alone..

I would not let anyone **** me about like this, Ive seen other threads like it also, like Raspberry nova's respray job, dont let him mess you about, dont give him "the time to get it together" just go down there one evening with the trailor and surprise him, as i doubt hell be in if you arrange it, nor will the car be there. Just my opinion.


06-06-10, 10:07 AM
At the very least, you should take a prior trip down there to see what's what before turning up with a trailer.

06-06-10, 10:29 AM
I have to agree with Liam on this one Rob, take a spin round to see everything is in order.

BTW, this would never have happened if you had have Ascona'd it.

19-06-10, 01:39 PM
so you got this back yet

19-06-10, 03:08 PM
doubt it lol

19-06-10, 09:36 PM
I too was wondering what has happened...

19-06-10, 09:55 PM
read through this, Id be going down and not even telling the c*nt and if my car was sitting there just picking it up there and then, If you arranging it i grantee you get phoned the next day, " sorry i was busy last night"

19-09-10, 07:04 PM

after a legnthy police investigation, and finally finding that he'd moved and had put everything in his wifes maiden name, that the car had been left at this guys premises, and that the companies co owner had disposed of it. :(
having contacted this guy today i have been given the name of the guy who took it, i will be contacting him tomorrow. also the police officer dealing with this has told me if this guy has scrapped the car, technically he has handled and disposed of stolen goods, as it has been logged as stolen for the past 4 months, so he will face charges. im now down to hoping there is something left, as apparently this guy has a thing for classic cars. or of getting some money back via the courts. fingers crossed.

19-09-10, 07:15 PM
50p bet that you'll be out of the country when it gets to court, if at all....

19-09-10, 07:20 PM
yeah, that had crossed my mind....

19-09-10, 07:31 PM
what kind of car was it

Pistol Pete
19-09-10, 07:34 PM


19-09-10, 08:50 PM
Can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading in this.

If you value anything that is legally yours then act like it.

Possession is nine tenths of the law for good reason.

I would have been round there after 3 weeks & then every other day after that wanting to know WTF is up so if nothing else they get so pissed off with me they hand it back without any work carried out.

19-09-10, 09:03 PM
mate, ive been waiting since pretty much the beginning of the thread for the cops to investigate it all. it was the fact they found where he was living that meant i actually got to speak to him today.

its ok saying possesion is 9/10ths etc, but due to the timescale involved he could have claimed the car was now his, due to the length of time he had it. its all good hassling someone but this guy is the type to scrap the ****er and tell me to go **** myself.

19-09-10, 09:04 PM
Rob, I'm not trying to say anything but this tale does seem to be getting taller all the time mate.....

19-09-10, 09:08 PM
dod, british policing method need to be seen to be believed.... if they were paid on results, they have been bankrupt decades ago......

i had something nicked, & reported it. a fingerprint girl came round, but found nothing, withing 24hrs i'd found the item, & rang the police. within another day, an officer came round.. then, i found out later, he went on 6 weeks leave, but as it was his case, nothing was done till he got back!!!!!!!

19-09-10, 09:09 PM
dod, i think the basic gist is, its long fooking gone, but im trying to hold out hope.

19-09-10, 09:14 PM
dod, british policing method need to be seen to be believed.... if they were paid on results, they have been bankrupt decades ago......

i had something nicked, & reported it. a fingerprint girl came round, but found nothing, withing 24hrs i'd found the item, & rang the police. within another day, an officer came round.. then, i found out later, he went on 6 weeks leave, but as it was his case, nothing was done till he got back!!!!!!!

Re: holiday, same thing happend to me when my white Nova disappeared. I though fcuk it went a bit vigalante & got better results!

19-09-10, 10:05 PM
after 2 months the alarm bells would of rung and i would of took it elsewhere.

19-09-10, 10:08 PM
Yup Hindsight Is Fab.....

19-09-10, 10:10 PM
and when all's said and done this guy was supposed to be his mate remember

19-09-10, 10:12 PM
sorry to hear that.

19-09-10, 10:15 PM
ah well, next one that comes up forsale is mine. still gonna try and get this back though if its still alive.

19-09-10, 10:19 PM
hopefully its in someones garage

19-09-10, 10:28 PM

19-09-10, 10:57 PM
i think this has all just gone to ****...



if thats the company your painter/mate/whoever owns/works for/whatever why is the car 'supposedly' near notts ?

i offered months ago to go and check the place out (notts area) but you never said

im sorry if your car is gone and hope justice prevails but im not sure theres anything to fnd out imho

20-09-10, 08:42 AM
he's moved to the notts area after it all went tits oop for him. costly mistake on my part to trust someone. live and learn.

20-09-10, 10:15 AM
mate id go to the pigs and say what has happend hopefully you get the car back mate! or at least get him f*cked over before he can do it to any one else!

20-09-10, 10:49 AM
wudgey the cops are already involved.

just called the tyre place, not good news. apparently they were told to store it for 4 weeks then crush it, so sadly its now tin cans. :cry: and yes, the cops have been informed and given all the info etc, so they can sort this ****ing ****ter of a mess out.
if anyone knows of one forsale, please pm me.

r.i.p ykh 393 s :cry:

20-09-10, 06:43 PM
Just out of interest, if you are moving to Aus, why are you trying to find another one???

20-09-10, 06:45 PM
maybe he wants to show the aussies what rust is

20-09-10, 06:45 PM
to take with me. they never imported them, and ive wanted one since being 5. its a sentimental thing lee.

20-09-10, 06:57 PM
there was a holden version, wasn't there??

20-09-10, 07:15 PM
nope. they went from the victor fe transcontinental (their holden torana) straight to the carlton (holden commodore) no cavalier, and their holden commodore or carlton got a 5.0 ltr v8....

20-09-10, 09:00 PM
nope. they went from the victor fe transcontinental (their holden torana) straight to the carlton (holden commodore) no cavalier, and their holden commodore or carlton got a 5.0 ltr v8....

i know the corsa is a holden barina and i know they didnt import nova's my mate is putting his saphy coworth back to standard and mooving out there for a few years if not for good he's spent a year over there a few years back and wants to go again!!

and that carlton sounds fun 5.0 ltr v8 yum yum!!