View Full Version : 2 Quid Quiz winner!!!

02-05-03, 12:03 PM
Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! white-nova has won the prize this time, but please everyone do not hesitate to enter in future wisewood quid quizzes, you never know your luck.

Mr white-nova sir if you would be so kind as to PM me with your address i will get your prize sent out to you as soon as possible. :D

I would like to say a special word of thanks to Jeff from work who was kind enough to pick the winner for me from a selection of screwed up bits of paper with names on :D Also i should thank him for not thinking i am too wierd as i didnt explain what it was for or why i wanted him to do it. He just did it and didnt ask any questions.

The next quiz will probably be started on Monday 5th May...
The prize is yet to be decided :lol:

02-05-03, 12:05 PM
Well done mr white-nova. :lol:

Chris LR
02-05-03, 12:06 PM
Well done, don't spend it all at once.....

02-05-03, 12:10 PM
i feel so honoured, i would like to thank my mum, dad, sister & my 2 goldfish, an most of all wise & jeff for giving me the oppertunity to win!
i know hate mail will probably come my way but it's all in the luck of the draw
:D :D :lol:

02-05-03, 12:23 PM
come on then send your address man!!! :lol:
cant send your 2 quid without it.

02-05-03, 12:44 PM
sorry micky thought i had clicked 'go' went away tp do somethin else came back then uploaded the evo pic :oops:

02-05-03, 12:55 PM
tut tut tut... always upload pics to the correct section of the album.

and micky, you only get th prize if you enter the quiz mate :lol:

02-05-03, 01:07 PM
fix :lol:

02-05-03, 01:08 PM
you'll not be wanting to try your luck next time then will ya anton :lol: