View Full Version : seh turbo need help

dave beety
26-05-10, 11:34 PM
im lost ive got my turbo and some pipe work need help to where and how to start lol

26-05-10, 11:37 PM
your going to fail badly
maybe research first before buying stuff would have been a better start

but make a manifold
make oil feed and return
then think about other stuff :thumb:

dave beety
26-05-10, 11:40 PM
where can i get the oil feed from lol

26-05-10, 11:43 PM
do you have any clue about turbo engines..?

dave beety
26-05-10, 11:46 PM
yea just not on the seh cuz mate say it wont lats cuz its the 130bhp one

craig green
27-05-10, 12:20 AM

sell up.

dave beety
27-05-10, 12:23 AM
not a good motor then lol

craig green
27-05-10, 12:25 AM
Far from it mate, assuming its still got life left in it.
However you appear to have absolutely no knowledge of engine tuning or the terminology which makes it scary that you think you can undertake a home turbo-build. Theres a bit more to it than buying a turbo.

This is the wrong forum tbh.

Read this;

dave beety
27-05-10, 12:30 AM
ive done them before but on a clio mk1 but it french #### tho lol

27-05-10, 01:34 AM
dave get yourself on vaux extream mate there the lads for 2.0 8v turbos

dave beety
27-05-10, 08:26 PM
im happy now just had my mate around he just said its a ne engine

27-05-10, 09:10 PM
im happy now just had my mate around he just said its a ne engine
even better.Pm Sloth hes clued up on these.

27-05-10, 09:10 PM
dave get yourself on vaux extream mate there the lads for 2.0 8v turbos
And far more helpful:roll:

27-05-10, 09:43 PM
best piece of advice i can give you is.... look up chevy c20get tuning stuff on the interweb....its a factory turbo engine

28-05-10, 11:19 AM
right mate, to turbo a c20ne, you need to get the cr down a bit. you can do this with either a decomp plate or let pistons. ferriday engineering do the plates. on std management 12psi is your limit, which will see 170ish bhp wqith the let pistons. you will need a raft of other bits too, but its safe to say your looking at £800 min to do it. you can bodge it all but it will last 10 mins and give 12 bhp. pm me and i'll help as much as poss. oh and forget all you learned doing reno turbo conversions....

28-05-10, 12:50 PM
is it really worth it for 170bhp..... yes its "different" (well actually NO its not as lots of folks have done it :p) but dumping the std management is going to be the best answer and keep the CR the same surely...

28-05-10, 01:49 PM
i'll answer that later, bit busy atm....;)

28-05-10, 01:53 PM
If Its Coming Out Of Trowbridge Then Its Going To Be A Bodge!!!!

dave beety
28-05-10, 06:58 PM
lol im not that bad lol taking my time with it

craig green
28-05-10, 07:08 PM

The NE shouldnt need de-compressing really. The SE is higher comp, but still doable.

As Mowgli pointed out, in the states the same engine was turbo charged in a Pontiac amongst other stuff. An OK cast GM manifold is available for a T25 turbo. My advice is stay smallish with the turbo, this will help you out with your CR & be lag free & perky to drive. + the std management can be bodged to good effect.

dave beety
28-05-10, 07:17 PM
i got a t25 turbo but need to make a manifold up :confused:

28-05-10, 08:05 PM
where can i get the oil feed from lol

RS Turbo

You can also buy off the shelf big block 8v Turbo manifolds very cheaply (£60 ish imported into the UK) or just use the standard GM cast item.

28-05-10, 08:07 PM
is it really worth it for 170bhp..... yes its "different" (well actually NO its not as lots of folks have done it :p) but dumping the std management is going to be the best answer and keep the CR the same surely...

Fit an xe, job jobbed. :p

28-05-10, 08:36 PM
john your such a sheep lol

28-05-10, 08:39 PM
john your such a sheep lol

You know what the say though, "lead by example" lol

28-05-10, 08:40 PM
You know what the say though, "lead by example" lol
i was taking the pis5 mike cos him and sloth were having a debate in another thread lol
I follow the example in that case then with ma redt0p blud

28-05-10, 08:41 PM
i was taking the pis5 mike cos him and sloth were having a debate in another thread lol
I follow the example in that case then with ma redt0p blud

I know, i was taking the pish too lol (pish taking is text format just doesnt seem to happen lol)

28-05-10, 10:24 PM
The NE shouldnt need de-compressing really. The SE is higher comp, but still doable. ne's still run at 9.2 to 1 cr, so quite high, 12psi is the limit before it starts det-ing. with a de-comp plate or let pistons, you can get down to 8.1 to 1 cr, and ferriday do a 7.6 to 1 cr plate aswell. i have the emails from them somewhere...
se and seh are 10 to 1 cr, so even worse.
i know someone who ran an ne with m/s and a t3 hybrid at 30psi, and saw 270bhp on stock internals. it did snap the cam eventually..... :eek:
As Mowgli pointed out, in the states the same engine was turbo charged in a Pontiac amongst other stuff. An OK cast GM manifold is available for a T25 turbo. its not, there is no new stock left, only s/h from the usa. there is tubular ones on ebay uk for £179. My advice is stay smallish with the turbo, this will help you out with your CR & be lag free & perky to drive. spot on!:thumb: + the std management can be bodged to good effect. it can but it has its limits....

o.p you have pm...

in all seriousness tho if you have no idea on manis and oil feeds, sell the turbo and fit carbs.

28-05-10, 10:27 PM
most modern turbo engines run 10:1... no reason why an old engine cant.

Just use adjustable management and its all win.

28-05-10, 10:33 PM
true, but surely running at 8:1 is safer?

28-05-10, 10:38 PM
lost off boost driveability FTL

use correct control over the fuel and spark, then run 10:1... jobs a carrot. You dont HAVE to tune an engine to its max power you know ;)

28-05-10, 10:43 PM
yeah but its more fun that way. lol

hmm so if i fitted a t2 and ran it at 8psi on std cr you reckon it would be nice to drive? i'll use megasquirt btw.....

28-05-10, 11:11 PM
'boost' is just a measure of flow restriction :p

aslong as the squirt is setup right then yes imho it would drive 'fine' (bearing in mind its an uber bodge :p

dave beety
28-05-10, 11:39 PM
its of a 5 turbo guy got it new and never fited it to the car :d

28-05-10, 11:52 PM
so its a t2 then. will be fine for 8psi. you need a boost sensing fpr, and a big intercooler to keep the inlet charge down.

dave beety
28-05-10, 11:54 PM
is 8psi a lot for these 8vs lol

28-05-10, 11:56 PM
is 8psi a lot for these 8vs lol


29-05-10, 12:08 AM
nice easy figure to start with. best phrase:

dont run till you can walk/w@nk

dave beety
29-05-10, 12:40 AM
ive got cream injectors for it they only good for it :confused:

29-05-10, 12:47 AM
heres how i built the manifold for mine mate im on with a 1400 turbo budget build just for the crack it will eather work or it wont nothing to loose
built the adapter plate at work litterly tuck about 10 mins to make

29-05-10, 12:58 AM
the 2.0 has a different mani. 2 holes out instead of 1

29-05-10, 01:01 AM
the 2.0 has a different mani. 2 holes out instead of 1
wouldnt the 1800 mani fit with single downpipe

dave beety
30-05-10, 10:35 PM
any one where i can get the spacer from to lower the cr

craig green
30-05-10, 10:36 PM
Ferriday engineering can make them, as can any laser cutter company, get a gasket copied.

dave beety
31-05-10, 06:20 PM
how thick dose it have to be :confused:

31-05-10, 07:11 PM
how thick dose it have to be :confused:

Depends on what CR you plan to run.

31-05-10, 07:20 PM
i'll post my emails from them tomorrow.

dave beety
31-05-10, 11:07 PM
ok thanks mate will help a lot