View Full Version : insurance is w*nk

01-05-03, 06:53 PM
i dont understand it at all :cry:

01-05-03, 06:55 PM
come on darlin' > tell uncle wisewood, here you are, sit on my knee...

whats up cara??

01-05-03, 06:57 PM
i agree

it sucks. I still can't afford 2 insure the corsa on me own yet

01-05-03, 06:58 PM
well i got his account of events total bo**ox that was he went n had his van fixed without having an assesor or anything because he sed the insurance would have wrote it off for the age of his vehicle. he's took pics of the damage lol (after kickin it a few times prob) its just a lenghty process n cant b assed lol :lol: then with that i get sent something of a bill about a handa prelude vtec being fixed with a ?450 bill lmao

01-05-03, 07:00 PM

:lol: was the guy in the van in liverpool a scally scouser lookin bloke?
has he tried to get his damaged prelude fixed on the insurance from his van too or what??? :lol:
*nothing against all scousers just the scallies*

01-05-03, 07:02 PM
i seriously dont know :lol:

01-05-03, 07:03 PM
bugger it, not your problem > its his insurance aint it at the end of the day so no need to worry about it so much :D

01-05-03, 09:43 PM
dont worry bout it happens to everone theres no way he can get away with it, it happened to me the bloke crashed into me in a roundabout, he claimed i was indicating left when i was going straight, it took 7 months to sort out im sure it will be OK cara :)

01-05-03, 11:13 PM
thats an absolute basturd!

I deliberately keep a disposable camera in my car just incase something weird like ufo's or car crashes ever happen.

That way, i can catch it on photo and no one can dispute it!

Been ripped on in a smash before - woman escoprt drive his me 2 months after getting my car back from another smash - she gave me details, I took reggie down and tuerns out the car was stolen and the addy she gave was a dud!

02-05-03, 10:27 AM
My insurance policy is ?950 TPO with a pass plus for a 1.2L Not as cheap as Liverpool Victoria but i do get to drive anyone elses car TPO which is nice when my mum has a rapid Golf Mk2 GTI and my dad has a Saab 900 Turbo!!! Other than that it is a rip off!!

Chris LR
02-05-03, 10:31 AM
I like insurance !

In my Sisters Name.....

2003 Saxo, Fully Comp, Unlimited Miles, Courtesy Car, Protected Bonus....

?460 with Direct Line. We split it 60/40 I pay ?276 to drive around in a brand spanking new car.

It's not Garaged, Alarmed or Tracked and I live in one of worst places for car crime in the country.
