View Full Version : Rear Rollcage Suggestions

01-05-03, 12:40 PM
Hi I want a rear bolt in cage for my GTE, preferably with a removable diagonal but a fixed one would be ok. I want one that looks good and not just be for show (if I roll it I don't want the roof caving in). Can anyone please suggest what I can get for ?200. I've seen the Courtenay for ?208 but I was wondering what else is available and at what price.


01-05-03, 12:50 PM
demon tweeks do roll gages from about ?100 but i dont know what they consist of.

Ben (lurk75)
01-05-03, 04:52 PM

Safety Devizes about ?100

01-05-03, 10:56 PM
How about a polished alloy rear cage - would look nice in your car !!!
I think they're available from someone called Fearless Motorsport Developments !!!

Opps - thats me !!

Rear Cage with Diag ?475
Rear Cage without Diag ?435

01-05-03, 11:25 PM
ollster got a good price on a safety devices cage

PM him.............

01-05-03, 11:45 PM
ollster got a good price on a safety devices cage

PM him.............

close mike, was a roll centre cage and it cost ?220 with a full fia approved rear cage with fixed diagonal and harness bar, very good quality and fits perfect.


sorry for the poor pictures, i am doing a photoshoot with the person who designed the false floor next week so i should have some better ones of the cage etc then.

01-05-03, 11:47 PM
that car is YUMMY olly!

and apologies on the wrong name

01-05-03, 11:50 PM
If i've dun this correctly there should b a piccy of a fearless cage along with this text !!! :!:


01-05-03, 11:50 PM
no probs mate ill let you off lol

found another pic but agian you cant see a hell of a lot of the cage


02-05-03, 11:35 AM
safety devices bolt in


02-05-03, 11:59 AM
FCUK me thats a proper cage ste! Must weigh a bit though?

02-05-03, 12:19 PM
Do Safety Devices just sell just the rear part of that cage? I saw they did a 6 point for the Nova in Demon Tweeks but there was no prices.
It looks very nice.

02-05-03, 12:30 PM
yeah safety devices do do just the rear part, i have one with out the diagonal, got it scond hand for ?80 :D

02-05-03, 01:06 PM
it's not the six point it's a sixteen point.... not extra bolt holes into b pillar and into roof and into roof above doors

02-05-03, 02:04 PM
no offence mr fearless but the safety devices looks a better fit than yours. could you not make it fill the car out more ie closer to the car edges or is purely for show??

02-05-03, 02:31 PM
the fearless one is designed to fit round all the standard trim (inc back seat) the safety devices one requires you to dump everything and the sd one has to be hammered into place :roll:

also the fmd one is made with e least number of bends.... the sd one has bends all over!

Ben (lurk75)
02-05-03, 02:42 PM
If you go for the safety devices half cage with no diagnol you can keep the rear trim.

I have been told by various people that the chrome cages are not safe and when have come under a crash impact the diagnols sheared off and went through the back of a seat. unsure what manufacturer that was.

I will take a picture of mine when its back from being painted.

02-05-03, 02:46 PM
Doesn't sound to good if it goes through the back of the seat? All the way through stabbing the person in the seat??

02-05-03, 03:19 PM
the full sd cage attaches to the rear strut tops... the 6 pointer attaches to the arch that shows between the rear door car and bace and back of the seat

02-05-03, 06:18 PM
Cage is only a show cage - (although a customer in wales rolled his nova with one of our cages in - and recond it saved his life - it stopped the roof collapsing)

Because of the size of the tubing - its difficult to get a tight fit and still be able to keep standard seatbelt mounting points and sunroof (All FIA approved cages only fit novas with no factory fit sunroofs)

02-05-03, 11:47 PM
lol sorry mate but this isnt true, i use the omp fia approved 6 point cage in my gte with factory fitted sunroof and is a nice fit with sunroof still operational, only trick was to put the 50mm hoop on the floor and put flat plates beneath it rather than the plates supplied. Just as a price reference to anyone after a cage this comes in at 250'ish for whole cage and comes unpainted



03-05-03, 01:05 AM
Sorry m8 - I stand corrected

But as u said - had to mount it differently to fit the main hoop in
Did u not get door bars with the kit - they would add more stength to the front hoop and enable u 2 see up girls skirts when they have to clamber over the door bar - always money well spent !!!

03-05-03, 06:52 PM
Hi Dan,
That cage looks like just what im after, as long as you can still use the sunroof? or is it none useable now? ?250 you say? and I take it that comes finished in black?



03-05-03, 11:53 PM
lmao @ girls skirts but alas with child no. 2 on the way door bars are a tad awkward for missus to clamber in and out when she ever gets in the car, hence the single harness in car also. as for the sunroof neil yes it is still fully functional

04-05-03, 10:58 PM
the fearless one is designed to fit round all the standard trim (inc back seat)

any more gen?

Phil GTE
05-05-03, 03:56 PM
avoid full cages from roll centre, unless there fitting, i had to cut my dash even tho they promised i wouldnt

and there customer service is shit