View Full Version : Windsor cruise

18-12-00, 11:02 AM
Did anyone go to the Windsor cruise? Was it any good?

18-12-00, 03:40 PM
Yeah I went, there was no Windsor cruise. It was crawling wiv pigs !! All the car parks were closed off and there was pigs in the fuckin bushes with radar guns trying to catch us out.
Give Windsor a miss, although I wnet to slough and its back by sarah lee on the bath road where it used to be !! There was about 10/12 cars there and the police were letting it continue. There was a bastard pig in an unmarked car who pulled me and tryed to nick me for having a wheel brace in my car, they said it was an offensive weapon (Tossers) got off with a producer. Looks like it mite be there next week as well, you gonna go ?

18-12-00, 04:29 PM
yeah as long as the car is on the road, I'm there. It looks like it is a good idea to take all ya documents with ya 2.

19-12-00, 09:03 PM
i might take a drive down there and check it out see if we can check out the other motors without getting stopped by the scum