View Full Version : Your Scariest momnet in your car

29-04-03, 06:10 PM
Mine was when i let my mate drive my my nova Sri, which I had for 5 hours he lost control round a corner and mounted a kurb hit a lampost and snaped it, this landed on the roof of the car and thekit hit an Oak tree. Which stoped it!!


This was the result

What was yours

29-04-03, 06:24 PM
A422 heading towards J13 M1 (Bedford road) at Husborne Crawley.

In my old Pug 306 Td, rather suspect tyres (had alloys to put on) raining 5.30 pm.

Driving rather to fast for conditions, come around a blind bend, traffic had stopped, s h i t no where to go, stamped on the brakes, locked up, slid hit a bin lorry comming the other way.


Bin Lorry-1 Pug 306-0

Spent few hours in hospital, whiplash only. Closed road off a rush hour for three hours!!!! Bet I was popular :lol: :evil:

Repaired car, chassis jig the lot, new panels. Strangly enough see it yesterday in MK. Accident was six years ago. Guess im quite good a crash repairs :)

29-04-03, 06:47 PM
well i've only had the car three weeks now but last sunday i was makin my mates wel scared in my car by booting it down a street with cars parked either side and barely enough room for wing mirrors to fit!!!
there iz a sharp blind corner half way down which gets wider,i decided to go for it which i dont usually do and was going about 60mph,as i got round the corner there was some guy in a kitted alfa-romero,he stopped straight away,my brakes are s**t so it took me a while to slow down,finally stopped with wing mirrors jus touching with less than an inch each side of his car and a parked car.still dont know how i fit through the middle of the two cars.
he obviously got pissed off, i reversed to end of road with him shouting at me,turnt round and put my foot down.
bit scary for the guys in the bac with no seat belts which i belted each of them later!!!! nearly 'another one bites the dust' for the nova's!!!

29-04-03, 06:56 PM
nothin really...

although i had the nova on two wheels and very nearly over once in a car park as i tried to copy the lad in teh very low escort in front of me and he sped in at about 50 and hand brake turn and wheels spinnin later was parked neatly.

I attempted same thing at roughly same speed and it was having none of it, he said the two wheels on left side of car were way up in the air :lol:

was fun though.

29-04-03, 07:12 PM
there two that stickout,one happened today and the othere about six mounths ago:

Today driving home from collage and as i got onto the dual carrigeway i was over taken by a red merc, so i though fuck this and sped after him, any way after tailgating himfor a bit he finaly let me past ( i realise that a merc can cane my 1.2i but the limit was 40 and he were'nt gonna budge above 60) so as i was over taking him at just over 80mph he started to drift into my lane on perpose with big grin on his face expecting me to backoff, fuck that i made it through but was seriously inches away from hitting the curb at 80.

& six months ago i had to fight off a buch of pikeys trying to jack my car, i won by the way.

29-04-03, 07:22 PM
my accident last week frightend me a bit

other 1 was took car to the garage to have welding done, the guy had to remove my bak wheel cause the chassis had all needed doing. I drove from Gloucester 2 the Forest then to chelt only to find that he had put the wheel on but the nuts werent even done up. i shat myself could of been a major accident

29-04-03, 07:24 PM
fookin hell tilly > hope you gave the guy a darn good talkin to, he could have killed ya!!!

29-04-03, 07:27 PM
i know he just laffed then said i asked chris to do it - so i went mad and said yeah but i paid u to do the work not him blah blah :rant:

29-04-03, 07:33 PM
thats what we like to hear!!! nice bit of tilly kickin off and screaming in someones face :lol:

29-04-03, 07:34 PM
i shouted not screamed like a girl

29-04-03, 07:41 PM
going a ton on A702 to edinburgh - theres a HUGE straight bit with blind summits all along. Overtook a car coming up to a blind summit (was having a fight with future wife at the time) car was going so fast wheels left the road as I went over the top! :o

Engine revs shot through the roof, fels all light headed and the cd player jumped 2 tracks.

Everything went slow...

Touched down miliseconds later and wobbled like a jelly (was before car was lowered and was running 13's!)

scarey as fook man I can tell ya! Had that adrenilin rush where yer heart goes mad and yer nostrils instantly clear up!


29-04-03, 07:42 PM
yeah but i got this vision of you right in his face with your mouth wide open just screaming words out at top of your voice about 2 inches from his face :lol:

29-04-03, 07:46 PM
Nearly crashed a couple of times. Thats always scary!

Driving my Mums GTI was a bit scary but i'm used to the power now!

29-04-03, 07:51 PM
fookin hell tilly > hope you gave the guy a darn good talkin to, he could have killed ya!!!

stop trying to get in Tilly's knickers, what about everyone else that had close calls?


29-04-03, 07:52 PM
Wot colour r ya knickers? al this talk i thought id ask!

29-04-03, 07:54 PM
in me old astra i was going to the strathy cruise and on the way there is a roundabout which you cut the 2 lanes and go through at silly speeds so i did and a guy that just came off it heading the way i was at 20mph and in the middle of two lanes so i could'nt avoid him so i went 70 into the back of him lets say i was lucky to walk away and i never had a seat belt on so i nearly ended up out the windscreen :roll:

went to get the stuff out the car the next day with the bird when she seen it she bust out crying sayin you could have died so lets say she gave me lots of cuddles for the next few days :lol:

29-04-03, 08:10 PM
drivin mum to work one morning from Royston to buntingford, came out of royston onto hugely long straight with lots of ups an downs, came up behind wot looked like one artic lorry, wasent to bothered, but mum was insistant that i over took as she was late, so though fuck it, checked, was clear, pulled out, and it was 2 artics! thought about pullin bk in but other cars had pulled right up behind 1st lorry :evil: so just floored it, got to last part of 2nd lorry and mercedes appeared over the blind hill cumin at me very fast, !! aaaaaahhh!! buried foot into floor in a vain effort to get more acceleration! just about managed to swerve in front of last lorry at 110 mph barely missin merc, felt the back draft an everything!! scary stuff, was buzzin with adrenaline all the way to work :o

29-04-03, 08:18 PM
what car were u driving there tubs? GSI?

29-04-03, 10:25 PM
I've never had a scarey momnet ( is it a kind of monkey?)

As regards scaring the shit out of myself - given that up - the pacemaker wont take the strain :lol:

I find driving on wet motorways in heavy traffic more scarey than anything really. I dont feel at all in control of my own destiny and that scares me esp. when see how bad and clueless many drivers are these days. My particular worry is tailgating - virtually no-one seems to allow for the correct braking distances in heavy traffic

29-04-03, 10:40 PM
:cry: i havnt had a scary moment yet even when me m8 decided to go to kwik on to a slip road got the rear end steppin out over corected it so it flicked the other way into a sign which made us jump down the bank into the path of two lorries i tell ya uve never seen a 1.1 fiesta do as gd a burn out as me m8 did tryin to get it out the way kwik but i was only bothered bout the stereo fucking up i wasnt bothered bout the bent axle pan hard rod and wheel as well as the huge dent so no1 as scared me yet and guess who got roped into fixing the bugger as well the only thing i havnt changed on it is the front suspension everyfing else has bin dun its for sale as well by the way its gr8 fun cos its LHD he only wants ?50 as he needs to get rid to make way for his 1.3 sr the gd lad has joined the nova crew

29-04-03, 11:26 PM
[quote="DEE'S NOVA"]in me old astra i was going to the strathy cruise quote]

where do u stay mate? do you still go up to strathy??

30-04-03, 12:02 AM
mine was yesterday, torencial rain, dual carrage way, over taking(even tho i was going at 55 and the car in the slow lane was going about 40), there was this big massive fvck off puddle going across both lanes, and the car i was over taking was about 3 meters infront of me, it trew up about 10 tons of water on me windscreen, i could not see a thing, wipers on speed 2 and it took 4 turns of wipers to get rid of rain, i just held the wheels straight and hoped for the best!

another one was this guy spinning on a round about just infront of me, i slammed on brakes, (before the Corsa GSi ones) they locked up and i ended up skidding onto the joining road onto the round about, facing the wrong way, luckly late at night and no cars! :roll:

30-04-03, 12:20 AM
i was coming home from my girlfreinds house on the m25 one night about half 12, and the road was empty,as i came up to a couple of lorries i moved over to the centre lane to go past and as i went past the second lorry it pulled out and squashed my car against the centre reservation then i span sideways into the side of another lorry in the slow lane.
i cant remember getting out of the car i can only remember sitting in the back of a fire engine waiting for an ambulance..Oh and the lorry driver that hit me drove off and i got feck all compensation. :cry:

30-04-03, 12:45 AM
I find driving on wet motorways in heavy traffic more scarey than anything really. I dont feel at all in control of my own destiny and that scares me esp. when see how bad and clueless many drivers are these days. My particular worry is tailgating - virtually no-one seems to allow for the correct braking distances in heavy traffic

I experienced exactly that yesterday, soaking wet motorway, i kept leaving space in front of me for braking as my brakes are rubbish. EVERY time without fail someone pulled into the gap i had left myself. also i had a wnaker in a volvo no more than 5 metres away from my back bumper for about 10 minutes on the M25.

My scariest moment was also yesterday when i was on the M1 going north, i got to Milton Keynes and loads of wind appeared from no where. I really struggled to hold onto the car and had to slow down a fair bit. bloody weather!!!

30-04-03, 08:45 AM
overtaking a hgv in the inside lane of the m54 joining up to the m6
It a pool of standing water at around 70mph.

did scare me to say the least.

Also got sideways on of a island in stoke. Later found a shock had burst.
islandhad 2 or 3 lanes round it. lucky not to take anyone out.

whoops. 2 hairy moments. besides them nowt much besides the normal crappy drivers cutting me up ect ect

30-04-03, 10:36 AM
My scary was when going down a main road when i had my 1.2 with shity brakes and someone pulls out on me so i brake as hard as i can, the car skidded sideways i hit the curb and it rolled onto it roof :o
Bloody citroen drivers
the police breatherlized me and the other bloke had just pulled out of a pub and they didn't breatherlize him b4 he drove off :!: :!: :!:

30-04-03, 10:39 AM
I papped myself the other day when i was driving to the end of my street after having the air box off and the brakes just didn't work! I nearly rolled onto a main carrage way! That made my heart miss a beat! Got out to see if i had knocked the brake servo gave it a wiggle and it worked after that? Took it easy for a bit after that!

Found out later when i changed my manifold that it was due to there not being a grommet ataching the servo pipe to the cylinder and it was just ballancing there! :!: :!:

30-04-03, 11:44 AM
erm spinning on a diesil patch at a motorway roundabout and winding up facing the wrnog way on the roundabout with a lorry 10feet from the bonnet. that was a tad ring loosening.

er not in my car, but a red nova ;) and seeing a jag and anohter nova in V close proximity lol

30-04-03, 12:02 PM
going down southend (i think it was) on the M1 was pissing it down and i was doing bout 90 (trying to keep up with everyone) hit a bit of standing water and flew towards the central barrier, managed to gain traction and avoid it sumhow........was scary tho, hey breeny !!!

30-04-03, 12:52 PM
Everytime i get in the car... or press the accelerator for that matter!

eeeeer other than that when i stacked the saxo, when i stacked the first nova and the little incident that Cambridge is on about :lol:

30-04-03, 01:03 PM
Can we all get together and get breeny some advanced driving lessons?

Just an idea.!

30-04-03, 01:39 PM
Wot colour r ya knickers? al this talk i thought id ask!

i think pink would probably be a pretty safe bet mate :lol:

and Jim :oops: i wasnt trying to get anywhere near her nickers. :lol:

30-04-03, 02:14 PM
NOVATAKEN i used to go up every now and then not been in a while the car i have now is a mk2 asrea red 15" 5spokes and a massive mig sicker on the back window incase you might have seen it

and i'm from greenock

30-04-03, 02:17 PM
Can we all get together and get breeny some advanced driving lessons?

Just an idea.!

Only if you come with me :p

Those crashes were all 2+ years ago anyway, I think Ste needs the lessons more than me anyway :lol:

30-04-03, 02:20 PM
crashing many times...

hitting a tree/hedge/ditch/gate at 90mph+ while racing a nova gte


30-04-03, 02:22 PM
That looks nasty. Was there anything that didn't break?? :o

30-04-03, 02:29 PM
nice tree shaped dent

front end

30-04-03, 10:42 PM
I find driving on wet motorways in heavy traffic more scarey than anything really. I dont feel at all in control of my own destiny and that scares me esp. when see how bad and clueless many drivers are these days. My particular worry is tailgating - virtually no-one seems to allow for the correct braking distances in heavy traffic

I experienced exactly that yesterday, soaking wet motorway, i kept leaving space in front of me for braking as my brakes are rubbish. EVERY time without fail someone pulled into the gap i had left myself. also i had a wnaker in a volvo no more than 5 metres away from my back bumper for about 10 minutes on the M25.

Reminds me of my accident..the same sort of thing happened..but was in dry conditions..someone driving into the back of ur nova at 50mph, you spinning round, hitting the car in front of you with the back of ur car and sitting watching the oncoming traffic coming straight for you is pretty scary :o