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12-05-10, 02:12 PM
myself and dj shaggy been having a lil debate!

bagels or rolls

myself im a bagel guy

shaggy is a roll man

wots the prefferance

could a poll be set up?

12-05-10, 02:59 PM
give me a nice big cob any day

12-05-10, 03:00 PM
Bin Lid:thumb:

12-05-10, 03:00 PM
Bacon roll, brown sauce.

Sausage Bap, Red sauce.

Or, go to minisport, go round the corner, exchange £4.00 and get theee biggest bap everr:) Came with sausage, bacon, egg, mushroom, tomato, black pudding, hash browns, and beans.

OMG it was amazing:)

12-05-10, 03:01 PM

12-05-10, 03:03 PM
This comes up all the time and ends up leading onto the Breakfast 'lunch' Dinner debate.....

Baps are the fleshy pillows of lovelyness found in a laydees bra, youre all talking about breadcakes, a roll to me would describe something like a spring roll or fajita as its 'rolled' :p

And its Breakfast Dinner and Tea lol

12-05-10, 03:05 PM
my missus is half jewish, and she won't allow bacon on bagels, she says it would offend her jewish half, so she eats them on white cobs (leicestershire correct term for bread rolls) as opposed to those nuneaton & atherstone 'batches' muppets

12-05-10, 03:08 PM
atherstone 'batches' muppets

Lmfao, confuddled the hell out of me when i was in baxters local sarny shop and when i asked for a sausage and egg, i was asked 'did i want it in a sandwich or a batch' i was like wtf :wtf:

I looked at baxter and said, ummmm, do i? lol

12-05-10, 03:27 PM
the usual response is

'A BATCH??? A BATCH????? i only want one of them'

that really pisses them off......

12-05-10, 03:55 PM
Bacon roll, brown sauce.

Sausage Bap, Red sauce.

Or, go to minisport, go round the corner, exchange £4.00 and get theee biggest bap everr:) Came with sausage, bacon, egg, mushroom, tomato, black pudding, hash browns, and beans.

OMG it was amazing:)

Graeme Dixon loves them lol


12-05-10, 03:56 PM
Lmfao, i wish i had thought of that one, but i was too surprised at the question as i wasnt expecting it, thats like saying do you want your butty (which means a breadcake straight away) in a cracker or a brick lol

12-05-10, 03:57 PM
breadcake!!!!! only some northerner could try to make it sound exotic. it is a small bread roll.........

12-05-10, 04:01 PM
Lmfao theres nothing exotic about a breadcake and it doesnt even sound remotely exotic :p


12-05-10, 04:02 PM
it has cake in the title, and that is positively posh to the average northerner who thinks garlic bread is avante garde.

12-05-10, 04:03 PM
mmmmmmmmm cake

12-05-10, 04:23 PM
Just because its only just filtered down there to you sourthern fairies, we have had garlic bread for years ya plum :p

12-05-10, 04:26 PM
we invented it to get rid of stale bread.....

12-05-10, 04:32 PM
Theres only one word i can use to describe that little nugget of info, it begins with B and rhymes with what you have on a rowing boat lol

12-05-10, 04:33 PM
Theres only one word i can use to describe that little nugget of info, it begins with B and rhymes with what you have on a rowing boat lol

Boars? :confused:

12-05-10, 04:34 PM
Oh dear you silly pedantic boy, yes of course got it in one lol

Not :p

12-05-10, 04:35 PM
bandrea??? i had her in a rowing boat

12-05-10, 04:36 PM
Bored now lol

12-05-10, 04:36 PM
Well there's sod all else on a rowing boat lol

12-05-10, 04:37 PM
meanwhile, back at the thread.... you can also use bagels as sextoys

12-05-10, 04:51 PM
Bread Rolls (or as a rarely permittable name, Bap)

Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Afternoon Tea (thats a snack you cretins) and then Dinner (oh then pre bed snack lol).

It seems that anyone above the watford gap-Bristol Line are knuckle dragging chimps for calling any of the above anything different lol

12-05-10, 05:04 PM
Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Afternoon Tea (thats a snack you cretins) and then Dinner (oh then pre bed snack lol).

isn't that the hobbit diet????

12-05-10, 05:17 PM
im for a big cob myself!

12-05-10, 05:36 PM
You can't beat a big crusty nob.... I mean cob.

Plus if you freeze one it doubles up as a weapon, just stick it in a plastic bag or a sock and start swinging. If you did that with a bagel it would break after the first impact.

Also, you get more for your monies with a roll, cob, breadcake (wtf). With bagels you feel like you've been robbed of a centre.

12-05-10, 05:41 PM
A cob is something that sweetcorn comes on you set of plums, it is not a sandwich device :p

12-05-10, 05:43 PM
dj shaggeh fpmsl!

13-05-10, 06:10 PM
this thread rocks lol

13-05-10, 06:28 PM

Baguels are for battys.

Actually Oatcakes!! Loads better then a roll, cob, baguel etc

14-05-10, 11:16 PM

End of.

Fcuking poncey terms don't ride 'round here!