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11-05-10, 02:06 PM
A broken Ankle!!

Just a warning to anybody dont break your ankle it sucks major donkey d*ck!!
Cant drive:(
Cant walk without crutches:(
Sooooooo bored can only play a certain ammount of COD:(
and its been in cast 3 weeks :(
But only 2 more weeks to go :d

Was out on my field bike and well fell off with my boots on thank god. Swelled right up when purple walked around on it for two days (curry and pub lol)then deiced it wasnt getting any better. 1 xray later yes u have broken it DOH

so just a wee warning to you all haha

11-05-10, 02:07 PM
Time off work = WIN! I need a broken ankle.

11-05-10, 02:08 PM
puff, you should have manned up & walked it off, like professional footballers do

11-05-10, 02:10 PM
Time off work = WIN! I need a broken ankle.

self employed :( Major fail

11-05-10, 02:11 PM
puff, you should have manned up & walked it off, like professional footballers do

well i did for two days lol the way they have set the cast its so hard not painfull or anything jst well to akward

11-05-10, 02:11 PM
can't you be self employed but in a call centre??? or some other desk bound job??

11-05-10, 02:12 PM
well i did for two days lol the way they have set the cast its so hard not painfull or anything jst well to akward

roller blade FTW.

11-05-10, 02:44 PM
if im honest i didnt really have any desires to go breaking my ankle, so this is sort of a pointless warning

11-05-10, 02:46 PM
if im honest i didnt really have any desires to go breaking my ankle, so this is sort of a pointless warning

I was thinking about it but I'm in 2 minds now.

11-05-10, 02:47 PM
it comes with field bike riding really...... the best way to crash a field bike is to jump off it before it gets to the scene of the accident

11-05-10, 03:10 PM
I'm intrigued as to how the link between a broken ankle and donkey fellatio came about lol

11-05-10, 03:20 PM
you may have found the reason for the breakage.... those donkeys can't half kick

12-05-10, 01:31 PM
ive allready done both in the past and quite a few other bones to go with it f*cking mountin bike lol

12-05-10, 01:38 PM
ive allready done both in the past and quite a few other bones to go with it f*cking mountin bike lol

how do you manage it? is it a seat off job?

12-05-10, 05:15 PM
i know someone who was getting a backi on a crosser and got his foot caught in the back wheel, snapped his ankle good and proper lmao

12-05-10, 05:24 PM
how do you manage it? is it a seat off job?
Well i did one ankle coming off my old trials bike did a jump and knew it was going to hurt so i pushed the bike away and landed on the landin mount = pain ant i came off again in steatly quary and that was on my old saracen before i demolished that! Broke a few bones in that quary ha ha!