View Full Version : had a bump, need advice

29-04-10, 09:32 PM
about 3 weeks ago i was driving along all happy, about to go give the nova a good coat of looking at, when a merc pulls out in front of me, i lock up and bang, nice little head on! completely lost my rag, jumped out started screeming at the poor fella, calmed down a little bit as it turerd out the bloke was a nice chap which made me feel bad. he admitted responsabilty straight away and asked if we could sort it with cash so his premium didnt go up. i couldnt see why not, he handed me all his details and told me to get back to him with a quote for the job. so got a quote for £900 for two new front light, grille, bumper and seatbelt mechanism. he said it was too much and to go down to his local garage to get a second opinion, fair enough. it just so happened that on the day i was supposed to meet him i lost my fone and i was redecorating and the misses couldnt remember where she put the bit of paper FEK! luckily retrieved a voicemail from him about 2 weeks later, called him yesterday , no awnser, left a message and he still hasnt got back to me, and ive also found his details so all good but where do i stand if he decides he doesnt want to pay? considering i didnt notify my insurance or police as i though i wouldnt need to, apart from the seatbelt he hasnt really done any real damage , just broken clips:thumb:

29-04-10, 10:24 PM
first off i think your mad for not reporting the incident to the police , afaik if the accident hasnt been reported after 2 weeks the police will take nothing to do with it , if you have the guys details call to his home address , if hes not avaible leave a letter saying youve tried to contact him on numerious occasions , also if theres no real damage why not try his local garage if its just broken clips .

29-04-10, 11:39 PM
i didnt see the need of reporting it as damage was pretty minor, he admitted responsibilty, gave me his details and offered to pay. i think he thinks if he drags it out long enough i will just forget, but i agree, a house visit may be the best idea

29-04-10, 11:58 PM
you should have taken photos. everyone has a camera phone these days! but he sounds nice enough not to deny it all