View Full Version : funny day, tits, bums and police...

26-04-03, 03:12 AM
watched a video of xmas party at gf's cousin house, involved women getting there tits out, my getting my arse out and throwing up alot!

Then had work 5-10pm.

Then went to gf's family wedding party, her family getting drunk then me taking gf, 2 of her sister and her cousin(same one who had the xmas party)

Driving back to drop them off, turn the 2 12" subs loud and give them a nice massage, their drunk so like it, notice im being followed by police, having a laugh in car, the girls in back proceed to get ther tits out, there's me trying to drive with 6 boobs bouncing about in the rear view mirror.
the police finally pull me over,

Police man - name please
Me - Neil
Police man - Neil what?
Girls in the back - hello officer(hicup)
Police man - hello ladies
Police man - Neil vernon
Me - No
Police man - NO??
Me - No, my names Neil Davison, i live on vernon road
Police man - oh right, your address please
Me - blah blah road blah sheffield
Police man - your exhaust seems to be blowing alot
Me - No it doesn't, just had MOT
Police man - You have :?
Me - Yeah :twisted:
Police man - Got any documents on me (asking as if i dont have any)
Me - What do u want, Driving lisence, Insurance certificate or MOT? (MOT one is till end of this month, dont worr, i dont keep new ones in car)
Police man - errrr All please...
Me - there u go
Police man - Ok thankyou, buh bye.

Now it was so funny, him trying to pick me on summit like exhaust coz it was loud, when it is fine, and he didnt know what to say. serves him right!

Driving past this pub, gf's cousin goes in to try and find her bf, he come out and gets in taxi with 2 girls, not knowing his gf is there, gf's cousin goes a hammers the 2 girls then lays into her bf's he was gonna glass her with a bottle until other blokes defended gf's cousin....


Im home now, 3AM, got work in 6 hours :(


26-04-03, 03:19 AM
LOL m8 - class nite!.

I have insomnia after eating large special chowmein :?

Also have to be at work in 6 hours

Also - to keep me awake more - my wife has just dived out of bed after being asleep for 3 hours swearing blind a HUGE spider just ran over the bed.

Now - I HATE SPIDERS! tore the bedroom apart - she thinks she dreamed it?

I'm sleeping on the sofa - just incase


26-04-03, 03:23 AM
i hate spiders that are bigger then 2mm, even tho im 1000 time bigger then they are, i hate the long legs, ewwwwwwwwwww.

Aye, evening was funny.

26-04-03, 02:16 PM
aparently the average person swalloews three insect a year while asleep, that inculdes spiders :o