View Full Version : re spray

24-04-03, 01:24 AM
hello i just wondered if anyone could tell me a good cheap place in nottingham that does re sprays as i have re sprayed my car myself but i cant get the back end of the car to look nice:( so i just really need one coat of paint all over to finish it off. i got a quote today for ?400 but that seems a little to much just for 1 coat of paint.

ps. does anyone have a rough idea how much i should be paying for someone to give it 1 coat of paint, i am only using cell paint not 2pak

thanks in advance for any nfo

24-04-03, 10:10 AM
From what you said that sounds a bit much. You can pay thousands to get your car done but you get a good job. Just to do a top cout with cell paint you dont want to be paying over ?200. What about laquer?

I got a quote to do my whole car incuding all rubbed down and rust/dints patched, primed and a top coat of perl blue for ?340. Not the best job in the world as they would only spray the outside but you have to pay loads for a full shell re-spray.

At the end of the day you get what you pay for (unless you get ripped off!!)

James B
24-04-03, 03:35 PM
Nova-Boy who gave you that quote? im looking for respray and that seems within me price range

all the farmer fold where i live dont have prices like that!

should move back to london really - they have SHOPS and everything!

24-04-03, 03:39 PM
A local body shop down the industrial estate where i live. Up in Cumbria at the edge of no where so everything is cheap! Theye did my mums GTI a few years aago and it was pretty good! Pearlecent Doge Viper Blue!