View Full Version : anybody see 'traffic cops' on BBC1?

23-04-03, 01:28 AM
did you see that 1.0ltr nova??? :lol:

dont get me wrong novas r gr8 but its heaps of shit like that which give them a bad name.

also, did u see that bald copper with the glasses? cant remember his name now. did n e one else sense that there may have been something mentally wrong with that bloke?

23-04-03, 02:20 AM
the nova looked in quite decent nick when he had a look under the bonnet, couldnt detect anything too bad, even pointed it out to my mum lol

23-04-03, 03:05 AM
that bloke who was driving the nova had no licence, no insurance no MOT and his car was in a crappy condition he had to spend a 200 pounds on a fine if hed just used that on the car in first place he be OK. wot a twat

23-04-03, 09:07 AM
i seen it.
Nothing a little work wouldnt put right

23-04-03, 09:15 AM
that bloke who was driving the nova had no licence, no insurance no MOT and his car was in a crappy condition he had to spend a 200 pounds on a fine if hed just used that on the car in first place he be OK. wot a t**t
Yeah lol and he would prob have enough change for a pint!

23-04-03, 09:23 AM

23-04-03, 09:27 AM
well its true. ?200 can get a lot done on a nova. Even a wasted one let alone an ok conditioned one :wink:

23-04-03, 09:34 AM
I saw it last night. I knew there would be a comment made about it on here as soon as the Nova came on the screen, lol.

There were some things that he had no excuse for, however, the loose battery in the engine bay was a bit harsh. Thats how most Nova batteries are. I don't know about the Mk1, but the Mk2 has a little plate that helps to keep it in place, but if you dont check it each week, the battery can come loose.

Other than that, the guy deserved to get knicked. No license, no Tax, no Insurance...Bellend!


24-04-03, 12:33 AM
at less than ?200 is way cheaper just not to bother hence guys like that

24-04-03, 01:51 AM
You get up to 8 points for not having insurance.

Chris LR
24-04-03, 08:21 AM
What was the deal with blurring his plate, one minute is was blured, next it wasn't......

F495 D'OH!

24-04-03, 11:17 AM
yeah i know i noticed that with the number plate.

the copper gave that car a right slating tho you could tell he was playing upto the camera. gut instinct my arse. i bet the lad got pulled the other day by the same bloke.

Chris LR
25-04-03, 11:52 AM
I know, they must have known him, they don'y just 'come accross' these people and remember the details.

25-04-03, 11:55 AM
me smells a set up!!!

28-04-03, 06:01 PM
of corse they set it up they are trying to make us people who like cars like novas a bad name and an excuse for old twats who drive skodas and think modifing cars is shit a resent to hate us even more

28-04-03, 09:45 PM
was that the prog on bbc1 late last nite - the one with the guy who got road rag, cut up a lorry, then stopped his car, jumped in front of it and the driver ran him over!!!

LOL about them kids outsiode that school with a speed gun - ghow many embarassed drivers!

Dunno if it was the same but well mad.

Had J Theakston doing voice over


28-04-03, 09:55 PM
lmfao!!! @ that lorry driver.

might be the same one im not sure but the one im on about was on the night i posted so last tuesday. might have been repeated last night tho.