View Full Version : Wot filter 2 put on a nova 1.2 carb?

22-04-03, 04:02 PM
Hello, ive got a nova 1.2 merit. Its got a pierburg 1b1 single choke carb with a manual choke. Wot filter shud i put on it? A k&n bolt-on filter or a replacement k&n element? Cheers

22-04-03, 04:17 PM
Either. Are you looking for performance or looks? Replacement element will keep the hot air feed etc but the bolt on will look good. It is upo to you. Performance wont be that much better with either. you could put a replacement element in and then drill your air box. This will increase performance slightly and will sound better!

22-04-03, 05:42 PM
as (will was) advised by velos dont get a K&N bolt on since it covers the top of the carb, instead go for a foam "dome" type that allows a wide airintake. cant rembmer the make they suggested

22-04-03, 10:15 PM
as (will was) advised by velos dont get a K&N bolt on since it covers the top of the carb, instead go for a foam "dome" type that allows a wide airintake. cant rembmer the make they suggested

A Ramair one :D like i was sporting on the day

NuTtY nOvA fLaIr
22-04-03, 10:17 PM
Try a pipercross bolt-on those are a dome type shape.

23-04-03, 02:57 AM
Yep velos speak sense, I had twin K&N chrome type filters (2 individual filters) on my 1.6SR T40 when I bought it but changed it for a PiperCross foam surround type one (One piece) which made a huge difference to the amount of air the twin 40's pulled through - Plus it sounded the dogs!!

23-04-03, 12:21 PM
how much BHP you reckon your 1600 with 40s had Mr.Sumner? was there any other mods?

23-04-03, 04:18 PM
Jezz you ask me now that I've sold it and given all the paperwork away with it.......Err I did have it rolling roaded and it was something like 115 BHP (Fly) and 118 Lb/Torque.

All it had was the twin 40's (Still want some for my GSi as they sounds sooo nice) Pipercross filter as explained above, Janspeed manifold and Mongoose stainless steel exhaust system (Which was the best exhaust I've ever owned - loads better than Magnex and Powerflow (Yuck hate my powerflow system now!!)).
Hope that helps?