View Full Version : Flushing a Tailgate

21-04-03, 09:58 PM
How would be the best way to flush a tailgate im about to start on one now but not to sure the best way to do it. I dont want to be using to much filler as it will crack! MY IDEA: Sit a small sheet of metal in the number plate area put some small screws in behind to support the sheet to stop it from moving and bending then filler over it was my idea. Any better ones???

21-04-03, 10:35 PM
welding a sheet of metal in place has got to be the best option.
as for additional support from behind using expanding foam might work best.

21-04-03, 10:55 PM
if the steel u get to cover the hole is a good enough grade (thickness) then it wont need reinforcing.

22-04-03, 04:06 PM
If you wait a few more weeks Quad Conversions are makin a tailgate blankin plate which will just bond straight on the the tailgate then you just gotta smooth in the edges then ya sorted its not ready yet i don't think well not the last time i spoke to then but they will be ?50 when they are drop them an email an see what the say

22-04-03, 10:16 PM
If you wait a few more weeks Quad Conversions are makin a tailgate blankin plate which will just bond straight on the the tailgate then you just gotta smooth in the edges then ya sorted its not ready yet i don't think well not the last time i spoke to then but they will be ?50 when they are drop them an email an see what the say

are they for the new tailgates or the old ones with seperate lock and no handle?

22-04-03, 10:19 PM
they are for any tailgate just take everything off e.g handle, lock, i asume wiper just to you can bond the blankin plate straight on

22-04-03, 10:20 PM
they are for any tailgate just take everything off e.g handle, lock, i asume wiper just to you can bond the blankin plate straight on

so it dosent just go in the recess it goes across the WHOLE boot?

22-04-03, 10:21 PM
i am asuming it goes over the whole boot an then you just have to blend in the edges with filler