View Full Version : T-cut

21-04-03, 06:52 PM
well my boyfriend decided that the 1.3sr was looking dull i suggested washing it, 1 hour later and hes done it i know have a well shiny motor. cant get over what t-cut has done. Think the guy obviously had it blown over but then left it. shheeeeeeeesh


21-04-03, 06:54 PM
I take it thats the SR... ? :?

Very nice n shiney whatever it is :D

21-04-03, 06:56 PM
it is the sr yup says that duh

Im just in shoke it looks lush, i dont know how to put the pics up sorry

21-04-03, 07:00 PM
i did my old red nova merit with tcut, i couldnt believe it when i done it on that pink thing either.

your pics have made me get my ass into gear and i think ill do mine tomorow



finger over lense :lol: :P :twisted:

21-04-03, 07:03 PM
it is the sr yup says that duh

well it never said that the first time - and mate at work here can back me up cant you kiel.

yupp - sure can

see - told ya!!

21-04-03, 07:04 PM
For the lazy people.....


Did the same thing myself the other day on the roof. That was hard work, do the rest of it another day..... :P

21-04-03, 07:05 PM
cheers Techie you :lilangel:

21-04-03, 07:09 PM
Ur most welcome 8)

21-04-03, 07:41 PM
i dont know how to put the pics up sorry

lol @ tilly. 1662 posts on this forum can't put pictures up. lol.
must be a girl thing. :wink:

21-04-03, 07:46 PM
shut it :oops: :oops:

21-04-03, 08:00 PM
cant just be girls dan did the same :lol:

21-04-03, 08:15 PM
yes he has... :roll:
just an observation

Chris LR
21-04-03, 08:29 PM
Very Nice :splat:

21-04-03, 08:35 PM
Looks nice...i might use some t-cut on my car :?

21-04-03, 10:00 PM
If you can get someone to show you i would recommend "mopping" over T cutting. Basically you get a 7" angle grinder and buy the mopping heads to go on it. There's a velcro base and you have an "on" sponge and an "off" one (like shoe polish brushes). If you go to a professional automotive paint suppliers they'll have all this plus the special liquid for the job. Its similar to T cut but far less abrasive and puts in much more shine. Being as you are using a grinder you can really put some hard core polishing in to the extent where it almost melts the paint into shine and it will more or less remove blemishes and flatten them right out.

21-04-03, 10:21 PM
Nice job done sweetheart. Just needs some one to buy it now :) Likes like you've done a great job there.

22-04-03, 08:18 AM
i like the way the water stays on my bonet in lil balls after i have polished it! :D

22-04-03, 12:31 PM
Just a quick note to say that anyone not knowing how to add images to their posts can read the very well prepared guide on exactly how to do so to be found as a sticky post at the top of the novaload general chat forum :D

and CP - top tip mate.

22-04-03, 01:18 PM
cheers cp but i kind of get a hint of sarcasm about the "on" & "off" switch?????????

22-04-03, 01:20 PM
think he means there is a pad for applying the cream and another for removing it again...

a sort of wax on and wax off type thing.

22-04-03, 01:25 PM
hmmmmm i know what he means i think

22-04-03, 02:15 PM
everytime I T-cut my car, I seem to get streeks & patches on the paint work... :( Is everyone using some special cloth or just any old rag.

22-04-03, 02:17 PM
I find that T-cut leaves streaks and is so hard to get off so i use polish just to finish it off.

22-04-03, 02:26 PM
am i fcuk ever going near my car with t-cut again!

thought the roof was looking a bit faded. 'ah i know t-cut will sort that nicely' so i applied it and stood back in admiration of a job well done only for a couple of days l8r loads of water marks to appear on my roof! this was 4/5 months ago and i still aint got those sh!tty marks off yet.

give me auto glym super resin polish any day of the week.

anyone else had this problem???

22-04-03, 07:12 PM
i normally use auto glym but it wasnt going to work on this job no way

22-04-03, 07:54 PM
lol there was no hint of sarcasm :lol: its the right way to describe them. the two sponges are totally different. Ones like a natural sponge and is for putting the flatting liquid on and the other is more like insulation foam and is for taking it off. T cut has too much solvent and too low a grade of abrasive particles in it and can actually knacker up older paint jobs as stated. OK for small areas basically IMO

22-04-03, 08:30 PM
everytime I T-cut my car, I seem to get streeks & patches on the paint work... :( Is everyone using some special cloth or just any old rag.

i use auto glym polishing cloth but make sure u shake it out well first its so bitty

and cp i'll let u off then. I do know what u were on about really

22-04-03, 10:05 PM
started takin me vynal off me Red SR this weekend an T-cut where it was an looks amazing!!! top stuff no nails left now or the lass who helped me :rofl:

22-04-03, 11:04 PM
can actually knacker up older paint jobs

thing is mine is quite new :o was done by the owner before last i think. not very well i might add! lets the car down and those marks just make it worse. still looks quite clean i suppose cos i wash it religiously. gonna cost me loads to get the bodywork sorted properly

22-04-03, 11:05 PM
u need to seal t cut to stop the water marks, it strips the top layer of paint effectively, leaving it open to the elements, use a wax or polish like MIR to seal it in or a auto glym product as mentioned, to seal the paint if u like

23-04-03, 12:03 AM
Took the words from me gob mike!

Yeah - t-cut too harsh and needs to be resealed with a good resin polish

If yer getting streaks yer either rubbing too hard or not letting it dry - do small areas at a time


23-04-03, 11:10 AM
So what would everybody recommend as the BEST products for restoring your colour & giving it that professional shine?

23-04-03, 12:51 PM
well bodyshops use different grades of "cutting compound" which is basically t-cut

so, either T-cut or lightly abrashive cutting compound.

then an autoglym polish, or what me and dad always get good results from is called "Mir" its in a blue bottle, and has a silver cap, sells in halfords. its one of these "Advertised on TV" things. used to be on home shopping like QVC and the like.

23-04-03, 01:09 PM
ive got some mer to

23-04-03, 01:51 PM
mums ex boyfriend used to swear by mer - he used it on his mk2 escort (rally prepped) and his xr3i, and his cav lxi and i think he even used it on the Izuzu Trooper we had for a while too :lol:

24-04-03, 01:30 AM
its about ?10a bottle