View Full Version : Spray Painting - no shine :@

21-04-03, 05:27 PM
ok ive just resprayed 2 front wings white for my car

having some problems with the finish

basically its had about 3 layers of top paint after about 3-4 layers of primer

and it aint shiny - its really dull

any ideas??

it looks exactly the same with the 3rd coat on as it did with the second coat - its white just dull and kinda pimply :evil:

21-04-03, 06:24 PM
where abouts did you spray your wing and what with?

wasnt aerosol was it???

21-04-03, 06:35 PM
you havent sanded enough between coats of paint.

you have PLENTY of paint on there as a base. get yourself the finest sandpaper (wet and dry) you can find. firtsly use it dry with a lot of elbow greae THE PAINT MUST BE THROUGHOULY DRY OTHERWISE IT WILL GO TITS UP

then use the sand paper wet.

should bring up a shine.

if it looks shiny, but with a matt finnish because you have sanded it, then give it one final going over lightly for the shine.

21-04-03, 06:43 PM
If you have done all your top coats and it still isn't shiny then sand it down with 1200 and laquer it.

21-04-03, 07:15 PM
i sanded with 800 betweeen coats of primer

1200 on the last coat of primer and 1200 between each coat of paint - all dry

ive not seen the final product cos me da finished it off - ill get some photos tomorrow and let u see it if i can

21-04-03, 10:57 PM
try rubbing the top coat of paint down with 1200 and then get some cutting compound (t-cut or something similar) that should sort it, if not i'm not too sure but i know using rattle cans to do something as large as a wing is a bad start.

22-04-03, 01:56 AM
If it was done out of a can then you'll need to spray the laquer on 'wet'. What this means is that when the paint you've just sprayed on is still wet, spray on the laquer, it'll turn cloudy rather than clear but it will dry clear - just don't put it on too thick.
You could then give a few more THIN coats of laquer whilst it's drying and rub down with some 1200 grit paper at the end for a glassy finish.

22-04-03, 10:44 PM
aragorn m8 - you have a classic case or "orange peel" That pimply effect looks like orange peel and will dull the finish. usually caused by paint not flowing right. Either that or the area sprayed was windy or not ventilated well (paint dust - does it feel rough?)

Sounds like youve preped ok. I just think you need to sand back top layer using 1200 wet n dry (wet with a bit of warm soapy water), till the orange peel has gone, this will make it dull but even. Then when fully dry and degreased, spray on lacquer - 3 thin coats then after a week, buff up using super resin polish & cutting compound mix - the lacquer will if applied correctly go on smoothly and will will even out the wings dullness. The above mix if applied gently and evenly will buff up the lacquer to a deep shine
