View Full Version : steam

General Baxter
30-03-10, 05:35 PM
does anyone else use this?

30-03-10, 05:42 PM

30-03-10, 05:43 PM
Only when i get angry.

General Baxter
30-03-10, 05:57 PM

just downloading BF2 bad com:thumb:

30-03-10, 06:23 PM
Wtf is steam

General Baxter
30-03-10, 06:27 PM
its a shop, you pay and download the game forever :)

whilst playing the game, you can voice chat on multi players ect :

30-03-10, 06:28 PM
Yes :)


30-03-10, 06:32 PM
i have hmm
cs 1.6.
half-life deathmatch,
half-life 2,
half-life 2 deathmatch.
dod source

all i can remember off top of my head, dont think my graphics will support battle field, only just copes with bf1942 lol

General Baxter
30-03-10, 06:36 PM
all i can remember off top of my head, dont think my graphics will support battle field, only just copes with bf1942 lol

im running 5x 1024MB ati cross fire cards, with 2x 4gig cpu's both on a qaud core set up lol

30-03-10, 06:39 PM
well im running
duel core
on 1gig memory
and geforce 8500gt
lol might beable to run it with everything turned off and in black and white

30-03-10, 06:45 PM
selling the setup baxter?

General Baxter
30-03-10, 06:54 PM
hell no lol

do you know how hard it was to get 2x pci-e cards, 1x agp card and 2 pci cards communicate with each other lol

30-03-10, 06:56 PM
exacly sell sell sell

ive only currently got a quad core, and 2x 1950 xtx pro ati cards running cross fire

30-03-10, 06:59 PM
Yes :)


I wondered how long it would take for this to pop up lol.
Class moment

30-03-10, 07:19 PM
hell no lol

do you know how hard it was to get 2x pci-e cards, 1x agp card and 2 pci cards communicate with each other lol

how the funk do you do that anyway? some software?

30-03-10, 07:28 PM
Yes :)


Legendary lol

and to join in on the willy waving:

i7 920 D0 at 3.8ghz, 6 gig of corsair dominator RAM, and a GTX260 :p

30-03-10, 07:30 PM
I have a large penis.

General Baxter
30-03-10, 07:32 PM
no you have a small one, as you have a v6 :p

30-03-10, 07:34 PM
I am living proof that large penis and large engine can co-exist.

30-03-10, 07:38 PM
my penis isnt as big as all of yours lol.

2.8GHz dual core
Micro mother board
4 gb of ram.
no fancy graphics cards, i have a ps3 for that side of things lol

30-03-10, 07:38 PM
im running 5x 1024MB ati cross fire cards, with 2x 4gig cpu's both on a qaud core set up lol

any good-at-stealing-from-pcworld gen?

30-03-10, 07:47 PM
any good-at-stealing-from-pcworld gen?

Tbh I doubt PCworld know what a xeon (i assume? lol) Dual socket mobo is, let alone keep them in stock lol

30-03-10, 08:29 PM
AMD Athlon 2 Triple core 2.7 Ghz running 4 Gig of rammage.

31-03-10, 06:19 AM
all this jibberish has fried my brain lol

31-03-10, 09:54 AM
I got/had steam up until yesterday when someone decided to hijack my account :( I'm in dispute with them now.

I have a dual core 2.8 with 2 gig o ram and 1 terrabite (sp) hd and I just bought myself a radeon 5770 HD.

Ill rape you all on TF2 (when I get my account back)

puss puss
31-03-10, 10:08 AM
im running 5x 1024MB ati cross fire cards, with 2x 4gig cpu's both on a qaud core set up lol

pics or it never happened ;)

my pc needs hugely updateing hell am still in single core world :(

i just cant seem to get away from mw2 on my xbox at the mo to bother with the pc lol

31-03-10, 10:14 AM
You all suck. I have a 500Mhz K6-2 (complete with Voodoo 3 3000 AGP, oh yes!) here for playing Terra Nova and Interstate 76 lol

31-03-10, 10:49 AM
Interstate 76' that game was badboy! +rep

I'm sure I've still the case somewhere complete with cheats written on the inside of the case.

I remember when the voodoo 3 was the nuts but instead I bought myself a matrox millenium G400 :tard:

31-03-10, 11:12 AM
With regards to PC World. I went down there to buy a new graphics cards as the old nvidia drivers cooked my 8800 GTX :( I spoke to one of the sales reps and asked if he had any cards better then my old 8800 he spouted a whole crock of **** at me at which point I left. Its amazing that they actually manage to sell anything tbh, but I guess most of there sales are to people that really don't have any clue about PCs.