View Full Version : Strong Vodka & Harsh Drinks!

18-04-03, 01:20 PM
if it is 80% proof you have nothing to worry about as proof means that it is 40% by volume - only a little bit stronger than normal vodka. if it is 80% volume then SHIT :o .

can't remember what that gold drink is called, but it isn't that bad. I tried the banned abseinth (about 80% volume) when i was on holiday a few years ago. i was wasted before i tried it, but i did a double shot and i went blind for about an hour. Quality drink :lol:

18-04-03, 02:04 PM
I'm sure iv seen that gold stuff at the rink! il av a look 2nite! dont think it cuts yer mouth or wotever, they wouldnt waste gold lol! maybe copper or something!

18-04-03, 02:08 PM
DONT TOUCH THE STUFF - its lethal.

Sounds like goldschlager none of the flakes come out of it when u turn the bottle upside down

18-04-03, 02:12 PM
ive done many a shot on that stuff its mad kinda aniseed tasting. but deffo rules
4= ?5 @ yates

18-04-03, 02:34 PM
yeh its goldschlarger and its deadly, the flakes of gold (which do come out in every shot, u can actually see um floating about) in it are ment to scratch ya throat and release small amounts of alcohol into ya blood making ya very pissed...lol (weather this is true i dunno??)!! we do it in shots mixed with blue bol's :D, or even worse drop 2 shots into a pint of stella :lol: :P !!

18-04-03, 04:06 PM
I didnt know they came out. no wonder it always kills me lol

18-04-03, 04:33 PM
absinth is wikid makes ye hallucinate (the proper stuff)

18-04-03, 08:54 PM
and you think its real metal in the bottle?? like they would be allowed to market that, let alone sell it!!

its jsut hard, but digestable food/sweets stuff. the whole "it cuts your throat" is a marketing ploy to make you think its more fun to drink

imo its disgusting, its just clear aftershock (which has been and gone, no fun anymore)

18-04-03, 09:46 PM
it is actually very very small gold flake.

18-04-03, 11:21 PM
from another site...

Short Description
Clear with Gold leaf flakes. Spicy, cinnamon aromas with alcohol vapours. The palate has a sweet, syrupy quality with very marked, hot spicy flavours that linger. Has a hot bite to the finish.


I can't stand the stuff, it is horrible. I like absinth tho, we have had some crazy nights just from drinking that!!!!!!! :roll:

19-04-03, 12:45 AM
i was mocked when i said absinthe makes you trip!

micky one of my mates is at uni in newcastle, he was telling me yesterday about the stuff that has killed people and made them go blind

he says his mate got hold of some, and it was in a plastic lemonade bottle with a stuck on, hand written label lol DODGY!

19-04-03, 02:08 AM
ive drunk proper 80% stuff before, but its genuine shit that a mate brings back from france after skiing, yeah its harsh but at least u know its not 'poisonous' the ingredients are actually regulated

this stuff circulating in the NE is fuckin hardline