View Full Version : emo birds

14-03-10, 04:48 AM
emo birds have just got something sexy about them discuss:thumb:

14-03-10, 07:09 AM
WTF is a emo bird ?

14-03-10, 07:11 AM
Agreed :D

14-03-10, 07:13 AM
WTF is a emo bird ?
Agreed :confused:

14-03-10, 08:36 AM
I dont find Rod hull attractive whatsoever,

14-03-10, 08:42 AM
fckin too right

14-03-10, 08:43 AM
the cleanest picture that i can find that kinda look

puss puss
14-03-10, 08:47 AM
ok they look sexy

but emo to many forking problems :(

14-03-10, 08:48 AM
not all emo's look like that ime sure

14-03-10, 08:48 AM
Sorry but NO

14-03-10, 08:49 AM
[quote=puss puss]ok they look sexy

but emo to many forking problems :(

lol lol lol :thumb:

14-03-10, 08:49 AM
not all emo's look like that ime sure
no not all of them are kissing other girls and you get some rather ugly ones aswell

14-03-10, 08:54 AM
This thread is useless without being in 18+ section!

14-03-10, 09:07 AM
[quote=Rysee]This thread is useless without being in 18+ section!

agreed lol lol :thumb:

14-03-10, 09:08 AM
most emo girls have evolved from goths over here, they are pale skinned, cos they are originally ginger, and they usually fit at least a couple of the following categories:

1: fat
2: ugly
3: miserable
4: smelly

14-03-10, 09:12 AM
and by looks of the pic on page one they get Stevie Wonder to cut their hair

14-03-10, 09:13 AM
[quote=mowgli]most emo girls have evolved from goths over here, they are pale skinned, cos they are originally ginger, and they usually fit at least a couple of the following categories:

1: fat
2: ugly
3: miserable
4: smelly

lol lol lol

14-03-10, 09:19 AM
someone get me a picture of an emo girl laughing & joking with a group of friends.... that would be worth seeing.

14-03-10, 09:21 AM
These aspects are no reason not to sleep with them, the fact that they likie sh*te music however is

14-03-10, 09:23 AM
so the ugly tattoos and all the ironmongery are ok then??? you could just turn the stereo off when you bed them

14-03-10, 09:23 AM

14-03-10, 09:30 AM

All dirty little sluts, all take it up the ****, and best of all, all "lovey" with there female mates!

14-03-10, 09:31 AM
emo birds have just got something sexy about them discuss:thumb:

Crack is whack y0!

Put the pipe down, an step away from the keyboard.....

14-03-10, 09:33 AM
yeah and if you split up with them they probably top themselves

14-03-10, 09:39 AM
EMO sluts are great... but only the slim sexy ones.

14-03-10, 09:41 AM
lol isnt that the general rule for ALL women?!

14-03-10, 09:47 AM
Kinda obv:)

tbf, I have a "select" taste in women, cheryl cole not being attractive to me is my worst I'm told lol

but girls in lads hoodies is a win for me!

And like guin D is a minimum:)

14-03-10, 09:59 AM
the cleanest picture that i can find that kinda look

If that's the cleanest pic you could find then this really needs to go into 18+ otherwise it's going nowhere lol

As with all things in life you get the good the bad and the ugly.

dave watson
14-03-10, 10:00 AM
most emo girls have evolved from goths over here, they are pale skinned, cos they are originally ginger, and they usually fit at least a couple of the following categories:

1: fat
2: ugly
3: miserable
4: smelly
agreed but the lasses in the pic look nice

puss puss
14-03-10, 10:12 AM

Forking l00000000000000000000l + rep if i can :thumb:

14-03-10, 10:15 AM
agreed but the lasses in the pic look nice

you will notice the tans & lack of tattoos... they are wannabees

14-03-10, 10:17 AM

14-03-10, 10:20 AM
It's the principal there taste in music is all a lie, the ones i know listen to dubstep and rap when they think nobodies looking

the ironmongery and fatness i can live with

14-03-10, 11:02 AM
erm.... i think by EMO you mean



and not the fat bird that likes to be "different" and would possibly cut her wrists when she got upset....if thats what you mean, then definately:thumb:

I don't know how the only safe picture someone came up with was two girls kissing, but you were obviously doing something wrong lol

14-03-10, 11:38 AM
As said already, the emo's have just evolved from the goths only emos aren't hardcore like the goths were, although what I remember of the goths is most were wanna be's anyway, same as these emo things, I think what they call people who dress up like this as "scene" just trying to impress other people. Although some do suit the look.

14-03-10, 11:56 AM
full blown deathmetal lady, but shes hot :p

http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs195.snc1/6568_1089352558962_1380928428_30255984_862092_n.jp g

14-03-10, 11:57 AM
full blown deathmetal lady, but shes hot :p

http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs195.snc1/6568_1089352558962_1380928428_30255984_862092_n.jp g
loving the look of that behind here,pure rapist facelol

14-03-10, 11:58 AM
erm.... i think by EMO you mean



and not the fat bird that likes to be "different" and would possibly cut her wrists when she got upset....if thats what you mean, then definately:thumb:

I don't know how the only safe picture someone came up with was two girls kissing, but you were obviously doing something wrong lol
this is what i was talking about, loads of emo birds around here like this:thumb:

14-03-10, 12:08 PM
Scene girls FTW.

General Baxter
14-03-10, 12:18 PM
am i am emo,

i was at work = sad,

i jammed a grinder in my leg so i could go home = cut my self ?

14-03-10, 12:19 PM
Nah you're just a clumsy hippy.

Now go and sit under a rainbow and write a poem. lol

puss puss
14-03-10, 12:26 PM
am i am emo,

i was at work = sad,

i jammed a grinder in my leg so i could go home = cut my self ?

you forgot to mention your more door whore as well

so yes in my eyes :)

14-03-10, 01:24 PM
emo lasses kick ass!!!

14-03-10, 01:25 PM
am i am emo,

i was at work = sad,

i jammed a grinder in my leg so i could go home = cut my self ?


General Baxter
14-03-10, 01:26 PM
Nah you're just a clumsy hippy.

Now go and sit under a rainbow and write a poem. lol

roses are red, violets are blue, im in love, so ill bum stu

14-03-10, 01:44 PM
roses are red, violets are blue, im in love, so ill bum stu

ha ha ha!! nice peoem lol

Angus Closier
14-03-10, 01:53 PM

+rep lol lol

14-03-10, 02:01 PM

where is chucky?lol lol

14-03-10, 02:02 PM
^^^^^ funny as f*ck!!!

14-03-10, 08:25 PM
this is what i was talking about, loads of emo birds around here like this:thumb:

In widnes? wow, think i'll have to go there, we get the odd one hanging around warrington town centre, but theres more lads sitting around with skateboards than hot emo girls:tard:

14-03-10, 08:28 PM
They dont really do 'owt for me tbh. Some are quite good looking though :)

14-03-10, 08:39 PM
I think the preconception is Emo's are always hot, the reality is, theres around the same percentage of hot Emo's as hot normal people, its just when you see a hot Emo it sticks with you longer, because you think "damn, i bet she's a dirty bitch in bed" lol

14-03-10, 08:43 PM
in all fairness it may of just been because i was pissed and there was lots of them, just thought to myself i would

14-03-10, 08:47 PM
There all Fecked in the heed....

Get a grip and get a job you lazy cows.. And smile.

14-03-10, 08:52 PM
cheer up goth :D

14-03-10, 09:22 PM
Ben loves Emo girls.

Do i need to spool up my hdd for pic posting fun?

14-03-10, 09:40 PM
go for it, i'll have a nosy when i get in from work tomorrow for abit of entertainment:thumb:

14-03-10, 09:43 PM
erm.... i think by EMO you mean



and not the fat bird that likes to be "different" and would possibly cut her wrists when she got upset....if thats what you mean, then definately:thumb:

I don't know how the only safe picture someone came up with was two girls kissing, but you were obviously doing something wrong lol

Yes please thanks :thumb:

14-03-10, 09:44 PM
Self harm is just attention seeking without the actual attention till you overdo it and nearly die lol

14-03-10, 09:53 PM
I wish my lawn was emo... so it would cut itself.

EDIT - http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/2958/emo425871sa.jpg

14-03-10, 10:19 PM
Jon, your pics are the emo/scene kinda look.. It all rolls in to one really... And makes it hard to pick the two apart.. Most of these are the mix of both which is the norm...








14-03-10, 10:29 PM
Benn is an emo, aint ya Benn? :p

14-03-10, 10:30 PM
no not all of them are kissing other girls and you get some rather ugly ones aswell

thats not very nice adam! bet you wouldn't be complaining if ALL of them were kissing other girls!

i think they can be kinda fit either way tbh ;)

14-03-10, 10:34 PM

All dirty little sluts, all take it up the ****, and best of all, all "lovey" with there female mates!

ohhh do they now lol lmao!

"lovey with their female mates"
doubt any lad would be disagreeing with the "100% win" at the thought of 2 girls kissing or 'whatever' in front of them!!

14-03-10, 10:34 PM
If they didnt have all these random bits of metal sticking everywhere, they would be tidy!!!!!

14-03-10, 10:35 PM
Benn is an emo, aint ya Benn? :p

lol no, i don't dress like it or look like it as you know. Never have (most i've done is a bit of black nail varnish when going to a gig back when i was a boy with my mates) But i listen to heavy rock/metal/thrash than all these emo wanna be kids you see know.

A friend did get me to wear eye liner once, but with blonde hair that i had at the time, i was told i looked like some kinda crazy coke head...lol Think it scared them..

General Baxter
14-03-10, 10:36 PM
If they didnt have all these random bits of metal sticking everywhere, they would be tidy!!!!!

i must be emo, im sad, cut my self, and have random bits of steel stuck in my face lol

14-03-10, 10:36 PM
In widnes? wow, think i'll have to go there, we get the odd one hanging around warrington town centre, but theres more lads sitting around with skateboards than hot emo girls:tard:

The emo birds in Widnes are mosty fit as feck lol, theirs afew fattys, but most of them youd give it to :d

14-03-10, 10:38 PM
The emo birds in Widnes are mosty fit as feck lol, theirs afew fattys, but most of them youd give it to :d

Your avatar makes me happy lol

14-03-10, 10:38 PM
Kinda obv:)

tbf, I have a "select" taste in women, cheryl cole not being attractive to me is my worst I'm told lol

but girls in lads hoodies is a win for me!

And like guin D is a minimum:)

i knew there was a reason you gave me yours :)
grey hoodie ftw :thumb:

14-03-10, 10:40 PM
Your avatar makes me happy lol

lol, So you know who it even is?
Youd be suprised if i told you :p

And no.... its not my mum...or sister

14-03-10, 10:40 PM
i knew there was a reason you gave me yours :)
grey hoodie ftw :thumb:

"Hooded Whore":thumb:

14-03-10, 10:40 PM
Silly little emos. Moderisation of the original punk, adapted by ASW 'pop/punk' princessess. Bleh..:roll:

14-03-10, 10:40 PM
lol, So you know who it even is?
Youd be suprised if i told you :p

And no.... its not my mum...or sister

The Sov:thumb:

14-03-10, 10:41 PM
Benn- I was only kidding dude :)

The fifth one down looks gross, way too skinny.

And they all seem to have massive heads which are accentuated by the massive hairstyles they have with all those hair extensions. Like funny lollipop heeds. Maybe hot if you're a 14 year old lad... Ahem xxxxxXXXxxXXxxxxxx

No thanks, all too skinny and child-like/boyish figures. Proper women FTW :thumb: Give me Holly Willoughby and a pot of honey over them any day ;) There really is NO competition.


connor c
14-03-10, 10:41 PM
that first girl is funking fit
my eyes are seriously popping out of my head:eek: :eek: :eek:
rest are gnash though


14-03-10, 10:41 PM
The Sov:thumb:

Watch your mouth what you say now... or else youll be getting the pit bike up your back passage

On fire! :d

14-03-10, 10:41 PM
lol, So you know who it even is?
Youd be suprised if i told you :p

And no.... its not my mum...or sister

She's quite hot, i'd love too. But then she talks and its ruined. Get clothes are a bit odd at time too.

14-03-10, 10:41 PM
lol, So you know who it even is?
Youd be suprised if i told you :p

And no.... its not my mum...or sister

No idea, my guesses were going to be your mum or sister :(

14-03-10, 10:42 PM
Take the crap out of her lips, and she would look so much better....

14-03-10, 10:43 PM
"Hooded Whore":thumb:

thats me, in more ways than 1 ;)

14-03-10, 10:43 PM
She's quite hot, i'd love too. But then she talks and its ruined. Get clothes are a bit odd at time too.

Who? my mum?

General Baxter
14-03-10, 10:43 PM
she kinda looks like a doll lol

14-03-10, 10:43 PM
I was only kidding dude :)

The fifth one down looks gross, way too skinny.

And they all seem to have massive heads which are accentuated by the massive hairstyles they have with all those hair extensions. Like funny lollipop heeds.

It doesn't help the way all the pics are taken.. Yeah she is way to thin. But i had to keep it clean..lol The big hair is the scene look creeping in..

14-03-10, 10:44 PM
Who? my mum?

Yeah why not, lol

14-03-10, 10:44 PM
She's quite hot, i'd love too. But then she talks and its ruined. Get clothes are a bit odd at time too.

I dont think it ruins her atall, butt hen again, they all make the same noise in session lol

14-03-10, 10:45 PM
I just don't like the "bruv" and stuff talk.

But thats the point every one likes a lil diff.

14-03-10, 10:45 PM
Watch your mouth what you say now... or else youll be getting the pit bike up your back passage

On fire! :d

When I get the ****ing pitbike bell whip:thumb:

14-03-10, 10:46 PM
Where's Dave's Mum?

14-03-10, 10:46 PM
I just don't like the "bruv" and stuff talk.

I dont think she calls people "bruv" though, but then again i wouldnt mind it lol

Still, at the end of the day though, she still pretty fit, and i like her music :thumb:

14-03-10, 10:47 PM
Where's Dave's Mum?


Not in your bed, gayboy :d

14-03-10, 10:47 PM
"Lady" Sov is a tool

14-03-10, 10:47 PM
Who is she :(

EDIT - Oh i see

14-03-10, 10:48 PM
Who is she :(

Some crackhead, took it in the ass at 14, got a record deal by shagging a manager, and now resides in rotheram I believe?

Still fit though:thumb:

14-03-10, 10:48 PM
Who is she :(

British music artist from Wembley :thumb:

14-03-10, 10:49 PM
Some crackhead, took it in the ass at 14, got a record deal by shagging a manager, and now resides in rotheram I believe?

Still fit though:thumb:

Oh btw, the bikes got no petrol, and the tyres need pumping up :d

14-03-10, 10:50 PM
Give me Holly Willoughby and a pot of honey over them any day ;) There really is NO competition.


My ideal woman. It used to be better whne she was mostly mine on SMTV before she made the big time lol However no puppies on show on Saturday mornings! lol

14-03-10, 10:52 PM
Oh btw, the bikes got no petrol, and the tyres need pumping up :d

Ill bring fuel then!

Not buying it without hearing it run:thumb:

14-03-10, 10:54 PM
Ill bring fuel then!

Not buying it without hearing it run:thumb:

Ill just stand next to it and go "Brum Brum!" lol

It does run you tool, no idea if this other lad wants it yet

14-03-10, 10:55 PM
Ill just stand next to it and go "Brum Brum!" lol

It does run you tool, no idea if this other lad wants it yet

TBH, if someone cant get £200 together in 3 days theres something wrong with them lol

14-03-10, 10:56 PM
Girls, not bikes.

14-03-10, 10:57 PM
TBH, if someone cant get £200 together in 3 days theres something wrong with them lol

lmao! lol lol
basically matts desperate to get this bike to play on all summer :d :d

14-03-10, 10:57 PM
Girls, not bikes.

Bikes are better!

End of, there really is no options to this, bikes are 10 times better than cars, and in many ways better than women:thumb:

14-03-10, 10:57 PM
Bikes are ghey


14-03-10, 10:57 PM
lmao! lol lol
basically matts desperate to get this bike to play on all summer :d :d

Basically matt wants to get a louder/faster/shineyer one than his mateslol

14-03-10, 10:58 PM
Bikes are ghey


Clearly not, 0-100 in 5 seconds, show me a production car that does this;)

14-03-10, 11:00 PM
18+ and better pics :thumb:

14-03-10, 11:00 PM
Bikes are better!

End of, there really is no options to this, bikes are 10 times better than cars, and in many ways better than women:thumb:

:eek: il remember this one when your asking for your dinner to be on the table when you get in, or you want me to pop along with you to a nova meeting....sure your bike can't satisfy you in every way possible??? ;)

14-03-10, 11:01 PM

14-03-10, 11:01 PM
Basically matt wants to get a louder/faster/shineyer one than his mateslol

sounds about right

Joe Richardson
14-03-10, 11:01 PM
Emo's lol

most of em are ****ed up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14-03-10, 11:01 PM
:eek: il remember this one when your asking for your dinner to be on the table when you get in, or you want me to pop along with you to a nova meeting....sure your bike can't satisfy you in every way possible??? ;)

Hearing one of the old ducatis fire into life sure does make the tingler tingle:thumb:

No darling, you win:roll: lol

14-03-10, 11:03 PM
Bikes are better!

End of, there really is no options to this, bikes are 10 times better than cars, and in many ways better than women:thumb:

When it rains, and i'm dry in my car and your soaked on your bike i'll remember that.
When you wanna pick up a set of rims that will be fun on your bike..

14-03-10, 11:04 PM
Clearly not, 0-100 in 5 seconds, show me a production car that does this;)
Take a corner on your bike at the same speed as the best production car can - then get off and start talking about girls again! :roll: lol

14-03-10, 11:04 PM

Thats to 62mph?

And not really production cars are they? I mean I can go and spend £300,000 and buy a moto gp bike, road legal, 280bhp, and go play, but keeping it sencible, for £20k I get a brand new 1098ducati, for £20k you get an astra vxr?

Or a caterhamlol

14-03-10, 11:06 PM
Yes, bikes accelerate quickly considering they have lawnmower engines.
For everything else, Car is where its at.

14-03-10, 11:07 PM
Thats to 62mph?

And not really production cars are they? I mean I can go and spend £300,000 and buy a moto gp bike, road legal, 280bhp, and go play, but keeping it sencible, for £20k I get a brand new 1098ducati, for £20k you get an astra vxr?

Or a caterhamlol

You never specified MPH :p

14-03-10, 11:07 PM
Hearing one of the old ducatis fire into life sure does make the tingler tingle:thumb:

No darling, you win:roll: lol

i ALWAYS win babe :thumb:
one of these days you men will learn that women are always right when it comes to these things...

and if you pick the right one then they wont mind whether its bikes or cars that you enjoy messing about with so much :d :d

14-03-10, 11:08 PM
When it rains, and i'm dry in my car and your soaked on your bike i'll remember that.
When you wanna pick up a set of rims that will be fun on your bike..

I have cars, vans, etc aswell!

Part and parcel:thumb:

For a true thrill, a bike is the best, R1, or a nova turbo, I'd choose the turbo, and the bikelol

14-03-10, 11:09 PM
MattBrown is clearly GAY.

14-03-10, 11:09 PM
I have cars, vans, etc aswell!

Part and parcel:thumb:

For a true thrill, a bike is the best, R1, or a nova turbo, I'd choose the turbo, and the bikelol

nova turbo ftw :thumb:

14-03-10, 11:09 PM
lol @ lynz

Joe Richardson
14-03-10, 11:09 PM
cars FTW over bikes anyday :thumb:

14-03-10, 11:10 PM
This couldn't have gone off topic any more if it tried. From hot girls to gay bikes :confused:

14-03-10, 11:10 PM
MattBrown is clearly GAY.

It has been saidlol

Why though?

Because I like anything with an engine?

14-03-10, 11:11 PM
MattBrown is clearly GAY.

so "Gay" that hes got his girlfriend on png! haha lol

14-03-10, 11:12 PM
This couldn't have gone off topic any more if it tried. From hot girls to gay bikes :confused:

Back on topic, someone fire up some pics of hotties;)

14-03-10, 11:15 PM
No, because you've hijacked a thread about girls so that you can have your little say about bikes. I hate all the 'show me a production car that can do 0-100 in blah blah blah blah....' Different vehicles for different jobs dude. I'd like to see a bike fly me to ****ing Oz or float me to Ireland or something. Bikes are cool, as are cars, trucks, planes, trains, quads, even those groovy lawnmowers that you sit on :thumb: but they all have different purposes so why bother comparing?

Bird is the word... Back on topic!

And put your dog on a lead, she's barking again.

Joe Richardson
14-03-10, 11:20 PM

This thread is funny lol

14-03-10, 11:43 PM
18+ and better pics :thumb:

Screw you! i cant access that part of the forum, because the Mod's took it off me because they know im 16 lol

14-03-10, 11:44 PM
MattBrown is clearly GAY.

Best quote EVER!
Im putting that in my sig lol lol lol lol

14-03-10, 11:44 PM
Bird is the word... Back on topic!

And put your dog on a lead, she's barking again.

lol ha ha ha +rep for you lynz quality responce :thumb: lol

14-03-10, 11:44 PM
Screw you! i cant access that part of the forum, because the Mod's took it off me because they know im 16 lol


14-03-10, 11:46 PM

To be fair i was 13 when i joined, but they never gave me it back :(

14-03-10, 11:48 PM
We changed the min age requirements to 21+ for you Dave

14-03-10, 11:49 PM
Wait until the day before his 18th Birthday before moving the goal... lol

14-03-10, 11:49 PM
We changed the min age requirements to 21+ for you Davehere here :d

14-03-10, 11:50 PM
We changed the min age requirements to 21+ for you Dave

GAY! i can legally do msot of the things in them pics anyway lol
Not that id ever get the chance to mind you :(

14-03-10, 11:51 PM
We changed the min age requirements to 21+ for you Dave

lol lol lol lol :p

14-03-10, 11:53 PM
i was just thinkin mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm holly willa boobie
and them other ladies arent really for me, specially not the cheesecake lady!!!!!!!!!!!!

General Baxter
15-03-10, 07:48 AM
GAY! i can legally do msot of the things in them pics anyway lol
Not that id ever get the chance to mind you :(

yes your allowed, but you have to shut your eyes whilst you do it lol

dave shink your sig abit :cry:

15-03-10, 04:14 PM
more pics, less bike/pet/car/farm/toilet talk.

benn, youre taste in woman is F*cking great.

lynz.. you rule lol

15-03-10, 04:19 PM
yes your allowed, but you have to shut your eyes whilst you do it lol

dave shink your sig abit :cry:

fixed ;)

15-03-10, 04:23 PM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Stuart again.

15-03-10, 04:38 PM
wtf? this is the first topic that was showing in the main forum for muppet corner, i thought oooo 15 pages, i'll definately get a w*nk out of this, instead theres some gay talking about a bike that does 0-100KPH, what gives? lol

15-03-10, 06:00 PM
just googled lady sov, so i could be up with the housies, as they say and xxxxxxxxx nova xxxxxxxxx has managed to get the only pic of her that doesn't look like some ugly plasticene faced chav slag

15-03-10, 07:13 PM
just googled lady sov, so i could be up with the housies, as they say and xxxxxxxxx nova xxxxxxxxx has managed to get the only pic of her that doesn't look like some ugly plasticene faced chav slag

Yeahh, she did used to be quite "Chavvy" looking, but theirs not many pictures of her now on google :p

15-03-10, 07:16 PM
Dave lady Sov in your picture looks like Mel C lol Now she's got fit all of a sudden :d


15-03-10, 07:21 PM
benn, youre taste in woman is F*cking great.

I know.. haha I post a few more later.

15-03-10, 07:21 PM
Dave lady Sov in your picture looks like Mel C lol Now she's got fit all of a sudden :d


+REP sir! :thumb:

15-03-10, 11:15 PM
Am in love...


15-03-10, 11:15 PM
her eyes look weird

15-03-10, 11:39 PM
That's HAWT!

15-03-10, 11:41 PM
She looks to be on drugs tbh

15-03-10, 11:44 PM
So you wouldn't have sex with her cause she looks a lil roasted? Fag.

15-03-10, 11:44 PM
Anymore? lol

15-03-10, 11:46 PM
So you wouldn't have sex with her cause she looks a lil roasted? Fag.

Never said that :p

15-03-10, 11:48 PM
Are any of these emo's legal?

15-03-10, 11:49 PM
So you wouldn't have sex with her cause she looks a lil roasted? Fag.

she's fit, glad were back on track:thumb:

15-03-10, 11:53 PM

I'm not concerned as to how legal she may be :wtf:

16-03-10, 12:00 AM
Shes clothed, so what's age gotta do with it?? lol lol

16-03-10, 12:02 AM
Not sure, don't want to end up on THE register.

16-03-10, 12:04 AM
Fair enough, they are tidy lookin' but they all look like kids dude.

16-03-10, 12:04 AM
Not sure, don't want to end up on THE register.

The only list people want me to be on lol

meh, emo birds, in skimpy underware is so ftw:):)

16-03-10, 08:12 AM
Are any of these emo's legal?

They all are. None of them are under 16, its easy to tell.

16-03-10, 08:24 AM
MattBrown is clearly GAY.

Never has a truer word been said, he told me he knocked one out over Dale Winton