View Full Version : GRR Lock angry!

15-04-03, 05:55 PM
Iv turned green, shirt tore off, and i now have dnim shorts rather than jeans! i feel like Hulk angry................

I had a prob with my amp bout 5 weeks ago......

Neway, thats thursday i took it 2 Sextons in Cardiff, they sed id have it back the following tuesday! i rang em up and they sed that it wasnt returned!
I kept ringing em til a week b4 the max weekender, and they sed itll be 10 days! i was goin with no sub n amp!
When they told me that, i asked for a quote, they sed between ?40 and ?50! not bad, considering they had 2 get parts from sony!
They sed theyd ring me when it was done.........................................
I rang the 2day.....
Me-" hi m8, just wondring if my amp has been fixed?"
Sextons-"yeah its been here a few days, wev left messages on ur answer fone"
Me- "i aint recieved a thing m8, wots the price btw?"
Sextons" erm ?70 m8"
Me-"?70! :o i was quoted between ?30 and ?50, anything over id have a call, uv got my works and mobile no!"
Sextons- "oh do u want us 2 take the parts off and u have it back unfixed?"
Me- "No! :evil: il be down the end of the week and i wanna see management! this is silly! uv had the amp 4 god knows how long, i aint recieved a thing off u, and u charge ne just under double the quote! ur having a laff! Cu in the week!"

Am i correct or wrong? im fuming :evil: +steam out of ears!

Rant over! :roll:

15-04-03, 05:58 PM
:bad-word: :rant: :o :o

dont blame u mate tell them straight

15-04-03, 07:12 PM
Yep, thats out of order, complain to the management.


15-04-03, 07:37 PM
tis well out of order but this should be a lesson to you...
dont buy sony :)

16-04-03, 10:02 AM
yep complainings the best way bring a mate wiv u as well jus for support it helps or better still get ur mum alway works for me :D

16-04-03, 10:04 AM
your just using your ''customer is always right'' policy.

16-04-03, 01:04 PM
thats toss definately go down there and kick off. neva know if u see the management they might just charge u the quoted price just to get rid of you :D

16-04-03, 01:43 PM
Yep, if you complain enuf I think you will defo get your price down anyway!

I dont know how old you are? But taking someone mature like your mum or dad defo does help, no joking. :wink:

16-04-03, 02:09 PM
go there about 20 mins before closing time, that way they will do almost anything to get rid of you. ;) or strike a deal with them, a new amp and they can flog the fixed one, costing you the same as the quote then try the trading standards threat. then tell them anyway lol

16-04-03, 10:17 PM
Well, i got em down 2 ?60 im just glad i got it back! a job 4 the morning now........
I had a good rant n rave, i took the van and blocked every1 in lmao, i aint shifting boyo! try n shift an L reg big mercedes muhahaha :twisted:
I aint 100% happy bout the price, but i got it back after nearly 2 months!

Nova Modder
16-04-03, 10:31 PM
well i sat... go back..

Because its...
