View Full Version : r/r today

14-04-03, 09:24 PM
A few of us met up today for a small meet at velos while a few of us had our cars done. mike and will had good figures as far as i remember but i'll let them fill in the blanks on that one :D .

As for me lol. not the best day for my car. the figures were odd as i got more torque than bhp as in 127lbft and 120bhp at the fly, which was alot under what expected :cry: . It seems the cam i have chosen this time wasnt suited to what i have done (the way i read it), it was suggested i get a bigger cam again to get what i want from the car so my new 285 piper cam kit will be up for grabs soon to make way for the 296 kent cam :roll: .(it seems ok on the road until the power drops off at 5500 ish where the lack is very noticable but will do for a while)

Tunings a bitch like that sometimes but i had my fair share of luck in the past and will again :twisted: . Apart from that it was a good day with quite a few good laughs along the way so i'd just like to say thanks to those that came along

14-04-03, 11:40 PM
93 bhp @ fly
75 bhp @ wheels


couldnt complain really

its a standard 1600 engine on a weber DMTL only.

guys at velos were well pleased with it.

book says 82 bhp standard 96lb torque

very good day

well oranised dan

thankyou - sorry i cudnt catch u before we all left

thanks to those who spoke to me and made me welcome.

14-04-03, 11:42 PM
i would have been there if someone would have given out any details!!!

14-04-03, 11:43 PM
and nice one chris T for a rather HAIR RAISING experience in his motor :twisted:

15-04-03, 12:00 AM
your face was a picture.
You wasnt the only one tho! lol

:twisted: :evil:

15-04-03, 12:00 AM
A very good day alround - nice and informal. Nice to see everyone again.
Thanks to Dan for organising it all for us- pity about your figures although it drives pretty bloody strong I thought. Summink not quite right but cant put my finger on it :?

My readings werent far off the Interpro ones as it happens - about 150hp at around 7800 -7900 and still going. I think its good for about 165 maybe 170 if the limiter was raised from 8000 to 8500 -9000. Reliability is a worry however over 8k :(

All in all :D

15-04-03, 12:10 AM
84bhp (flywheel) @ 5748RPM

Was pleased with that for a 1400 engine with mild cam head and weber :)

Gives me the idea of where im at to plan for the furture when i actually have some notes behind me!, think kev took some pics hopefully post them up soon!

A good day nice to meet you all, cheers again, certainly would recommened Velos, top guys who know there stuff and are realy friendly and helpfull also.


15-04-03, 12:15 AM
Well done dan for organising.
Even tho you had cleaned the mcdonalds out before i had chance to even arrive. ahh well. Did u get me the till like i asked? lol

Was a good day. Everyone seemed to get on well.
I think some good points came from today. As well as the bits of fun on the way to and from the cafe.

Tried me best to get meself a jag rear quarter.

(Cambridge shaking after sampling CP's motor)
(i must get a harness sorted hadnt i breeny)

Nice one to ian and kev ' and the lads from mk breeny / will and anyone i fogot for making it there! good to meet up again lads.

CP'S motor a beast as come to be expected now !!! (nice n loud)
And thanks for sorting my discs out. much apreciated at such short notice m8.

And thanks to Alan and Rob at velos for having us all!!!
Roll on next meet/show.



15-04-03, 09:18 AM
indeed it was good fun.

im now scared of XK8's ;) lol

and i think we have to go back to velos again even if its just to see the neighbours

15-04-03, 09:26 AM
lol @ going to see the neighbours. wink wink.

Was a wikked day, cheers to everyone, but Dan you could do better at introducing people lol.

15-04-03, 09:35 AM
How much does it cost to go on a r/r just to see what bhp you have and get your fueling right? I fancy doing a before and after my tuning on the 1.2 see what difference it makes.

15-04-03, 12:33 PM
Awwww, I was so close to coming along aswell, unfortunatley I had to work :(

At least I don't have to worry about Dan's car beating me for the moment ;)

Sounds like a good day was had.


15-04-03, 02:57 PM
lol @ going to see the neighbours. wink wink.

Was a wikked day, cheers to everyone, but Dan you could do better at introducing people lol.

especially when a certain KEV *mentioning no names ;)* thought i was breeny, and then laffed for ages saying how my "sunbed tan" and other features next to breenys would make us twins :o :lol:

hansome chappy is our breeny :lol: :wink:

15-04-03, 03:54 PM
Kev how can you get me mixed up with Mike :o I'm much better looking :lol:

Hmmm maybe :roll:

Annyyyways yeh was a great day, thanks to Will for giving me a lift :D

The velos guys really do know there stuff and they seem very nice aswell. I think everyone who went was pleased off there results. They are nice and honest figures, as someone has said if you want crap max power figures go to a rolling road like Powerzone etc. These rollers seem very accurate and the guys know how to get every last ounce of performance out.

Thanks Chris for scaring the shit outta me.. i thought Charles was a bad driver, but overtaking 4 cars at once and then heading for a Jag turning right with me wearing no harnesses (cos there was none!) was certainly an eeeer "interesting" experience.. but still fun never the less :D Got a monster there mate.

Cps car as noisy as ever... i think thats all that can be said! lol!

Wills car definately gaining at the top end after the run (see you should have taken Cps advice from the start :p)

Dans car maybe a little disapointing on the power figures but at least the guys gave you some advice of what it could be etc. You can know get it sorted ready to beat Slim Jim (oooo just increasing the rivalry)

Mikes car, seeing some very good power from a recently installed engine and carb, getting that linkage sorted to boot :)

Ians car (well his mrs anyway) Very nice in the flesh, just goes to show how much vauxhall have improved over the years, Just needs a bigger tailpipe cos its looks like a peashooter!

Nice meeting ya'll agin :)

15-04-03, 04:37 PM
I took mike to get some cash. Then took a wrong turn
and 20 minutes later we finally worked it out!!! lmao
Make sure u bring cash first next time. sod that again lmao
only joking.

I spoke with velos today as im up there tomorrow for RR
They enjoyed the day to and said we are very welcome back there anytime in the future.

Seems all round everyone had a good day.

15-04-03, 06:16 PM
especially when a certain KEV *mentioning no names ;)* thought i was breeny

lol i knew u werent breeny! just said u looked similar... Dan wanted a pic with u both on to show the similarities lol.

anyway it was nice to see/meet everyone again :)

15-04-03, 07:01 PM
Dans car maybe a little disapointing on the power figures but at least the guys gave you some advice of what it could be etc. You can know get it sorted ready to beat Slim Jim (oooo just increasing the rivalry)

It's not Dan that needs to worry, but you now Breeny, I'm gonna wrap them strut braces round your head :P


15-04-03, 07:57 PM
lmao at all this, cheers for the feedback guys and glad everyone thought it was worth the trip, aswell as the cam i may go back to slightly smaller chokes as the drop in torque did help drag down the final bhp figure. have given the car death since lol and it does pull very cleanly until that drop off point but as charles said he ran same cam so something is amiss somewhere. (still a good excuse to get a bigger one tho as it was recommended :D )

15-04-03, 09:25 PM

gutted i missed it...


roll on next time around.. maybe i will have my "new" engine in...


16-04-03, 08:07 PM
whats the best things to do 2 make sure your goin 2 get the best reading possible on a RR?

is that nitrox or 10k boost stuff i seen in halford any good??