View Full Version : decals

14-04-03, 08:10 PM
i've been resprayin bit's of me car an gettin rid of a bit of rust on me arches. as a result i've had to peel off sum of the decal strips down the side. the problem is they seem to flake off and won't come off in one piece. i tried hot water an it seemed to work a bit better, any ideas?

Chris LR
14-04-03, 08:46 PM
hair dryer, careful of ur paint

14-04-03, 09:00 PM
i ad the same problem..i got as much off as possible with hot water get a rag and soak it in hot water then hold it on the part ur guna start peeling for like 15 seconds or somin.. but there was a tiny line left along the bottom.. ,, used tcut which eventually made it come off after a couple off weeks..

15-04-03, 12:26 AM
if it is the vynal youre referring too then a heat gun on low heat wafted over vynal will work. Just watch paint

Be careful using tcut as there should be no paint line (indication of a respray). Any remaining glue you can remove using stick stuff remover (stuff thats designed to disolve glue not paint) - get it fromhalforeds and the like.

the paint will be brighter though in that sectiojn - I recommend light polish with t-cut, then reseal bodywork with super resin polish

If you can afford it get a body shop to buff it up for ya


15-04-03, 05:10 PM
thanks, thought there might have been some magic glue remover stuff u cud put on an then just peel em off :D

15-04-03, 09:02 PM
there is but it will shag yer paintwork too!

Nitromorse for example
