View Full Version : On strike...

08-03-10, 11:59 AM
...just to let you guys know the pcs union, which covers civil servants is on a 2 day action for the 8/9 march. please have a butchers at the pcs website to see why, i wont go into it here as i dont want to annoy anyone. needless to say i'm bored now, but a mate with a punto turbo with nil boost is popping over. good times.

cheers chaps:thumb:

General Baxter
08-03-10, 12:00 PM
lazy ****er get back to work

08-03-10, 12:03 PM
you'd strike too mate if they'd done what they've done to us to you.

edit: hang on why you not at work? call out?

General Baxter
08-03-10, 12:05 PM
i am, im getting paid £10 per hour to sit at my pc at the mo lol

08-03-10, 12:16 PM
Striking = lazy :p

General Baxter
08-03-10, 12:18 PM
i think someone should 'strike' sloth over the head with a big hammer

08-03-10, 12:28 PM
ferk off, if you was told that you would get a certain amount when you retire, then they cut it to 10% of that figure youd be pi$$ed.
i'd like to see you try baxter...

General Baxter
08-03-10, 12:29 PM
retire, just how old are you lol

08-03-10, 12:31 PM
old enough. the union is made up of all its members, and seen as i'm a union rep, its something i belive in.

08-03-10, 12:42 PM
What happens if the company shuts down? Then you'll all get feck all.

08-03-10, 12:56 PM
lol 'unions' what a waste of time in the modern times.

Oh noes they are capping redundancy monies for over £30K salaried employees.... to be honest all they would have to give you is stat minimum anyway and send you on your way.... Any extra is a win.

Also as stinking scumbag union rep, shouldnt you be on the picket line 'supporting' those there who are doing what THEY BELIEVE IS RIGHT ?!?!?!?!

ps Unions = sheep ;)
Never joined one, never will as I have a brain.

08-03-10, 01:01 PM
ive never understood striking tbh, even more so in modern times.

im not happy with my job so i wont go in and that will make everything better when i do go back

if i was a gaffer id just sack all the 'strikers' lol

08-03-10, 01:04 PM
if i was a gaffer id just sack all the 'strikers' lol


Un-satisfied enough to be a sheep and strike, means you are unstaisfied with your job and not 100% productive at it... Get rid and get new folks who WANT the work, in.

08-03-10, 01:08 PM
working for a government organisation is seriously dodgy these days.... the well has run dry...... and people are still considering voting labour again!!!!!!!!!! they have systematically stripped the assets from everywhere to spend on crazy public schemes & filling everywhere with 'workers' and given good rises, to appease the unions, and now its gone pop....

08-03-10, 01:15 PM
lol 'unions' what a waste of time in the modern times.
really? so where did current health and safety laws come from? and employee rights?

Oh noes they are capping redundancy monies for over £30K salaried employees.... to be honest all they would have to give you is stat minimum anyway and send you on your way.... Any extra is a win.
err no seen as its written into our contracts to get what we are currently on, and it affects all staff. if they change it it makes it easier to sack us (right in the middle of a ressesion)

Also as stinking scumbag union rep, shouldnt you be on the picket line 'supporting' those there who are doing what THEY BELIEVE IS RIGHT ?!?!?!?!
i was on the picket line sunshine, at 6am till 10. that was our official picket times.

ps Unions = sheep ;) non-unionised staff = lambs to the slaughter;)

Never joined one, never will as I have a brain. and according to other peoples opinion, your a faschist. (thats not my opinion im just quoting.).:thumb:

08-03-10, 01:18 PM
working for a government organisation is seriously dodgy these days.... the well has run dry...... and people are still considering voting labour again!!!!!!!!!! they have systematically stripped the assets from everywhere to spend on crazy public schemes & filling everywhere with 'workers' and given good rises, to appease the unions, and now its gone pop....

sorry dude, but the well isnt dry, its just the person at the top winding it is nigh on dead. we havent had a raise over the minimum for 7+ years. if you wanna save the economy take bankers bonuses or how bout the 13billion unclaimed taxes?

08-03-10, 01:20 PM

Un-satisfied enough to be a sheep and strike, means you are unstaisfied with your job and not 100% productive at it... Get rid and get new folks who WANT the work, in.

its illegal to sack strickers, or discriminate against them in any way. im not unsatisfied with my job jus with the massive cuts in the wrong areas.

08-03-10, 01:21 PM
Capitalist hunny ;) by whatever means nessecary :) if it means being a slimey socialist or a twuntbag facist its all good.

MODERN TIMES!!!! the unions had their day in the 70's and early 80's to get all this H&S + rights crap through, but now its all legal and there are lazy assed govt departments thinking up new ideas to justify their pitiful existence, Unions arent needed.

I got myself a lovely redundancy package while NOT being a union member thanks :)

my best example of how retarded the Unions are was we got offered a 4.5% pay rise, the unions wanted more.... they came round asking us to join up. I worked out that after union dues I'd be down money with the 'bigger' payrise lmao. FAIL go and try again.

You pubelick sector folks bitch when the tiems are good and private sectors get ace money and now you bitch because reality is kicking in... have a word.

08-03-10, 01:21 PM
Will you just fukk off!!

When will you realise nobody likes you?

No one cares that you are on strike.

08-03-10, 01:32 PM
Capitalist hunny ;) by whatever means nessecary :) if it means being a slimey socialist or a twuntbag facist its all good.
flol capitalism got us into this sh1t.

MODERN TIMES!!!! the unions had their day in the 70's and early 80's to get all this H&S + rights crap through, but now its all legal and there are lazy assed govt departments thinking up new ideas to justify their pitiful existence, Unions arent needed.
unions are needed to protect workers from overzealous bosses and destructive jobcuts.
I got myself a lovely redundancy package while NOT being a union member thanks :) well done, pat yourself on the back.

my best example of how retarded the Unions are was we got offered a 4.5% pay rise, the unions wanted more.... they came round asking us to join up. I worked out that after union dues I'd be down money with the 'bigger' payrise lmao. FAIL go and try again. thats just poor organising, and poor management on your unions part. which one was it btw?

You pubelick sector folks bitch when the tiems are good and private sectors get ace money and now you bitch because reality is kicking in... have a word.
wrong its not kicking in its been like this for 20+ years. were doing our job whilst understaffed, and yetb they wanna cut us. do you remember the 80's? would you like another forgotten, and lost generation? dont think so.
oh and stoo, fukk of and die, you have a block button, use it you bellend.

08-03-10, 01:34 PM
sorry dude, but the well isnt dry, its just the person at the top winding it is nigh on dead. we havent had a raise over the minimum for 7+ years. if you wanna save the economy take bankers bonuses or how bout the 13billion unclaimed taxes?

PLEASE... the banks in the uk have for centuries paid its workers a low salary with a 'bonus' based on work rate & turnover. it was a creative accounting thing to keep the shareholders happy.

fact 1. the government has simply overspent massively.

fact 2. the government has allowed itself to get massive

fact 3. there has been some incredible incompetence from all areas.

fact 4. the whole country is getting screwed, in an attempt to balance the books.. and there is going to be a lot more industrial action to come before the election..

08-03-10, 01:37 PM
what so the 1illion pound bonus paid to the top banking bosses at hsbc was fair? i see your point but it isnt the lower paid guys that get it. i agree on points 1-4 tho. esp 4

08-03-10, 01:41 PM
Will you just fukk off!!

When will you realise nobody likes you?

No one cares that you are on strike.


08-03-10, 01:48 PM
im sorry but who the **** are you?/\

08-03-10, 01:55 PM
what so the 1illion pound bonus paid to the top banking bosses at hsbc was fair? i see your point but it isnt the lower paid guys that get it. i agree on points 1-4 tho. esp 4

hsbc did not go cap in hand to the government. they didn't borrow a penny.
& they turned a huge profit in the same period. they might be b4stards, but hsbc are actually very good at their job. so their bosses should have bonuses. the ones like RBS etc which are now government owned should be made to clean graffiti off canal bridges until their banks are back in the black

08-03-10, 01:56 PM
i apologize i meant rbs. my bad.

08-03-10, 02:20 PM
i want to encourage everyone on here to do something for me at the general election......


by actually choosing someone to vote for & actually bothering to walk to the polling station, or via post for people serving overseas, it doesn't matter to me who you vote for, but what really annoys me is the 65% of this country who can't be ar$ed to vote because all politicians are the same and their vote won't matter etc......
if some bnp get in, that is because people have voted for them, if the lib dems get in, so be it, just vote, and don't do like some people i know, and vote a certain way because the whole family have always voted, its your vote, so use it to your advantage..

08-03-10, 02:43 PM
agreed/\ i do think voting should be compulsorary (sp) like other countries.

08-03-10, 02:58 PM
like australia??? where you get fined for not voting

08-03-10, 03:07 PM
yup. :d

08-03-10, 03:18 PM
and where they have a very active right wing political system???

08-03-10, 03:58 PM
also true but the current pm is more left....

General Baxter
08-03-10, 04:14 PM
easy way to solve this, give them what they want, then a months time down the line, theres the door lol

08-03-10, 04:17 PM
nick, they just ahve to give 30 or 60 days "consultation" period and do it anyway lol.

The striking is just a waste of time thesedays.

General Baxter
08-03-10, 04:19 PM
what you all need to do, is throw a paddy, punch walls, kick bins, batter doors, works for me lol

08-03-10, 04:47 PM
what you all need to do, is throw a paddy, punch walls, kick bins, batter doors, works for me lol

yes, but thats considered the epitome of politeness in atherstone

08-03-10, 04:47 PM
strikeing imo is pointless can they not work to rule or something like that

this usually works in most cases

i work for a goverment owned company who went on strike just before xmas lost four days pay and what did we get out of it

absoulute fcuk all union bunch of messers

needless to say i still wouldnt cross a picket line and i was stood on the line to support too

08-03-10, 04:49 PM
when I was still sending in tax returns, after 6 years of not being self employed, i turned up at the tax office on the deadline day to find all the tax officers on a picket line outside........

i rang the tax office & someone came out & i lobbed my return over the picket.

08-03-10, 04:58 PM
when I was still sending in tax returns, after 6 years of not being self employed, i turned up at the tax office on the deadline day to find all the tax officers on a picket line outside........

i rang the tax office & someone came out & i lobbed my return over the picket.

And they probably got paid more than the people on the picket for doing that lol

08-03-10, 05:15 PM
And they probably got paid more than the people on the picket for doing that lol

i could save the inland revenue billions, yes, billions a year by the simple practice of if the sum gets to within a fiver, that's good enough....

i always put my p60 info on my return & they always posted me a bill for 60 odd pence, so i would always post them a cheque for a quid, then they would send me several statements pointing out that i was 30 odd pence in credit!!!!!!!!!

trouble is that my 'fiver' policy would throw about 10000 people onto the jobs market.

Pistol Pete
08-03-10, 06:14 PM
lol Sloth banned again??!!

08-03-10, 06:19 PM
lol Sloth banned again??!!
:thumb: lol

08-03-10, 06:34 PM
Striking only makes sense if you are a northern chimp with no friends and nothing better to do all day expect whinge and bitch.

Wait who was pro striking?

08-03-10, 06:41 PM
hmmm I'm not so sure you guys know the full story.

My mum works for inland revenue, and she never strikes, but the ILR/Government have taken the p1ss this time and gone too far, there are too many subtle changes which are actually screwing the employees over a barrel, so she wont be in work.

I'm sure many of the comments above are as a result of "political opinion" (and sloth abuse by the looks of it)

08-03-10, 06:42 PM
Quite glad I was in hospital today, got out of having to join the strike lol

Yes I'm in PCS, but I couldn't give a shoite about the pensions blurb. I'm more concerned about how the government is throwing away your tax dollars on outsourcing. Ah well what do I care, I'll be a Boeing employee soon so will be able to moan about lazy civil servants lol

I'm underpaid for what I do - the fact the MOD pay me a retention allowance is proof they're aware of that - but I like the perks and the work I do/places I go/people I work with. Plus I'm directly assisting people in the front line such as Stoo, not one of those pen pushing, overpaid, B-grade middle managers.

On the wage front, the pay scale is a joke. I've been at the bottom of the scale despite being in my role for about 4 years now. But they've tried to make up for it by pulling the scale up so in real terms I've had decent raises.

08-03-10, 06:46 PM
hmmm I'm not so sure you guys know the full story.

My mum works for inland revenue, and she never strikes, but the ILR/Government have taken the p1ss this time and gone too far, there are too many subtle changes which are actually screwing the employees over a barrel, so she wont be in work.

I'm sure many of the comments above are as a result of "political opinion" (and sloth abuse by the looks of it)

sounds like the tax people are beginning to feel like the rest of us now .....

all that bullsh!t about they wont tell you their first name so you have to call them mr or ms (surname) and how they make you feel like a convict cos your calculator didn't round it up exactly like theirs......

its a sodding recession, there is less money about, of course the tax people are going to suffer

08-03-10, 06:50 PM
people on strike at leconfield barracks today, same thing ?

08-03-10, 06:52 PM
people on strike at leconfield barracks today, same thing ?
Probably, if there is MOD staff there.

08-03-10, 06:54 PM
Probably, if there is MOD staff there.

Yea my dad is a hgv instructor there they wouldn't let him in the gates this morning so he came home lol

08-03-10, 06:57 PM
I tried going on strike once, didnt work out lol

08-03-10, 06:57 PM
Probably, if there is MOD staff there.

Aye its the DST for this area, they train the traffic cops up there aswell as all the squaddies!

08-03-10, 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Stuart
lol 'unions' what a waste of time in the modern times.
really? so where did current health and safety laws come from? and employee rights?
health and safty is a set of rules that are set in place to hinder a days work i am SICK of being at work and people have you got this on have you got that on have you signed a disclaimer if you gonna do it that way what a load of tosh
Oh noes they are capping redundancy monies for over £30K salaried employees.... to be honest all they would have to give you is stat minimum anyway and send you on your way.... Any extra is a win.
err no seen as its written into our contracts to get what we are currently on, and it affects all staff. if they change it it makes it easier to sack us (right in the middle of a ressesion)

a person making 30k a year should have more then enough to put a bit aside every month to save for after redundacy/retirment i stuggle by running a flat on 9000 a year and i dont moan about not getting paid this or that.

Also as stinking scumbag union rep, shouldnt you be on the picket line 'supporting' those there who are doing what THEY BELIEVE IS RIGHT ?!?!?!?!
i was on the picket line sunshine, at 6am till 10. that was our official picket times.

it is your own silly idea to stand on the ''picket line''. in my honest opinion it is a waste of time they will say either you can have the pay and take it somewhere else or you are not getting it full stop
ps Unions = sheep ;) non-unionised staff = lambs to the slaughter;)
what did people do befour unions FIND A NEW JOB not really to the slauter is it
Never joined one, never will as I have a brain. and according to other peoples opinion, your a faschist. (thats not my opinion im just quoting.)

i dont understand how the above comment can make him faschist in any way he was expressing his feelings and i do agree with it. unions seem to have done more to hinder (by the sounds of it. i havnt done all the research and dont want to but thats the way it sounds) work then help workers witch i beleave is what they was set up to do (EVERYTHING I HAVE JUST SAID IS A REFLECTION OF MY OWNPION AND NOT OF THE PEOPLE ROUND ME)

08-03-10, 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Stuart
[I]lol 'unions' what a waste of time in the modern times.
really? so where did current health and safety laws come from? and employee rights?
health and safty is a set of rules that are set in place to hinder a days work i am SICK of being at work and people have you got this on have you got that on have you signed a disclaimer if you gonna do it that way what a load of tosh
H&S rules are simply an invention by employers to stop the employees suing them. Such is the modern motive to sue anything that moves - look at all those silly adverts on TV for people who have accidents at work from being bellends etc.

08-03-10, 07:10 PM
H&S rules are simply an invention by employers to stop the employees suing them. Such is the modern motive to sue anything that moves - look at all those silly adverts on TV for people who have accidents at work from being bellends etc.

i suppose you are right but it is all going a bit to far dont you think you will soon have to sign summut to go for a s*it in case there is bleach on the bowl and you get it on you bellend or summut

p.s H&S was made to protect the employer not employee then. so when a buisness trys to palm you off with it is for you own good the we do this its a load of Boll*cks

08-03-10, 07:20 PM
Yup :) They say its to "protect the employee" but its just to stop them from suing the employer if they fcuk something up - like coming into work and slipping on a wet floor resulting in a highly damaged fringe lol

First thing investigators will ask to see if a workplace accident occurs is the health & safety processes.

08-03-10, 07:29 PM
is there only me in the world any more thats thinks in the way if you hurt your self its your own silly fault. should be more cerfull next time. i bet the h+s officer would of had a field day at my store the other day then when i was hammering into slate with a pry bar without goggles lmao oh well

08-03-10, 07:34 PM
hse only come out when something has gone wrong.... they try to make out that they are good at prevention, but they just come out to hit you with a huge stick after the accident...

i gave an HSE bloke a lecture on why large strong burly blokes can actually lift more than 25kgs and how their one size fits all legislation was crap, as they expect a 4'10" asthmatic girl to carry 25kg too.. he couldn't actually put up an argument

08-03-10, 07:44 PM
All I can say is without the h+s act the construction industry would be killing fields! In my job ( motorway maintenance ) if health and saftey didn't exist there would be alot of lives lost!

08-03-10, 07:49 PM
I'd never count on any pension promise. I'm going to make sure I work my ass off to have things I want without getting into debt and make sure my mortgage is paid off as soon as possible. Then I'll put as much as I want away each month whilst I'm working. I also plan on having a few kids (don't tell Dougie) so they can pay for me too :)

08-03-10, 07:50 PM
Pension? what pension? don't have one!

08-03-10, 07:52 PM
I'd never count on any pension promise. I'm going to make sure I work my ass off to have things I want without getting into debt and make sure my mortgage is paid off as soon as possible. Then I'll put as much as I want away each month whilst I'm working. I also plan on having a few kids (don't tell Dougie) so they can pay for me too :)
You are rich lol

08-03-10, 07:53 PM
Pension? what pension? don't have one!

meh most of us might not reach 65, so I'm not paying into a pension fund that I'll never see lol

08-03-10, 07:54 PM
All I can say is without the h+s act the construction industry would be killing fields! In my job ( motorway maintenance ) if health and saftey didn't exist there would be alot of lives lost!

and this morning, we gave the local highways dept an almighty bollocking because when our firm does streetworks, we have to put up temp lights, cones, signage & staff in ppe. but they are letting some cowboys re-stone a footpath right on the roadside with not even a single yellow coat, sign, cone or bloody anything, and it is on a blind brow......

08-03-10, 09:06 PM
my pension plan is the biweekly poor tax lol

General Baxter
08-03-10, 09:10 PM
Pension? what pension? don't have one!

even i have one of them. i pay 4% of my months wages in, company sticks 4% in aswell :)

08-03-10, 09:11 PM
the welfare state was a fantastic but fatally flawed system. it relied on the population growing at the same rate so the young ones paid for the old, but population growth is not linear, and people are living way longer, so the welfare state pyramid is going to crumble very soon

08-03-10, 09:21 PM
**** pensions you must be crazy to go near one!

08-03-10, 09:26 PM
IF i make it to retiring age im gonna rob a bank, if i get caught free board, lodgings and regular food. If i get away with it then bingo, sorted for life lol

Danny s-p
08-03-10, 09:30 PM
lol sloth band agen. it was harsh him telling some one to die they were only tellig the truth:p

General Baxter
08-03-10, 09:30 PM
i had nothing todo with it lol

08-03-10, 09:31 PM
IF i make it to retiring age im gonna rob a bank, if i get caught free board, lodgings and regular food. If i get away with it then bingo, sorted for life lol


Danny s-p
08-03-10, 09:31 PM
i had nothing todo with it lolyear right lol

08-03-10, 09:38 PM
dont like the idea of strikes myself as people who usually dont need the money organise them,and its the workers with families who suffer as a result of losing wages because they are too scared to be a "scab"
Fukk em! if people on my firm striked and asked me to join in id tell them to get to fukk as i need to earn money to provide for my family.Bollocks to making a point,whats standing outside with a load of posters smoking roll ups all day going to achieve? Fukk all,thats what.

08-03-10, 09:39 PM
oh and OP thought you were fukkin off to OZ?
So you striking is completely pointless

General Baxter
08-03-10, 09:40 PM
oh and OP thought you were fukkin off to OZ?
So you striking is completely pointless

he needs the money, so he can pay someone to photoshop a v6 into a nova for him lol

08-03-10, 09:42 PM
i though you did a sort of mini strike at your last place of employment, baxter???

08-03-10, 09:42 PM
Perhaps when he comes back we could get the entire site to completely ignore everything he types lmfao

General Baxter
08-03-10, 09:42 PM
what throw a fit ?

Perhaps when he comes back we could get the entire site to completely ignore everything he types lmfao


08-03-10, 09:45 PM
what throw a fit ?


well, that was a one man strike.....

i love it that they actually call it industrial action, when in fact it is the exact opposite

08-03-10, 09:47 PM
lets face it,its a glorified,more public tea break isnt it?
The same people moaning about the same things,the same people smoking and the same people doing what everyone else is doing "to fit in"

08-03-10, 09:48 PM
what throw a fit ?

http://www.pngclub.com/forum/profile.php?do=addlist&userlist=ignore&u=13037 (http://www.pngclub.com/forum/profile.php?do=addlist&userlist=ignore&u=13037)

Tonight is a night for much learning, might find the power button on my pc at this rate.

09-03-10, 06:15 PM
Perhaps when he comes back we could get the entire site to completely ignore everything he types lmfao

MASTERPLAN! Ignore user... SLOTH :p

09-03-10, 06:16 PM
You are rich lol

You're having a laugh right? I've not got a pot to pi$s in at the moment. Thank god I've got a $hitter...

10-03-10, 09:56 AM
old enough. the union is made up of all its members, and seen as i'm a union rep, its something i belive in.

yea man f*ck them dude its the best thing to do if they f*ck you about and you get to sit at home for a few days bonus lol

10-03-10, 11:18 AM
Quite a fitting title now. It's not just the DWP or WTF dept. you were for that's on strike. lol

10-03-10, 01:12 PM
You're having a laugh right? I've not got a pot to pi$s in at the moment. Thank god I've got a $hitter...
Join the club, I can't get a mortgage as I don't have any savings to pay a deposit... by the time I've got some cash together and can afford to get a decent place, I won't have enough time left in my working life to pay off the mortgage!

Mind you, Hayley is rich. She can go out and work and I'll be the man about the house :d

...as for a pot to p!ss in, that was last week whilst in hospital

10-03-10, 01:16 PM
Join the club, I can't get a mortgage as I don't have any savings to pay a deposit... by the time I've got some cash together and can afford to get a decent place, I won't have enough time left in my working life to pay off the mortgage!

Mind you, Hayley is rich. She can go out and work and I'll be the man about the house :d

...as for a pot to p!ss in, that was last week whilst in hospital

same here mate - cant see me ever owning a house in this country tbh

i was trying to come to a deal with my auntie and her (empty) house she has up for sale but loks like ill be taking a wage cut when i move jobs this year so its not finicially viable to own a house right now and i hate to think about the state of the housing market in 3 years when i am earning a bigger wage :(

bring on the immigration papers lol