View Full Version : VERY ANGRY!

13-04-03, 10:18 PM
Today has been a very angry day for me.

Discovered I got ripped off by some "person" on ebay over a digi dash I'd been waiting for for fcuking ages!

Excellent deal ?34 inc postage - I wasnt the actual winner but e-mailed the bloke after the auction to ask if the winner backed out Id be happy to take it for the asking price.

He advises the winner had arsed him about so I could have it. Checked his feedback - all A1, Sent cheque - cheque cashed - no dash.

Sent mails - no replies except one saying that it would be there soon - dodgy internet connection or summut

Anyway - went on today - checked his feedback and found 9 recent negative posts where he'd ripped people off whod actually won items or hed bidded for, since my cheque was sent!

Complete arse - I even found a post from the actual winner of the dash posted about a week ago! (some tag called steve1434)

So I mailed ebay to complain, mailed the actual winner to check wot he got (seemed happy enuff) and when I get his address will post it to name and shame him! Have it at work

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

He goes by the tag craig1983 on ebay!

It was an astra mk2 digital dash with transducer etc... Lives in St Neots in Cambs somewhere!

If he's on here he aint doing himself any favours! If anyone knows where he lives care to lob a brick or 3!


And if anyones got a digi dash and transducer for sale give me a shout!

Chris LR
13-04-03, 10:22 PM
Send him a letter from ur 'legal team'. I was about to do this neil oakley. I'd made-up my own company too with a mates address. The threat or letter might get you some money.

Just flood his mailbox, and give us his address....

Thats right neiloakley I was bluffing the whole time I said my legal team had been called in, you lying muppet..........

13-04-03, 10:42 PM
Git :evil:

13-04-03, 11:05 PM
Er I live quite close to St.Neots ade.

Give me his address etc and select from below for "special delivery":

1. Some gravel
2. Average stone
3. Half brick.
4. Full house brick
5. Full engineering brick
6. Std. con. block
7. Double sized con. block
8. Boulder
9. Ahh feck it I'll just drive my Challenger over his car and then reverse thru the front of his house!
10. Call in an air strike from Iraq

13-04-03, 11:22 PM
I emailed several other people he'd ripped off and he goes by another tag on ebay - will get details tomorrow.

one of them sent me these details - I know the address is right

Craig Gaylor of 58 Sandwich
Road, St Neots, Cambs PE19 1TY,

tel: 01480 474665.

feel free to call him to ask for parts for astras! He seems to be selling most bits for astras...

Apparantly he laughs at people who call him for their money back etc...

Have a field day lads n lasses

I'll let your imagination take over ref the letters he can receive!

13-04-03, 11:36 PM
Think there should be a new section when trouble happens like this"Name & Shame" hope u get it sorted ade hate people that skank others

13-04-03, 11:43 PM
I haven't been messed about on ebay so far. I bet he will wish he hadn't messed about with you, now everyone has got his number. He wont be able to sleep at night!

Nova-Girl says: send him one of those letters thats made up out of newspaper clippings, and tell him you know where he lives.

Chris LR
14-04-03, 12:01 AM
He'd sort of figure that out for himself wouldn't he....

14-04-03, 12:39 AM
:evil: not good ade m8

sum1 on here must be quite close and could show him the right end of billy the bat

14-04-03, 06:47 PM
brake fluid + super soaker + car = revenge

14-04-03, 06:59 PM




take yer pick

Nova Modder
14-04-03, 07:01 PM
cut his brake cables...

give him a bit o fun in tha mornin :)

Chris LR
14-04-03, 08:14 PM
Modder, you might want to think about his brake hoses too, cutting the cable will probably result in you being squished as you do it.

Nova Modder
14-04-03, 08:53 PM
handbrake is drums... cable operated..

if not... brik under each wheel, cut hoses.. and 1 thru window :)

then super soak it :)

Chris LR
14-04-03, 09:02 PM
I was jus saying, to cut the cables u have to get under the car, and when u cut it the car will roll - over you. Hoses are a better option

Nova Modder
14-04-03, 09:09 PM
oops, lol just read what i sait.. lol i ment his front pipes.. ( hoses ) LMAO