View Full Version : People ----RANT-----

puss puss
01-03-10, 07:22 PM
Warning this thread has mild language and a man that is on his last shoe string. If you dont like what i am saying please ignore me and smile :)

You give some people a little help in hand and they throw it all back in your face i sometimes think to myself why the flying fork do i bother? :mad:

explain you say i say forking gladly.

Basicly a friend at college got in deep shet with his house, bills etc they were going to kick him and his miss's out of his house and he has nowhere to go (the house is rented) So me being me felt sorry and said i would offer a room. (i live in a 2 bedroom flat with a miss's ((obv)) and my boy) He said ok and i said we would splilt everything down the middle and he agreed (and his miss's)

Well the 1st month went ok as i only asked for some rent money, now the end of the month has come and i have rent money, food, and bills to ask them for.

Now they havnt been here for a few days (he works in bury and his partners nan lives in bury so they often stop there to cute down on petrol costs) Recently his mum feel down the stairs and broke her foot so he went to see her at the week end. Perfectly understandable, now she has gone into a coma and as he is next in kim etc etc he has to go see/be with her. Understandable.

Now i have asked for 350 for this month (rent, bills, luxerys, food) i have been told that he has more stuff on there mind and that there 1 bedroom house was 350 alone so they dont want to pay for 1 bedroom. I kindly said i understand about your mum but my family is cramped into one room, and now i have his bed, clothes, ps2, tv, laptop in the other room so really am storing this shet for him now as well.

If worse comes to worse and they dont cough up the cash do you think it would be (want for a better word) dckheadish to keep the above stuff in payment?

I dont know what to do am not mad at him and his miss's really just means that am a little out of pocket now :(

I honour peoples opnions on here so give me your views :thumb:

------------Rant over----------------------
------------and breath --------------

01-03-10, 07:27 PM
its tough dude,

hard situation to decided what to do. you should of agreed something with him in the first place lol. and have you worked out all the costs of what its costing you so to speak.

just say to him, im doing you a favour, no money, and your out. or keep it quite, get say 250, or 300 out of him then boot him out lol

01-03-10, 07:28 PM
you have gone out of your way and supported not just a freind but his family for him to be ungrateful and selfish. if i was you i would keep the stuff until he either sorts this out or gives you the money either way the stuff he has left behind wont pay the bills. Also the un needed stress he has caused by putting you in this situation is not on. jus my opinion mate

01-03-10, 07:29 PM
boot him out.
he is no friend if he doesn't stick to the agreement

puss puss
01-03-10, 07:29 PM
yeah we agree'd that we would spilt everything down the middle.

350 ISNT everything spilt down the middle am paying more to help him get back on his feet.

He said he cant afford 350 etc etc (i know for a fact him and his miss's just got paid for around about 2k) So ill wait till i get the money then ask them what they want to do piss around and lose there stuff or leave.

it just means martin that its going to be a little longer for me to have them coilovers and clocks :(

01-03-10, 07:32 PM
Been in a similar situation and unfortunately situations like this causes loss of friendships.

One of my best mates years ago couldn't get a contract phone because of his credit rating and asked if i could get a second number and handset on my contract, provided he paid all costs every month. Needless to say he rarely had the money to pay the bills, and it always ran over. Despite never having any money, he still managed to run up a nice juicy bill every month. SO i cut his phone off, and i ended up having to pay the rest of the yearly contract to pay for the handset he never gave me back plus he still owes me nich on 500 quid for all the unpaid bills! (bear in mind this was back when mobile calls wern't cheap). Not spoken to the twunt since.

End of the day, you have bills to pay. Tell him his stuff will have to be ebayed to pay them if he cant come up with the dollar. It in his court then.

01-03-10, 07:32 PM
thats ok dude, you have paid a deposit, i dont mind holding them :)

and at the end of the day, a laptop, ps3 and tv wont pay the bills, IMO its money or nothing

and get him sit him down and have all your bills out and say, look, the total is X amount, im only charging 350, pay up knobba

puss puss
01-03-10, 08:35 PM
thanks for all your fast replys :), yeah ill have to have a serious talk with him over the week end.

01-03-10, 08:43 PM
Just have a word and tell him that if he isn't going to pay then he has to go, you have been a good friend and let him stay with you and he is now taking the piss. Not sure what the situation is with keeping his things though, you would probably need to look into that a bit more before threatening him with it. At the end of the day you will probably lose a friend but your better off without freeloaders in your life.

01-03-10, 08:52 PM
Tbh, I had exactley the same thing happen to me. Fortunately it was only over the course of two weeks.

A friend of mine stayed over in one of the spare rooms and went to sleep under a desk, in a state. Only to be woken up by said flatmate having a slash in one of my mugs all because he couldn't be bothered to walk downstairs!

Later that week, I asked him for rent and he went mental and claimed I was making a cut?! Charging £70pw and giving the landlord £50pw. This is after I offered him a room to get him out of the shizzle.

I went mental and made a few threats and he was gone that evening. His missus was disgusted to find out he'd being pissing in cups too!

01-03-10, 08:53 PM
Tbh, I had exactley the same thing happen to me. Fortunately it was only over the course of two weeks.

A friend of mine stayed over in one of the spare rooms and went to sleep under a desk, in a state. Only to be woken up by said flatmate having a slash in one of my mugs all because he couldn't be bothered to walk downstairs!

Later that week, I asked him for rent and he went mental and claimed I was making a cut?! Charging £70pw and giving the landlord £50pw. This is after I offered him a room to get him out of the shizzle.

I went mental and made a few threats and he was gone that evening. His missus was disgusted to find out he'd being pissing in cups too!



01-03-10, 08:59 PM
IMO and experiences, if they were a true mate, they wouldn't take the piss.

Its taken me a few big bust ups with 'mates' to realize this.

01-03-10, 09:00 PM
If he takes you for a ride like that, IMO he's no friend.

01-03-10, 09:02 PM
fukk him off
dont need spongers like that.

01-03-10, 09:11 PM
Tbh, I had exactley the same thing happen to me. Fortunately it was only over the course of two weeks.

A friend of mine stayed over in one of the spare rooms and went to sleep under a desk, in a state. Only to be woken up by said flatmate having a slash in one of my mugs all because he couldn't be bothered to walk downstairs!

Later that week, I asked him for rent and he went mental and claimed I was making a cut?! Charging £70pw and giving the landlord £50pw. This is after I offered him a room to get him out of the shizzle.

I went mental and made a few threats and he was gone that evening. His missus was disgusted to find out he'd being pissing in cups too!

TBH, if I found anyone pissing anywhere in my house other than the designated area, I'd make sure their head collided with every single wall on the way to the front door, and they left with a shoe inserted somewhere not so bloody comfortable. That's fcuking disgusting!

01-03-10, 09:13 PM
TBH, if I found anyone pissing anywhere in my house other than the designated area, I'd make sure their head collided with every single wall on the way to the front door, and they left with a shoe inserted somewhere not so bloody comfortable. That's fcuking disgusting!
agreed,he should have been made to drink it or be pulling mug splinters out of his gums

01-03-10, 09:16 PM
agreed,he should have been made to drink it or be pulling mug splinters out of his gums

Seriously, how the fook would you keep your calm if you discovered that?! I know I couldn't!

01-03-10, 09:31 PM
Don't worry he lost out in the long run after he decided to start dealing drugs.

Shall we say a phone call was made and he was caught out by the wrong sort of people with a fair bit of money on him. After he lost all that money he stopped and turned to ketamin. Which landed himself and his missus in hospital.

I like to think I started this downward spiral in his life!

01-03-10, 09:32 PM
Don't worry he lost out in the long run after he decided to start dealing drugs.

Shall we say a phone call was made and he was caught out by the wrong sort of people with a fair bit of money on him. After he lost all that money he stopped and turned to ketamin. Which landed himself and his missus in hospital.

I like to think I started this downward spiral in his life! lollollol:thumb:

02-03-10, 02:09 PM
Fcuk him. Have him pay what he owes then boot him out.

Ungrateful t0sser!

02-03-10, 02:15 PM
I would never share anything with a friend, it will always end up with a fall out.

I would simply give him a small deadline for the money and if he doesnt pay tell him you want him out of your house. You may not have any money off him, but at least it will be a lesson learnt.

craig green
02-03-10, 02:23 PM
It sounds like you have helped or given him enough already, make him understand that & agree. Then, give him the option to pay ASAP or inform them they will be asked to leave ASAP. Like Lee kinda said, put the ball in his court. It will then be his choice to lose you as a mate or not.

02-03-10, 03:07 PM
My grand father volunteered for active duty between 1939 - 1945

this was his advice !!

02-03-10, 04:42 PM
well said/\

02-03-10, 05:24 PM
i found out, and im sure puss wont mind mne saying, his nova (puss puss's) is stored at his flat mates workshop/work

so it could make life harder for puss

puss puss
02-03-10, 06:24 PM
hehe yeah going to discuss this with him at the week end

well its my flatmates boss's workshop so i can call him to collect it anytime

any news about that trailer want to get it back home really lol