View Full Version : Bloomin Csa

25-02-10, 03:12 PM
Just got off the phone to the CSA who have only just got in touch with my last employer to be told that im no longer in employment with them, however they have not once singly even muttered who they have been in contact with!!

Now they're telling me that im listed as "Non compliant" because I didn't tell them I moved jobs, dispite the ****ing fact I had no idea I had to ****ing tell them, now they're planning to take 40% of my wages!!!! But wait theres more, have a house, council tax and a daughter to pay for, they're attitude was "Point being?? its not our problem!" I said over and over that I was happy to pay them but they want the money NOW!!! they dont care that it would get me and my family kicked out of the flat where we made our home, they dont care it would bankrupt me, they just want paying!!!

Oh and yes there is more!! Family friend has been getting her ex chased for 10 ****ing years and he not paid a penny!! yet their just threatening me all the time with everything in their arsenal!!

I have a family and a home for ****s sake and they want to rape my bank account on a monthly basis to pay back arrears I didn't know I owed till months later!!!

Rant off.....

BTW I realize that certain things in this rant are my own fault & am not bothered about the accumulation of the arrears, its just their attitude to getting them back, they want it and they want it NOW!!!:mad:

25-02-10, 03:14 PM
Ah, just noticed the swear filter hasn't picked up one of the words, would some kind mod please adjust this,

25-02-10, 03:15 PM
It doesent filter that word

25-02-10, 03:16 PM
I now know that thanks for pointing that out its not very obvious till AFTER you post it.

25-02-10, 04:33 PM
dont worry abot it im currently unemployed and they are still taking £5 a week off me now i know thats feck all but was paying alot more befor i lost my job but bear in mind on job seakers you only get £64 a week the totla over the month wont even cover my mortgage without the deductions, i dont mind paying for my daughter but when income dosent even cover the bills it takes the piss

25-02-10, 04:45 PM
yeah I know they just dont care!!

I have no problem with paying, its just the way they ****ing do it!!

25-02-10, 04:47 PM
1. chill.
2. ask for a manager, and explain calmly your issues.
3. if that dont fix it, ask for referral to an independant tribunal.

25-02-10, 04:57 PM
1. chill.
2. ask for a manager, and explain calmly your issues.
3. if that dont fix it, ask for referral to an independant tribunal.

me thinks number 3 might come in handy.......

25-02-10, 06:57 PM
Ah, just noticed the swear filter hasn't picked up one of the words, would some kind mod please adjust this,
Becareful what you post in parts of the forum that aint known to be "NSW"
Especially with "that" word ;)

25-02-10, 07:04 PM
1. chill.
2. ask for a manager, and explain calmly your issues.
3. if that dont fix it, ask for referral to an independant tribunal.

4. Keep your dick in your pants!

25-02-10, 07:21 PM
Becareful what you post in parts of the forum that aint known to be "NSW"
Especially with "that" word ;)

thanks for the edit Adam!! Just a wonder why for it "that" word not already in the swear filter?

4. Keep your dick in your pants!

Really helpful comment that!! :mad:

The situation in which I had my kids hasn't been explained, if you wanna comment on it then I suggest that you ask the FULL story about it first, THEN you can comment on my previous doings!!

25-02-10, 07:27 PM
was just a joke mate

25-02-10, 07:40 PM
Sorry.... i been force fed a stress burger with extra pain in the **** today & im extra twitchy.

25-02-10, 08:32 PM
My mrs works for the CSA lol, Oh and my dad owes £39k in maintence etc.

Thats for me, my two brothers, god knows how much hes owes for the other kids he has with other people ha ha ha.

You got unlucky mate, and obv you had some nobber on the other end who hates men lol.

Chin up, and speak to a manager or some higher person im sure they will be able to help you out.

Logical Improvement
25-02-10, 08:40 PM
4. Keep your dick in your pants!

Not helpful. :mad:

True lol but not Helpful.

and too late :mad:

25-02-10, 09:51 PM
My mrs works for the CSA lol, Oh and my dad owes £39k in maintence etc.

Thats for me, my two brothers, god knows how much hes owes for the other kids he has with other people ha ha ha.

You got unlucky mate, and obv you had some nobber on the other end who hates men lol.

Chin up, and speak to a manager or some higher person im sure they will be able to help you out.

Well im going to do that tomorrow and if they cant do anything else to help me then ill be getting it to go for the number 3 that sloth put forward (something I wasn't aware of before today!!)

but till then I have this hanging over my head and if that fails then ill have to move out of my flat (so my missus can get help with the rent) OR Loose my job (and I mean that I would have to get fired, something that I dont wanna do!!)

25-02-10, 10:08 PM
If your working then sure you don't need anything from the csa....

25-02-10, 10:15 PM
I abso hate the CSA, when my parents divorced they set up their own maintenance payments and my mum gave my dad receipts and everything. CSA waded in and demanded my dad pay a lot more, he refused, my parents argued and now hate each other, they started automatically taking the money from my dads account but WASN'T GIVING IT TO MY MUM!

It wasn't until I wrote them a letter for my mum threatening legal action that a cheque for 2 grand suddenly popped into existence!

25-02-10, 10:17 PM
Im not getting anything from CSA, they plan to take 29% of my wages. BASIC they're telling me they plan to take nearly 40% of my wages leaving me with next to nothing to feed & clothe my daughter, pay rent, pay council tax and give people money to avoid going to court.

The council I need some help with the rent because my missus isn't able to work on medical grounds (genuine medical grounds unilke some idiots with a "Bad back" that play footie at the weekend!!) got a million and one other people trying to take money I not got from me.

List goes on Benn, in short haven't got enough money to pay bills as it is, and now the CSA are planning to take more!!

25-02-10, 10:28 PM
Why do they wanna take your money? Sure they only do that to people that leave their other half's with kids and did pay*...

* I don't see why they should have to pay, it takes two to make a baby. Both are willing and choice too.

25-02-10, 10:47 PM
nah mate even if your other half leaves they take it its to support the child

but the csa are cack if they make a mistake its ur fault in there eyes.

26-02-10, 09:10 AM
Yeah they do, however last time I had one of my kids they give the option to opt out of claiming CSA.

26-02-10, 09:10 AM
elastic band

26-02-10, 09:14 AM
elastic band
:wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

26-02-10, 09:15 AM

26-02-10, 09:18 AM
No seriously, wtf are you on about lol

26-02-10, 09:20 AM
if you put on a helmet or tied a knot in it you wouldnt need csa lol.

26-02-10, 09:45 AM
I dont need CSA thats my point you berk!! lol

hwever, what the hell has an elastic band got to do with it??!!

26-02-10, 10:36 AM
who's csa ? and why they screwing you

26-02-10, 11:00 AM
^ Child Services Agency.

I get to hear hundreds of horror stories about them, as it seems half the Navy are on their books! (the other half are either female or submariners lol)

26-02-10, 11:13 AM
child services agency ??? what business is it of theirs to interact with peoples lives let alone ask for money ? i dont understand ? do you have to pay the government for having children ?

26-02-10, 02:02 PM
Sounds like China! lol

26-02-10, 03:26 PM
* Support, not services, my bad.

child services agency ??? what business is it of theirs to interact with peoples lives let alone ask for money ? i dont understand ? do you have to pay the government for having children ?

Its payments from one parent to another to support a child.

26-02-10, 04:19 PM
there are millions of horror stories about them!!

Unfortunately they have powers that means no court can touch them, theyre actually above the courts!!

what gets me is that there is 2 ends to the scale, they chase someone like me with everything they can throw at them, or they just send letters and take no-body to court to do absolutly nothing!! If i were to let them take me to court they'd rape me for everything I own!!

About to speak to them about taking it towards an independent tribunal. I hope all goes well with this as if not then im royally screwed for the next few months.

26-02-10, 07:17 PM
It really pisses me off that people are just saying 'oh well you should have kept your dick in your pants'. You dont know in what circumstances these children were conceived. I and my brothers and sister were planned but unfortunatly after 10 years my parents grew apart and the relationship ended. That then means my dad had a duty to provide for his children.

You can hardly just say 'oh well your fault'. Im sure many of you are in loving relationships with children atm but (heaven forbid) the relationship ended you would be in the same situation as novaguy!

26-02-10, 07:21 PM
It really pisses me off that people are just saying 'oh well you should have kept your dick in your pants'. You dont know in what circumstances these children were conceived. I and my brothers and sister were planned but unfortunatly after 10 years my parents grew apart and the relationship ended. That then means my dad had a duty to provide for his children.

You can hardly just say 'oh well your fault'. Im sure many of you are in loving relationships with children atm but (heaven forbid) the relationship ended you would be in the same situation as novaguy!

im with you on this!!!

26-02-10, 08:34 PM
Thankfully I managed to get hold of someone who doesn't think that im just not paying because im an asshole. So managed to have a reasonable conversation that every sentence doesn't end in "were taking 40% of your wages because you are non compliant!"

so now I know what im doing I can calm down for a bit.