View Full Version : Clifford concept 300 & central locking help!!

11-04-03, 11:52 AM
Right today were trying to figure out how to connect Novanutter's clifford concept 300 to work with central locking. he's got the interface and everything there already just not sure how to connect it up, we've got the driver and passenger motors from the volvo 340 gls (novaload guide) obviously we'll have to get another passenger motor but does anyone know how to wire the two together???

11-04-03, 02:41 PM
You should have a central locking output wire on the alarm & that should go onto the interface on the central locking apparently(not sure what wire it will connect to on the interface tho)...

12-04-03, 11:55 PM
*rummages around*

havent got the wiring diag on this PC its on my old one.

whjen i find a power cable to shuv up its a$$ ill fire it to life and put the wiring diags on

basically there is two wires on the nova central locking box you need to connect to it has pin locations and colours on it

*rummages further*

13-04-03, 03:28 AM
Ok, not knowing the full wiring of a Volvo or the Clifford 300 doesn't help but here goes. According to my dutch instructions for the Clifford (Don't ask!) and from reading Micky's guide it's gonna go something like this:
On the Clifford loom you should have a grey/orange wire and a grey/green wire, these are the 2 wires that control the locking and unlocking. Now from reading what Micky has put up these will have to be connected to the green and yellow wires of the motors.
Now, because I haven't done this before I would try this on the motors out of the car first just to check it does work this way.

If that fails you can just get hold of a pair of 2 wire door motors and a couple of 5 pin relays and wire it in that way, which might be the easier option.


14-04-03, 10:49 PM
look on www.clifford.com for guide on alarm which should show wiring diagram