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23-02-10, 08:51 PM

How long did it take you to get into it?
ive always wanted to play one, but when ive picked one up ive never got the "hang of it"
although some of the mates can play anything you ask them to.

im considering buying a acoustic type guitar and spend and few hours a night until i can play a few songs!

23-02-10, 09:19 PM
I had a year of lessons when was about 15, then i played it for about 2 years most days, but then while moving a few times it got put away, and then lost interest. You have to have a lot of spare time on your hands to be any good i think

23-02-10, 09:39 PM
I started playing when i was about 13 now 21, I've never had lessons and never really been very good, I played everyday until I got a proper gf and spent more time "hopping on the good foot and doing the bad thing" then playing

Years go by a and I pick it up every now and again and can rattle off loads of riff but no full songs(terrible memory)

You have to be dedicated and the rest will fall into place

My guitars...

LTD with Zakk Wylde ESP humbuckers



My Lag Spring acoustic, very recommended as a first acoustic great for the money, i've had it years




23-02-10, 09:42 PM
Yep, done the old band thing travelled round the country and into europe for a small bit.

Got my dream set up.

Pick them up occationally at home now.

Gibson Les Paul Custom (Vintage Sunburst) . . . . . . . . .Fender Stratocaster

Takemine LTD-99 Electro-accoustic

Electrics go through aMarshall Valve Amp.

Hmmm, Marshall + Les Paul = Classic :thumb: :cool:

23-02-10, 09:49 PM
Love it Keif

What kind of music did you tour?

23-02-10, 09:54 PM
Love the Les Paul, i wanted one not long ago, not to play, to sit on the wall!

23-02-10, 10:09 PM
The music wasn't cool, but got alot of (female) interest.
Done the whole "Stars in your eyes" thing with a Bryan Adams band, them did an ABBA show that hit the cruises for a while.

They're old pics from my last house.
The LP is in a cool spot now, as a female friend says "Well Hung"

I'll post a pic tomorrow.

23-02-10, 10:21 PM
. . . . . . . . .Fender Stratocaster
it will be mine, oh yes it will be mine...

I tried and failed at the guitar :(. Much respect for anyone that can play. :)
Nice axes BTW Keith :cool: Hanging them on the wall reminds me of a bar I used to go to, Trillions. They have a bass on the wall and it's like Sword in the stone the way numerous people have tried to acquire it over the years. lol

23-02-10, 11:20 PM
i play been playing for about 9 years now ish and ive got 5 :) Keif, that les paul is gorgeous!!!

23-02-10, 11:21 PM
I attempted to start playing it but could never get the hang of it even after lessons etc

24-02-10, 09:58 AM
I had lessons when I was a kid, probably from 11 to about 16. I got pretty good, but wasn't really into the classical (bleugh) music my teacher taught, so in the end I quit.

On a plus note though, I think the fact that I gained the movement and co-ordination in my fingers at a youngish age has made me pretty damn good at Guitar Hero :d

24-02-10, 10:29 AM
a friend of mine got given an acoustic and thought funk it and booked a few lessons (as their cheap as chips round here) and watched a lot of youtube tutoriols(sp), he not brilliant but can play a few songs resonably well

24-02-10, 11:02 AM
Been playing for years now. Have been in bands since I was sixteen, one way and another. I'll post some pics of the guitars when I get home - there are far too many of them!

Guitar's easy enough if you're prepared to put the practise in. Learning things is easy - you just have to work at it until your muscle memory developes to the point where you can play chords and riffs without having to think about where your fingers should go. I used to work in a music shop and the main reason that a lot of people give up is that it hurts your fingers, (joints, tips and tendons) hands and wrists. The amount of people who came in asking "Is there an easier guitar to play than the one I've got, 'cos mine hurts me?" was ridiculous. You just have to keep going until you build up your fitness - you wouldn't expect to become a gymnast over night just by having a quick bash at it, and guitar's the same.

If you're going to get one, get one from a guitar shop, not from ficking Tesco's or off the internet. You need to get some advice from a professional when buying one. That isn't the cheapset way of buying one, but it'll be the best and most reliable and you'll get the benefit of some proper after-sales service as well.

If you need any help, give me a shout. It seeems like there are a good few people on here who know what they're on about.

24-02-10, 01:08 PM
Rep+ Jack good advice

The only time playing hurts me these days, is trying to rip Slayer riffs on my acoustic haha

24-02-10, 01:28 PM
The only time playing hurts me these days, is trying to rip Slayer riffs on my acoustic haha

Yup, that'll hurt! I remember Megadeth doing a whole acoustic set a few years ago and Mustaine saying that it was a real killer.

24-02-10, 01:40 PM
Hangar 18 on acoustic is bad, i'd never attempt Holy wars

Can play Angel of death with sky high action untill RSI comes knocking on my door haha

24-02-10, 02:41 PM
I had a nasty condition a few years ago called tendon cilovitis, which is an inflammation of the tendon sheaths. Hurt like hell, and made me wise up to warming up properly and working on my playing stance.

In fact, while we're handing out advice, that's about the best bit of advice you can be given - do some research about how to look after your hands!!

24-02-10, 03:17 PM
Keif, that les paul is gorgeous!!!
It sounds better than it looks. :cool:

Here's an arty shot (taken this afternoon)
Shows off the colour perfectly.

As for where it is.
Let's just say there's NO chance of it falling, I made sure of that.

Get's picked off the wall easily enough, and more than it did.

24-02-10, 03:29 PM
That's some nice axe worshipping D.I.Y there!

24-02-10, 11:12 PM
Having trouble retrieving pics, but here are a couple of mine:

Severely limited edition Ibanez Iceman (only 27 in the UK, this is No.1


Crappy pic of some of the collection. L to R: Iceman, Fender Telecaster, Fender Stratocaster, 1966 Gibson SG Junior, 1989 Gibson Les Paul Custom, Epiphone Sheraton.


I also have a Gibson Les Paul Standard, a Gibson LP Junior 1958 re-issue and an old beaten-up Tanglewood acoustic.

24-02-10, 11:16 PM
MMM geiger

Welsh Dan
25-02-10, 10:24 AM
Its easy to pick up once you get past the stage where it hurts. Not all cheap guitars are crap. I started with a Squier Stratocaster which I kept for a few years until I moved onto a Fender Stratocaster (Sunburst with a DiMarzio humbucker and a Floyd Rose tremolo for those interested). When I went to uni I didn't have the time to play so I eventually sold it :(.

27-02-10, 05:58 PM
just watched this guy play one..
how awsome is that
