View Full Version : Legalish help + Nova hating

22-02-10, 02:15 PM
Fcuking god damn heap of shÃ*t Nova has AGAIN come back to cause me more shÃ*t!!

Basically the car ended up at a specialist Vauxhall breakers some time back where is was sold on.

However, Friday morning I get a letter from the DVLA with a £40 fine as its not taxed??

Its still registered in my name, buts it new owner is apparently LETing it ready for PV this year???

Ive been to see the breakers, the owner is FAR from pleased, as i get the impression my old shell was sold "out the back door" kinda thing without being re-registered! Ive spoken to DVLA (who couldnt care less) an VOSA who are very intruiged by this case :d

The breaker yard owner seems pretty peeved off about it all an is doing his upmost to get me a name/address of its current owner for me re-register it & direct fines his way.

However, VOSA say as its still legally my car, im well within my rights to take it back lol (as if I would anyway!) & AFAIK there paying a certain Vaux breakers a visit :thumb:

Yes ok its initiailly my fault for trusting who i though was a mate to send the logbook off when i first got rid off it, turns out he hasnt. BUT youd like to think a proffessional specailist breakers would atleast do it!!!

Legally, where do i stand on what here. Any one have any idea at all?? Local plod arent interested as its a civil case, DVLA dont care as i cant provide an address & it cant be registered to no one. Its only VOSA who are even remotely interested.

Halp please.

22-02-10, 02:36 PM
My dad had this problem with a tax fine, He sold a manta to a guy from ireland. The car was sorn on the drive but when the irish guy picked it up he had no trailer & wanted to drive it back. afew weeks went by & a fine came throu for £60 no matter what you say to the dvla they wont budge. The cars in your name & its your responsible for the fine. He ended up paying the fine as you face court & up to £1000 fine if not paid.

Always send the log book off yourself or get something in writting signed by the new owner stating name, address, date & time of sale.

As for the above, Pay the fine but keep a copy for yourself & write something on the fine like paid under protest & add the details above to avoid further fines or court action that way when your find out the new owners details you can get back the money.

22-02-10, 03:26 PM
You have to sign the logbook anyway to say you no longer own it so you couldnt really expect the breakers yard to do anything, logbook wise.....?

22-02-10, 03:33 PM
did you get a receipt??

in all official literature, the registered keeper is not necessarily the owner.....

22-02-10, 03:35 PM
did you get a receipt??

Yep, god knows where that is tho lol

22-02-10, 03:47 PM
i thought you had put it into storage

22-02-10, 03:48 PM
i thought you had put it into storage

I did, then sold it on. Though everyone knew about that lol

22-02-10, 03:49 PM
nope last i heard you had it in storage and were keeping until you could be arsed to do something with it

22-02-10, 04:01 PM
nope last i heard you had it in storage and were keeping until you could be arsed to do something with it

Oh lol

The doing something with, was er, selling it lol lol

22-02-10, 05:22 PM
unfortunatly mate its your responsibility to provide details of new owners give the dvla the breakers yard details as thats who you sold it to, then it will be upto them

22-02-10, 06:12 PM
Yep, its up to YOU to inform the DVLA of change of keeper/scrapping of a car, not the new keeper/scrapyard. So you don't have much choice here other than to pay the fine, assuming that you didn't inform them.

22-02-10, 06:14 PM
Yep, its up to YOU to inform the DVLA of change of keeper/scrapping of a car, not the new keeper/scrapyard. So you don't have much choice here other than to pay the fine, assuming that you didn't inform them.

Im fully aware of that bit but its the principal of its STILL owned by me kinda thing, even tho some other mug has got it, an obviously seems reluctant to register it to him/herself! Legally where do i stand with that (if anywhere?)

22-02-10, 06:17 PM
Well in that case the scrapyard get in trouble for not informing the DVLA of the sale.

General Baxter
22-02-10, 06:17 PM
pay the fine, wait for him to fit the let, then get it back lol

22-02-10, 06:19 PM
call/write to the dvla and inform them your not the owner anymore, and give em that vaux breakers name/number.

22-02-10, 06:22 PM
I can see you paying the fine.

Soon as the car leave your ownership get it signed off.

22-02-10, 06:22 PM
Ah well, you'll have at least learnt a lesson. I would never sell a car without sending off the logbook myself, not with all the possibl fines etc.

22-02-10, 06:28 PM
The fine aint the issue at all, its only £40, not asif its like £100 or owt.

According to VOSA i can perfectly legally reqeust the vehicle be returned to me tho apparently lol dont know wether thats a good thing or not lol

22-02-10, 06:29 PM
The fine aint the issue at all, its only £40, not asif its like £100 or owt.

According to VOSA i can perfectly legally reqeust the vehicle be returned to me tho apparently lol dont know wether thats a good thing or not lol

As above wait for the let to go in it lol

22-02-10, 06:29 PM
gerit back and sell it on again??? :D

22-02-10, 06:29 PM
The Issue you being silly and not signing it over.

22-02-10, 06:29 PM
Tell them it got nicked again lol

22-02-10, 06:31 PM
Tell them it got nicked again lol

I was actually thinking that, just for a laff as TBH, the GM spares place it went to, i dont really like them anyway lol

22-02-10, 06:37 PM
You said you earn 60k or something anyway :roll: so obviously the fine isn't the issue. I just don't see the point in having the hassle when the new 'owner' gets clocked going through speed cameras etc when everything is easily changed over at the price of a stamp.

22-02-10, 06:39 PM
You said you earn 60k or something anyway :roll:

LMFAO i wish, more like £20k Lynz