View Full Version : Repairing Trolley Jacks???

21-02-10, 07:36 PM
Has anyone ever done it? Was it Hard? I've got 3 here, 2 don't work and the 3rd is leaking oil worse than a Fiat, worth repairing them or just scrap them? I got them free so it doens't really matter, just seems a shame

Tony M
21-02-10, 07:37 PM
I think there cheap enough to buy these days mate. Prob for the time and getting your hands dirty I wouldn't even bother.

21-02-10, 07:37 PM
scrap and move on!!

21-02-10, 07:38 PM
Depends whats wrong with them, in the past i've managed to get hold of refurb kit's but i'm not sure if all manufacturers do them or not. It would probably be worth it if it was cheaper than going and buying a new jack but because of what they are used for you would maybe be safer to just bin them.

21-02-10, 07:39 PM
Thier all Clarke jacks, looked on MachineMarts website but can't see any 'repair' kits

21-02-10, 07:43 PM
i know you can get them repaired/refurbed - best bet would be yellow pages tho and phoning a company - all depends how much it costs agaisnt replacing them

21-02-10, 07:46 PM
I got a repair kit for my blue-point big jack, Still hasnt fixed it though and it still dont go high enough to jack up my nova and it dont hold its height.

Your best of just scrapping it and moving on tbh.

21-02-10, 07:46 PM
if done a few that had pissed oil alover the place, but i got the seals from a place in rotherham called city seals and bearings,top shop in my eyes purfic mach up just fidly job

21-02-10, 10:25 PM
because of what they are used for you would maybe be safer to just bin them.


Even if you can be repaired, its not worth the time and money to do so, + i personaly would never trust a jack that has been repaired.