View Full Version : Valentine's day storys.

15-02-10, 12:35 AM
Ok ok i know this maybe a bit to mushy for some of you out there but ive just got back from a fantastic time away in Bournmouth with Elsie.
I was told to be at hers yesterday and to bring an over night bag.
I thought it was just going to be the normal stay round hers like i do most saturday nights but once there she came out to the car and told me to put this post code into the satnav.
We endded up in a lovely appartment looking out to sea at Bournmouth.
That is all im telling but we had good times ;)
Thanks hun
x x
So what did every body else get up to ?.

15-02-10, 12:36 AM
cheeky cow using ur petrol shocking that

sounds real nice :)

15-02-10, 12:38 AM
cheeky cow using ur petrol shocking that

sounds real nice :)
I think it was fair as she forked out £200 for the room for the night.
I think i came off alot better as only used 1/4 of a tank in the coupe

15-02-10, 12:39 AM
i snapped my breaker bar :( no woman :thumbs:

15-02-10, 12:43 AM
i took rubbish to the tip, my other half aint well and slept most of the day, RESULT :) no mushy crap for me, no cards no chocolates and no flowers FTW

15-02-10, 12:47 AM
She got a 2 bucket wash and some T cut.

15-02-10, 12:55 AM
All was going well till i got us a tequila sunrise each from the bar.£18.50 for 2 drinks.
Not happy at the price but after 2 bulmers each and a hole bottle of champain i couldnt even see the time on the clock lol
Great night tho.

15-02-10, 03:53 PM
aahhhh :)

15-02-10, 04:02 PM
i spent the night cuddled up with the woman watching films and then went bed going back for round 2 tonite :thumb:

15-02-10, 05:02 PM
I caught up with Lyndsey over the dog & bone, couldnt be bothered to go round & its not as if shes my "other half" so meh.

15-02-10, 05:14 PM
All was going well till i got us a tequila sunrise each from the bar.£18.50 for 2 drinks.
Not happy at the price but after 2 bulmers each and a hole bottle of champain i couldnt even see the time on the clock lol
Great night tho.

That bed looks really short......

15-02-10, 05:14 PM
ice skating with a big group of us ftw lol then out til half 5 in the morning with a few mates and a girl ive never met but shes top notch!!

15-02-10, 05:33 PM
i ignored a girl who was texting all day about going to the movies..

15-02-10, 05:37 PM
lol at all of you:)

Was at a party on sat night, then went back to hers, lets just say her mum wouldn't even look at us in the morning, kept her awake till 3:30! lol

Top lay though tbf lollollol

15-02-10, 05:37 PM
i ignored a girl who was texting all day about going to the movies..

lol lol lol

i ignored a girl also as im complete un interested:thumb:

15-02-10, 05:38 PM
lol at all of you:)

Was at a party on sat night, then went back to hers, lets just say her mum wouldn't even look at us in the morning, kept her awake till 3:30! lol

Top lay though tbf lollollol

thas not got a good fcuk in thee ladlol :p

15-02-10, 05:41 PM
i got a cooked meal was very.thencouldn't wait till bed time :)

15-02-10, 05:48 PM
Last year on Valentines day (well VDay night), was on the sofa with the missus on top kinda thing, going at it as you do, an me being the complete retared fúck up that i am randomly shouted "pancakes"

That kinda ruined the whole intimate passion jack rabbit bonening session completly :(

Also have a little epic cock up story about something that happened during the day but thats for another thread....

15-02-10, 05:52 PM
Also have a little epic cock


15-02-10, 06:04 PM
mike, st.pancakes day is tomorrow....... are you having a toss???

15-02-10, 06:06 PM
lol lol lol

i ignored a girl also as im complete un interested:thumb:
i ended up kissing with her saterday tbh..

i'm home alone this week, and now she's texting all day about coming over... so i told her that i wanted some sexy time, and she texted back that's not why she wants to come over...

i stopped texting after thatlol

15-02-10, 06:09 PM
I had the best valentines ever being single! Great night out with a few friends on saturday, huge lie in and fry up cooked for me on sunday, then chilled out for a few hours then went for a meal and cheesecake mission with a great bunch of friends, with a card and a single rose from someone special :P

dave watson
15-02-10, 06:10 PM
i ended up kissing with her saterday tbh..

i'm home alone this week, and now she's texting all day about coming over... so i told her that i wanted some sexy time, and she texted back that's not why she wants to come over...

i stopped texting after thatlol

haha onley wants 1 thing

15-02-10, 06:11 PM
i ended up kissing with her saterday tbh..

i'm home alone this week, and now she's texting all day about coming over... so i told her that i wanted some sexy time, and she texted back that's not why she wants to come over...

i stopped texting after thatlol

Your my new Herolol

Maybe is was a win win situation that you didnt get in her pantslol

always next weekend bud