View Full Version : Road to perdition..

09-04-03, 09:59 AM
after lookin at that fav films post i decided to watch 'The road to perdition' and thought it was f..ckin excelent! good in so many ways, well acted, great soundtrack, very well shot etc.. carnt remeber who had it in there post sayin it was one of there favs , but yea well worth a watch if ya havent already seen it...

09-04-03, 10:36 AM
Yeah, its a good film. Would never have put Tom Hanks in that role, but he played it very well.


09-04-03, 03:25 PM
One of my fave's definitely. Not sure if it was me who mentioned it though (think so).

Another film that i REALLY recommend is 'One Hour Photo'. Fuckin' excellent! It's like a 21st Century 'Taxi Driver'.

Edited to add: Also 'Frailty' is absolutely great too! About a serial axe chopping killer person, who thinks he's doing God's work and slaying demons. Some nice twists in the plot too.

09-04-03, 03:27 PM
i watched oceans 11 last night, quality film!!!!

09-04-03, 11:51 PM
oceans 11 is quality just coz they have so many famous actors in it

also i hear animal farm is quite good BBBBBBAAAAAAAA :D