View Full Version : Quick XBox question

11-02-10, 03:21 PM
Wanna buy a XBox 360 for myself as the one we have is my bro's so I can't take it with me lol

Seen the Argos ad on TV for a base model and controller for £99.99. I originally wanted a pro system with the 60GB HDD etc but I can get them extra 'bits' on ebay for chips money.

Is there any console spec difference between the what used to be 'pro' system and the 'arcade' system. i.e do they bot have HDMI, do they use the same mobo with the newer cooling system?

If they are the same then that's all I need to know.


11-02-10, 03:43 PM
As far as i could see when i was buying mine the only real difference is the storage. Saying tha i'm fairly terrible with computers and such like though so i probably wouldnt take my word for it lol

puss puss
11-02-10, 06:59 PM
got a xbox 360 elite myself would never look back i love the thing to bits :)

erm with the new cooling motherboard and that bla bla bla i read up about it a while ago and basicly you have to go round "poking" the box in the shops so you can see the serial code. Theres a special one that determines which motherboard it is.

Am pretty sure they all came with hdmi i cant remember tbh.

If you have the money go for a elite just for the huge storage :) (although i have heard of a super elite 250gb hard drive :o)

11-02-10, 07:03 PM
meh PS3 FTW

death box is the devils work :wtf:

11-02-10, 07:03 PM
Elite's an some of the very latest models haev Jasper chipsets, 3 year garantee against RROD, alot quiter then previous models as they run 150w instead of 175w.

Personally id just get a Jasper Elite vie ebay for £130ish delivered.

puss puss
11-02-10, 07:14 PM
ps3 smd that is all :)

Thats it the jasper chip couldnt remember the name :)

11-02-10, 07:17 PM
ps3 smd that is all :)

Thats it the jasper chip couldnt remember the name :)

The Jaspers also happen to have 512Mb internal memory instead of the norm 56Mb.
An TBH, no one on this planet needs to a damn 60Gb HDD!!

11-02-10, 07:25 PM
Get an elite.
1 its black,
b it has a bigger hdd,

I sat and played my mates for 8hours straight, never had a prob with it over heating. (that with the game installed so the diskdrives not spinning, cause that sucks)

11-02-10, 07:39 PM
I've never had any problems with my Xbox but my PS3 did break. Im quite into xbox live now as i play Fifa and get hammered by everyone i play lol

puss puss
11-02-10, 08:00 PM
Get an elite.
1 its black,
b it has a bigger hdd,

+1 :thumb:

11-02-10, 11:13 PM
My bro has the previous pro version with the 20GB HDD. It's been fine and no problems so far we've had it for like 4 years now, but it's sometimes rather noisy as if your travelling down the M25 with your window open lol.

I'd prefer to go for a basic system and just get the HDD seperate (cheap on eBay) as I already got games, plus a controller and got the HD-DVD player add on too. Had a feeling that It's a case of poking the box to see if it's the newer mobo.

Any info on what I should look out for serial wise?

12-02-10, 07:13 AM
you only need a bigger hard drive if your gonna be downloading movies from XBL

and im pretty sure the lower consoles dont have the HDMI slot. or maybe that was the "older" consoles. befor the elite came out.

and on the ps3 xbox war thingy. look at it this way. xboxs are now 100 quid new, must be crap. ps3's are still expensive, so must be good lol

12-02-10, 08:02 AM
you only need a bigger hard drive if your gonna be downloading movies from XBL

That's not true, playing a lot of games and keeping the "saves" fills up space quite fast, my mates is iirc half full.

12-02-10, 01:51 PM
The older arcade/core systems never had HDMI but AFAIK the newer mobo XBox's all come with HDMI. The arcade just misses the extra equipment given with the elite.

12-02-10, 07:17 PM
Any info on what I should look out for serial wise?

You can identify a Jasper by checking for the power output of 12.1Amps (labeled next to the main power input port) on the back that is slightly visible from the hole on the back of the box. Any without this will read 14.2Amps
hope this helps pal:thumb:

12-02-10, 07:34 PM
Cheers Auzzy. I went to Argos today and in the catalogue it mentioned that the system had 245MB memory. From what I read the latest Arcade system has 512MB memory.

Anyway they had none in stock lol

13-02-10, 08:22 AM
Yes, due to the revisions the catalogue may be wrong.

Just get a new system with a HDMI port, the jasper board came out in around july 2009, so just check the date on the back, you would be very unlucky to be picking up a previous version new now anyway lol

13-02-10, 09:15 AM
You can identify a Jasper by checking for the power output of 12.1Amps (labeled next to the main power input port) on the back that is slightly visible from the hole on the back of the box. Any without this will read 14.2Amps
hope this helps pal:thumb:

That not very acturate tho, as you can end up with an older console but a new low power lead :thumb:

13-02-10, 07:09 PM
Cheers for the info. Will keep checking to see if I can get one. They seem to bo out of stock lol