View Full Version : FIBREGLASSING???

08-04-03, 10:32 AM
Alrite dudes, I picked up a bargain(I hope lol) I got a supernova front bumper with some damage to the one side for a ?5er- so I am now looking for tips on fibreglassing :) I will try putting some pics up when I manage to take some good uns :) its got the foglites in it still etc :D

08-04-03, 10:51 AM
sounds excellent - post pics and I'll give you a hand


08-04-03, 10:58 AM
rite, bin trying to upload a pic or 2 on the album section, will see if this works:- http://www.novaload.net/forums/album_view.php?id=635

08-04-03, 11:02 AM
That pic works but i cant see what needs fibreglassing?? :roll: I will give you a tenner for it :wink:

08-04-03, 11:04 AM
check this pic out mate :( I will be willing to swap for bits depending wot u have ;) does the pic show or just the link? http://www.novaload.net/forums/album_view.php?id=636

08-04-03, 11:06 AM
The pic doesn't show just the link put the tags either side of the link.

Ah i see the problem now.

What would you like to swap it for? Any parts in particular?

08-04-03, 02:48 PM
cant make out wots wrong - pic looks like something out of Star wars -

An Imperial Bumper cruiser owned by lord nova!


08-04-03, 02:50 PM

08-04-03, 02:53 PM
Have a look on the second pic! That is sure to show you whats wrong!!


Not a massive job. Bit of fibreglassing and filler bobs your uncle!

08-04-03, 02:54 PM
Bargain! worth a fiver! & could be fixed with time and effort...

08-04-03, 10:19 PM
Bargain! worth a fiver! & could be fixed with time and effort...

use a metal plate behind the bumper for strenght, looks like it craked all the way though - will re inforce it

09-04-03, 01:53 PM
best thing to do is blow out (using compressed air all grit and loos bits from the 2 section (I'm presuming theyre still attached to each other.

Remove all splinters and bits that prevent the gap from closing properly

Then drizzle liquid resin inbetween the gaps (if you can prise the bits apart pain it on the 2 halves) and then secure it so it will set (usually 1 hour or so). This will glue the bits together.

From the inside of the bumper you need to reinforce the area. Apply resin, then fibre matting, then more resin on toip, working the resoin into the fibre so it disolves. Once almost disolved, apply more resin and glass on top and spread it around. Its important to allow the resin to partly disolve so it creates a strong reinforced plastic. spread the matting and resin over a wide area of the crack (5" each side if you can) After about 3 layers you may like Mike said want to reinforce it with metal mesh. This isnt essential as the build up of resin and matting will secure most of it.

Once set, on the outside, drizzle resin iinto larger holes in the crack. Work this into the cracks to remove air pockets. This will also help dissolve any exposed matting edges, creating a hard edge.

Once set (leave 24 hours or so), you can sand back the excess and then fill using filler. Once smoothed right back and blended in, you can then finish and seal using cellulose putty. This will seal the area ready for painting (after very delicate sanding).


09-04-03, 11:32 PM
looks a bit of a mess, well worth 5 notes tho!!
If it was me i would start off by trying to get the cracks level and neat which would probably mean cutting some of the fibreglass away, then use mesh and fiberglass matting on the back to reinforce it.
Let that dry for a couple of hours and then try to fill the gaps on the outside with resin before smoothing over with filler.

I used to work with fibreglass and carbon fibre at work and i used to get so fcuked off with it but if you take your time and stay calm you should be ok.

10-04-03, 08:08 AM
My racing bike fairing is basically made from bits of touched up fibreglass. They cost ?300 new and every time you drop it :cry: it wrecks the fairing so just patch it up!! Just check out my website in the paintwork section to see what can be done!!