View Full Version : The LOUDEST

12-12-00, 06:46 PM
Which is the loudest exhaust u can get? i've been told Ashley's r pretty loud, but i like the bb4's cos they're massive and probably loud too, so any information would help, oh yeah, i had a janspeed so compare to that if u can TA!

www.geocities.com/sukhithegod check out wat is left of my car, crash pics on their too before and after! cheers

12-12-00, 07:45 PM
If you want LOUD, and I mean BLOODY LOUD! Have BTB make you up a custom system in 2 1/4" Stainless Steel, with a 4-branch manifold. It takes them about 3-4 weeks to make and a full day to fit to the car (...custom made!) I've got one on my 16v. . . sounds as loud a F@*K!!! er.. costs ?800 though!

:) Dec

12-12-00, 08:08 PM
bb4 is fitted to my sr my g/f hears me before i get there, lol

13-12-00, 07:02 PM
I have an ashley 3" back box, sounds mean, fitted it myself and they only cost ?55.